misunderstood masterpiece
Misunderstood masterpiece
what did people misunderstand?
The shit weapons?
The slow combat?
The tedious flashlight juggling that retains all the charm of a turd sandwich after 4 minutes?
The corridor levels that have all the branching pathways of a pringles tube?
The worst shotgun in the history of videogames?
The boring bossfights?
The shitty Macguffin that was as satisfying to use as a penny in a vending machine?
The gravity gun ripoff?
What exactly was misunderstood? Doom 3 was a shit game.
It truly is a great game.
This nigger is a faggot and probably a redditor too
It's not misunderstood in VR
there it's just a masterpiece
Expansion was great.
You're not going to get a single actual argument against this.
nostalgianiggers should be gassed.
>The worst shotgun in the history of videogames?
That would be Halo 2
It's pretty fun in VR where you can hold the flashlight with your other hand. Still not better than classic Doom, though.
it's definitely not just a shit game but you aren't exactly wrong either
Everything you said is wrong
Also how is combat even "slow" when every encounter is over in less than five seconds
I understood it and liked it, I just don't see why it bore the Doom title. Doom was never a horror game, it had a handful of arguably spooky bits littered around, but they were more to make the player panic rather than to actually try and spook you, and most levels simply didn't have that at all.
I don't remember much about this game, but I do remember there being a lot of backtracking and boring level design
the lighting, visuals, sound effects and ambients were unparallelled only with quake 1s at the time. stfu retard. hl2 is fucking shit. This game singlehandedly inspired one of the BEST games of gen 7, Deadspace 1.
>civvie 11 said it's good so that means my opinion is that it's good!
Argue against a single point. Just one. I'll even give you an easy one, The hell levels when i said the levels resemble a pringles can in terms of directions you can go.
the hell levels are a toilet bowl
How much time does it have to pass for people to think a bad game was "misunderstood" or "underrated"?
no that would be halo 1
It would be a classic if the weapons were not terrible. The pistol sucks, the shotgun is the worst shotgun in any game, the weird rifle sounds weak. The BFG is good, but you barely get to use it. The plasma rifle is polarizing, I think it's pretty cool, but it does sound weak.
Other than that it's a great game. The audio design is 10/10 outside of the weapon sounds. The shadows still hold up. Probably the best use of audio logs in any game.
The people complaining about the game being too dark are brainlets. The people complaining about the game being slow are zoomers who only know how to play fast when someone tells them that they need to go fast, you can play the original games slowly and you can run trough Doom 3 levels, it all depends on (You).
Well fuck them for trying to breathe new life into what had become a stale and monotonous gameplay. Granted it didn't really do anything new either and it may not have been the best new direction to take the series in, but nostalgiafags would have complained no matter what direction it was taken.
>civvie 11
Except it's useful past 1 foot in Combat Evolved
I don't argue with redditors
You mean the expansion
co-op was hella cool. Loved the game
this is like what Aliens is for scifi horror.
This is better than classic doom.
it's certainly not a masterpiece but it's not bad, i still like to play it occasionally
Too easy with the artefact.
Still enjoyed it.
Doom 3 is a better game than Half Life 2.
>every encounter is over in less than five seconds
that doesn't make the combat fast? Just shit engagements. Mostly because there's never more than 7 enemies thrown at you at once.
Reddit loves d33m. I don't need to hear opinions from shrimp dicked oil country teenagers who wash their balls once every 4 years.
I felt everything you said, I really think this game is holding on nostalgia because it didn't aged well at all
Doom I & II > Doom (2016) > Doom 3
I cannot overstate the accuracy of this statement. CE shotgun even on legendary would put mother fuckers down. Halo 2? It can't even one hit gunts at point blank range.
Meh, I liked the atmosphere but the combat was dull and the second half of the game was shit.
So their solution to fix the stale gameplay was to make it even worse?
>second half of the game was shit.
What, that's the best part, non stop combat without cutscenes interrupting the flow.
It's literally Doom 1 put in a modern engine. I've never understood why people have such issues with it but worship Doom 1 despite them being identical games. I'm certain 99% of modern gamers only played doom 1 in a source port and not the original which was incredibly fucking dark and slow as well
Nice argument you cocksucking degenerate. Now tell us what the fuck does hl2 have to do with this shitshow of a game? Besides your endless asspain?
Lol what a faggot
Who invited the contrarian faggot?
>Non-stop dull combat
I tried finishing this, I just can't.
I uninstalled and never looked back.
Who the fuck made these enemy encounters?
>[youtuber] said it's good so that means my opinion is that it's bad!
That's not Half Life 2.
>Who the fuck made these enemy encounters?
>You can counter all enemies by just giving little steps because its super obvious theres places as soon you step in monsters spawn
>Games becomes super easy after you notice that
It was damn retarded yeah
I never said Civvie 11. Imagine having a Youtuber living in your head rent fee.
except RE4 was the inspiration for dead space
just mechanically. the visuals of RE4 are pathetic compared to doom3 or deadspace 1's.
The story is also borderline retarded.
it was supposed to be System Shock 3 until they decided to copy RE4
And I just told you I liked the game. But that's not enough for you obsessed faggots. For some reason you want me to admit the game is exactly like Doom when it's not.
But Dead Space ended up being considerably superior to RE4.
It's the only Doom I like and it's also the Doom games for people who don't like Doom. I can live with that because regular Doom is just completely braindead boomershit
Yeah it's Doom 3
Claiming Doom3 is good is literally the easiest bait you could ever imagine
The absolute worst sound design of any game. Chaingun literally sounds like farting.
>shit weapons
plasma gun, super shotgun, minigun, and bfg say hi
>slow combat
lmao stop playing on easy
>tedious flashlight juggling
bfgpleb edition is that way
>corridor levels
half life 2 is literally the same, and it gets praised for it
>worst shotgun
super shotgun is fucking great, regular shotgun is garbage though
>boring bossfights
take about a minute to complete each
>shitty macguffin
why the fuck are you even using it? are you that bad?
>gravity gun ripoff
rarely used except for moving some crates
It's a good game, but it's not a DOOM game.
>yfw you will live to see a time where Yas Forums actually claims DmC is a great game that was misunderstood
>yfw they won't be trolling
My opinion is there has never been a bad DOOM game. It is the only series i can think of off the top of my head where that is the case. Every game is the series is at least decent.
There's been retards saying that since the piece of shit came out, nothing new here.
doom used to be what the engine decided to
carmac said "now there shall be shadows" and doom 3 came
>there has never been a bad DOOM game
Until now.
Very few. It will come round that it will be a commonly held belief within 5 years.
too bad some of that effort in making a lighting engine didn't get shifted into make the game play good