Is the vive better or worse than the Oculus S?
Also VR general
monitoring this thread, I wanna get the HTC Vive but I don't know anything about the occulus
Oculus is usually cheaper, and the Rift S is portable in the sense that it doesn't need sensors installed. Rift S has a lower quality image, though.
I am thinking of getting a vive used, so it may be around the price of a new Rift S
Depends on what you want. The Vive has an upgradable path over the Rift S (or Oculus S as you put it), meaning you can swap out the wand controllers for something like the Index controllers (or knuckles).
The Rift S has no upgrade path, but has a much sharper looking screen. The tracking between the two is pretty much identical and the comfort between the two is pretty much the same as well.
If you want a one and done kind of purchase, get the Oculus Rift S. If you want to upgrade your controllers later on, get the Vive.
It's hard not to go with the Vive when you put it like that. The vive and the Rift S are similar in price range
Vive is 4-year old tech, what do you think?
I bought a used vive for under $300 in October and am very happy with my purchase. I was blown away with it initially, but there are a few issues:
low resolution
small sweet spot
god rays
You can fix the latter two by purchasing the GearVR lens mod for $50, which I highly recommend. For increased comfort you can also grab the Deluxe Audio Strap.
I picked up the index controllers and they're great. Maybe once the index hmd drops in price, or when a more substantial upgrade is available I'll purchase it.
With accessories like that the OG Vive can become quite expensive, but the initial cost of entry is still very low and you can upgrade as you go and see fit. I think it's a smart move overall, even if the initial experience is inferior to something like the Rift S. And facebook can't see you jerking off to waifu porn, so there's that.
As someone who has a Vive, a Quest and an Index I would get the Rift S over a Vive. The image quality and ease of use are so much better.
I'm a bit worried about valve's slow adoption of XR, if we go another few months without any news that's a bad sign
Depends on how much money are you willing to spend. The OG vive is no longer being made therefore more expensive.
between the two the pros and cons would be:
Vive has better tracking
Rift has better image quality
Vive has better image refresh rate
Rift is easier to set up
Rift has exclusive games. (major selling point. You CAN use a program called Revive to play them anyway)
Rift is cheaper
Rift controllers are far superior
Vive has purchasable upgrades such as Index controllers, deluxe audio strap and best of all wireless adapter.
Overall build quality of Vive is more sturdy, resistant to damage.
Both have their pros and cons, but as a vive user I would recommend you the Rift S simply because of how easy it is to set up. With a vive you would need a dedicated play area where you must leave the 2 "cameras" installed on your ceiling. However I think that after going all the trouble and one or two upgrades the vive gives the superior experience. it's just troublesome to get it right.
good post
+better fov
+lighthouses are better
-vive wands are an offense and they are garbage, dealbreaker right there
-more noticeable SDE
+better controllers
+easier setup
+better display
-not OLED
How is the cosmos and rift s?
dont bother with anything from htc, especially not cosmos with its shit tier tracking
I had a rift s but ended up returning it and buying a cv1 set for $250 with a replacement cable
overall rift s pretty good, but it's more a lenovo product than anything else and you can tell
if your ipd is not in the 61.5mm to 65.5mm range, forget it - as the thing doesn't have any manual hardware ipd adjustment at all
IMO the most important part of headset for enjoyable experience is screen and controllers.
When comparing screen sharpness Rift S is on a whole other level - almost no SDE, you can read small text and see details on far away object easily. Also nearly no godrays/glare due to updated optics. Vive is too dated simply doesn't hold up anymore.
Same goes for controllers - Oculus Touch is miles ahead of Wands. The remaining specs wary either way, but the differences aren't that significant.
The cosmos is supposedly a pretty poor package. Good specs on paper, lackluster execution. Haven't tested it out myself, but the reviews are unanimous.
If you want a non-upgradable all in one package then get the rift s.
it's shit
tested also did a video on various HMDs for HL:A, where the cosmos was the one they agreed was absolute dogshit that they wouldn't use
Sounds about right. I'm and am going to stick with that setup for the foreseeable future.
You guys saved me 700 bucks, I got my tax return and I was SUPER fucking close to buying it. Thanks.
just know this: they all have disadvantages and picking a HMD is basically picking your poison
the only one that has the least compromises and is generally considered the best is the index - but i suppose its price is its compromise
Yeah if I was sittin on a thousand dollars with nothing to do with it, I'd buy that. I'll wait for the next gen of that I think
the index honestly isn't even that much better than a standard rift
you didn't mention the con of Facebook spyware (they force you to have a Facebook account to even play online games)
The Vive OLED not only features a lower pixel resolution, but also uses Samsung's shitty PenTile (RGBG) matrix, giving it only two thirds of the subpixel count.
Considering the already very noticeable SDE on my Oculus Quest, which features about 80% more pixels than the Vive, using the same matrix and panel type, I don't even want to imagine how annoying that would be.
To compare:
Vive: 2.592m pixels, 5.184 subpixels
Quest: 4.608m pixels, 9.216m subpixels
Rift S: 3.686m pixels, 11.059m subpixels (RGB)
I'd highly recommend the Rift S over the Vive if you don't plan on getting Valve's knuckle controllers.
rright - but what's more important to you: better tracking and higher refresh rate or slower displays (quest 72hz, rift s 80hz) and shitty audio?
Once again nobody mentions the fucking fixed IPD of the Rift S
Considerably worse. Absolutely do not buy a Vive. They are rediculously overpriced despite not only being last gen, but the worst option of the last gen.
