Proudspire Manor, home

Proudspire Manor, home.

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Wildcat and TK dodge

Ultimate combat

Imagine not living in a once scene of murder and dark rituals, enjoying the comfy bloodstains and fog

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The most terrible house in Skyrim.
My favourite was in the city that was built on the ruins of dwemer. Apartment over there was really comfy.

Thanks anons.

No loligagging

Cyrodiil, home.

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At least it was before Talos CHIMed everything up

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Breezehome, my favourite dumping ground...

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lol poorfag

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I never understood Tamriel's climates.

>Hammerfell is to the North East of Cyrodiil, it's a desert
>Elsweyr is to the South, also desert?
>Valenwood, right next to Elsweyr, is dense forest instead of jungle?

Is valenwood not a jungle? I'm not to into elder scrolls lores but isn't there talking monkeys in valenwood?

Nope, just double checked, it's a forest.

riften is the best in terms of fucking everything, from storage, utility, price, possibilities and outside access.

thats what makes it the worst.


I don't ever join the Stormcucks so I can only buy the house after I finish the shitty civil war.

>North East
*North West, before somebody catches that.

Markarth was better when it wasn't Dwarf cuck ruins

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Why are Skyrim cities so small?

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Why couldn't they add Oblivion music in Skyrim like they did with Morrowind?

What was it before?

They reflect the size of the non-bandit portion of Skyrim's human population

Nord cuck ruins

Attached: Markarth 2.jpg (797x597, 359.35K)

Everything related to scale and content being cut can be blamed on two things.

>The nightmarish development of the PS3 version
>The 11/11/11 meme date that caused a rush crunch

And what's Fallout 4's excuse?

Way to make the least comfortable backstory bethseda.

The settlement mechanic wasn't meant to be in the game initially. Some developer was fucking around doing shit he wasn't supposed to be and Todd liked his procrastination work so much he demanded it be included.

I'm not kidding.

Best house is the one from the build your own home mod.

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It was obviously a ripoff of some rather extensive mods in Fo3 that let you build settlements

Been replaying it recently. Who should I marry?

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Shahvee, she's best girl.

You build your cities silly! Don't expect the developer to make the game for you :^)

QT miner girl, edgy dark elf waifu, sugar mommy drug dealer, or Serana

>QT miner girl, edgy dark elf waifu,
Never played enough to know who those are.

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Wildcat and Combat Behavior Improved
Combat Behavior Improved makes the combat more a bit more responsive and a bit less clunky at the expensive of not being compatible with dodge mods, so keep that in mind

>Getting married as a vagabond adventurer
Enjoy having your wife invite different men into your home to fuck her while you're out adventuring.

I'm still disgusted by Fallout 4's settlements

>Diamond City
The actual "used" space is roughly the same size as Whiterun. Everything around the back is padded out dead zone like the farm and announcement plinth.

LITERALLY the smallest "main" settlement in Bethesda history. There are fucking no-name barren villages in Skyrim that are larger.

The only unique settlement in the game, everything else is a couple of shacks and a radiant quest.

go to the bow shop in whiterun and the miner town in the rift or whatever riften's region is

>sugar mommy drug dealer
I'm assuming that you're talking about pic-related mommy

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Just kill the wife and get a new one. Not a big deal

>trees in cities

Gross. This immediately drops all city overalls to 0/10 for me.

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Myrheim, home.

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eww, not that dried up whore

the one in whiterun who asks you to get some of dat moon shit

In the lore it was said to be a stronghold carved from rock with a single shout

The only house mod I ever had was Elysium Estate. maximum comfy

>eww, not that dried up whore
Aww was based mommy mean to you?

Her autistic daughter is better

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No, she's old and dried up.

Also, Black Briar's adorable daughter dabbling in alchemy

>old and dried
No taste whatsoever...

I'd like a threesome with both desu.

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Remember, if you don't play as a spider-mancer you are objectively playing the game wrong.

The fuck do you have against trees?

>not being a wealthy businessman with a secret affinity for the black arts
lmao'ing at your life

>Not solving all problems by throwing spiders at it until it goes away.
I might be a hobo but I am a hobo with a legion of spiders.

>Decide that this time I'll actually complete this game, collect and read books, explore, find the shouts, shit like that
>Start with the guilds
>Be a fucking autist about it
>Have every skills at 100
>I'm so fucking stupidly strong nothing on nirn can possibly hope to hurt me
>Get into a nordic tomb
>One shot a draugr deathlord at max difficulty
>Instantly lose will to play
I made a mistake

Play a mage or mod the combat difficulty with injuries and locational damage.
Any difficulty above Adept.

You are welcome.

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Aesthetically they look like shit.
Practically they don't belong there.
They're modder shorthand for 'lol clutter just cause'

I live in this house after conquering Windhelm with my Imperial bros.
It's so comfy, I love the secret room.

>Cities don't have trees
Let me guess, American?

I don't think YOU know what cities are, matey-o

Lumber would not really just be left standing for aesthetics inside of a keep

Bro I wish we didn't have trees here I hate the fall and having to rake my fucking yard because there's so much fucking trees here

Dodge mods are for pussies.

Serana, you can fit your entire character inside her vagina after it was devastated by Molag Bal's mace.

>can't marry any khajiit
What were they thinking.

Do you happen to live in some of those dystopian Russian cities where it's all concrete and snow and mud but no trees?

She's a degenerate that fucked her brother which is why exists

Todd is being a fag wanting to keep all the khajit waifus for himself.

>Eradicate the niggerhood
>Black briar still threathen me with it as if it meant shit