Another user mentioned the upgrade path of the vive, which is a huge benefit, but if that is something that interests you it is still much smarter to wait and save for an index.
it is still the better entry model if you want to switch to the index later. you would just need the index headset, and maybe later the controllers, or the other way around. the base stations work for v2 tracking hardware as well, so you wont need to buy these
>shitty audio
Can be dealt with by plugging in your own headphones
>higher refresh rate
I think featuring about twice the subpixel count is more significant, compared to ten extra Hertz.
>better tracking
Better tracking, but the controllers are debatable.
Still no. Even if you want to go with an Index down the line, you would still be better off getting a cheap WMR for now. Or just saving money up for the index directly.
Don't forget the Rift's fixed IPD. :^)
I rock the widows/samsung odyssey myself. same specs at vive, half the price.
but now there is an odyssey+...
I CANNOT be the only person who likes the vive wands, why do people hate them so much? I just don't see anything wrong with them at all.
nigga everyone agrees 1st gen touch are better than the weak plastic shit the second ones are
I want a Rift S, but nobody has them in stock. Are they even still producing these? I thought the oculus team was canned
>weak plastic shit the second ones are
They're all made of plastic, user.
the 2nd gen touch are worse, the ring is in the way and is on the top where on the cv1 its on the bottom, doesnt annoy you when cocking guns etc, gives you natural protection and is a lot sturdier too
also, they are a bit larger, fit better in your hands, the analogue sticks are better, the triggers and grip buttons are better
Pic related.
The Alyx hype also depleted a lot of stock already before that. They're occasionally available within my eurofag country over here, but quickly sold out every time.
That's cool and all, but we're talking about the Vive wands. I still take the second gen Oculus Touch ones over these.
The vive sucks hot ass, it looks like you're looking through a screen door. Oculus has a nose gap that's really noticable. Get a windows mixed reality headset (not the Acer one), or the index.
oh yeah, i completely agree
damn she's hot
Trackpads are worse than analog stick for everything but camera control, which is irrelevant in VR. The track pads also wear down quickly, but not so quickly that HTC will acknowledge it as a problem and fix them for you. They don't have enough buttons. The shape isn't great and doesn't fit your hand well. Pressing the side buttons to interact with things seems ok if you don't know better, but feels really awkward going back after getting use to Index controllers.
That all sounds bad, but I will also say they aren't completely unusable. Lack of buttons is really the biggest issue. Index controllers also have some really bizarre design choices I can't understand. There is just something about VR that makes controller designers lose it when it comes to the placement of the more standard non-VR specific components.
Everyone involved in VR at the concept/production level seem to be loath to make it classic video gamey, instead wanting it to be its own brand new paradigm full of "experiences" that even grandma can play
That's why the motion sickness thing has them so horrified, their casual harvesting dreams have been shattered and once again they find themselves catering to a hardcore niche
Valve has a boner for trackpads, it's what fucked up Index Controllers too, because they couldn't fit a bigger, sturdier thumbstick and a small dpad or whatever. They want to reinvent the wheel or REALLY hope everyone just accepts teleportation+roomscale as only means of locomotion. Oculus at least hired the guy that designed the Xbox controller to do the job. Touch aren't perfect, but they're better than whatever Valve shits out, that's for sure.
unironically? god damn.
guess i shouldn't be surprised, I am home from work as our whole office building was shut down for the quarantine
Everything's made in china, corona doesn't like international trade.
Damn it Valve I just want my index, stop putting other fags ahead of me in line
I feel like this is bullshit, I have the O+ and the Rift S and I prefer the Rift S. I find the O+ screen very overrated. I gave it to a friend.
Anyway OP, you're a literal retard if you get a vive. A literal fucking retard. These are your choices
Not recommended, but if you're really poor and literally can't spare the extra money, and the O+ is on sale: O+
The vast majority of consumers should get a Rift S which strikes the perfect balance of quality and cost
Anyone who wants to spend 1000+tip can get an Index.
Enough of this "upgrade path" garbage.
You can fucking buy Rift S, use it then sell it for Index funds. If you go Vive route you'll maybe save what, 50 dollars? But you'll also be stuck with shitty headset for a year. Not worth it.
The Rift S shits all over the vive. It's not even comparable. The Vive doesn't even meet basics standards until you throw in the Knuckles controllers, at which point you might as well get an index, getting a vive + knuckles is retard tier
The only reason to buy a Vive right now is if you get one for really, really cheap and plan to upgrade to the index later on.
It'll also be easier to sell a Rift-S as it's self contained with the controllers than a headset without lighthouses. It's not a bad idea to have a backup with Index, but yeah.
The O+ shares the same panel type (OLED), resolution (1440x1600 per eye) and matrix (RGBG PenTile) with the Vive Pro and Oculus Quest, but uses some fancy hardware AA-filter to blur the edges and reduce perceived SDE, at the cost of clarity.
as someone gifted a vive, it works, but boy is it front heavy. i feel like i'm lifting up a small box every time I put this thing on my head.
thats all VR headsets unfortunealy
Either go low with a Quest/Rift S (Got a Quest myself, Virtual Desktop makes it perfect) or high with an Index if you can find and afford one.
>Rift S has a lower quality image, though.
Vive's resolution is the lowest among PCVR headsets. Even Oculus Rift CV1 had higher resolution. Rift S goes even higher.
>HTC and WMR tracking a joke
>Oculus and Index corona'd
>Oculus is literal spyware
When does it stop being a meme?
Rift S is superior to Vive. At the moment, you've got
Index > Rift S > Vive