What is the goriest death in vidya?

What is the goriest death in vidya?

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The goriest is probably in some guro fetish game but Fallout 1's bloody mess ending is great.

When SJWs and shitty game "journalists" ripped out its still beating heart and smashed it on the ground just because.

kratos vs apollo is pretty bad


4 more years

>someone was so butthurt about getting BTFOd he has a whole folder with ORANGE MAN BAD wojaks

Attached: Worried_Laughter.gif (300x166, 413.15K)

I always thought the deaths in Resident Evil 4 were pretty hardcore.

Fuckin based my dude

Anything from Dead Space.

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This fucking game scared the shit outta me as a kid. I remember playing it on my uncles computer. I think there's a scene where you have to run from Jack the Ripper and one where you are trapped in a mine.

Literally every death was gory as fuck.

This. Especially the first one

>says this nigger with a 400+ image basedjack folder

Attached: bitch4.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

who are you quoting

Chainsaw death is pretty gory

Yeah every death had an equal amount of extreme gore

this but unironically

We can see the same thing in comics and movies, I have no idea why SJWs are so creatively bankrupt.
How is it possible that lefties were able to write and create fun games just 20 years ago and now only create piles of garbage?

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Obviously MKX or MK11 fatalities

Imagine her getting smacked around by huge ass monsteraliens hahaha

What is this? Looks pretty based

It wasn't always the gory deaths that got me as a kid, like that one where you get lynched by a mob and there's fuck all you can do.

Someone post the webm where that thing pulls off Isaac's head and takes control of his body

>that projection

Trump has completely fried your brain simply by existing hasn't he? Holy shit.

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That's funny considering it's the "SJWs" who make all the games. If the alt-rights are so damn creative where are your games? Your films? Your music?

Gatekept out of the market.

The way you instantly started deflecting from the topic just shows me that even some leftist nutjob cant argue away the shit quality of modern media.
Even you cant defend it. This is absolute comedy.

Jesus christ even non-political threads devolve into Yas Forumsfaggotry because of low-effort obvious trolling. I fucking hate this site nowadays. Fuck off back to Twitter or reddit you insufferable faggots

Very creative comeback.

What are you even saying? Are you posting in the correct thread here no less the correct board?

The invisible hand at work

man I wish blade and sorcery had gore like that.

Yes because deep in your heart you know its true and now the realization slowly starts to trickle in for you.

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Can you stop LARPing as a political zealot? It's not funny, just tiresome.

Quite the contrary. If anything I know for a fact that the reason why you and your peers will never achieve anything lies solely within yourselves.

This is the fate of all mutts and non whites

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
My guess is they probably designed this gore system for the zombies and ended up applying it to all the human npcs as well.
Which then leads to people doing stuff like these bitch.webms.

>How is it possible that lefties were able to write and create fun games just 20 years ago and now only create piles of garbage?
Lefties aren't automatically SJWs
SJWs = Intersectionality
Leftism = anti-capitalism, pacifism, ecology, etc.

Old games were about creating a better world, new games are about identity politics.

Huh. I remember playing this but it couldn't have been on a computer. It was on an old console. It was either this or something equally gory.

Stop with this faggot left right dichotomy bullshit. People who made games back came from all political ideologies. Thy just wanted to make a fun game. Now a days we have faggots. Who hate any form of nuance and want to force the players to think like them. Just becuase cringe ass soccer moms were protesting games back then (and maybe now I dont know) dosent mean right leaning individuals played or made games. This faggot idea that a hobby or art form belongs to a certain political group is fucking stupid and gay.

And there you go deflecting from the topic again. You are too afraid to even touch it.

I don't know about gories, but the one that actually made me look away from the screen is from tomb raider remake when Laura gets impaled by a stake in the water

This is really great voice acting.

TR2013 is pure ryona kino.

Euphoria and that other game from same devs that I wiped memory of

Gurochads ww@?

I want to play Waxworks now.


the closest black dude will destroy your teethe if you said this outside, receding chin white boy. what are your thoughts about that?

Hopkins FBI had tons of graphic violence, particularly enacted against women.

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Best death animation of them all

Attached: 1450823717739.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Fallout somehow had a really amazing voice actor cast despite being a relatively small title, even for its time.


this is still my favorite fatality in mortal kombat not because it's super violent but because of the sounds

>Against every character
Why do these exist? There are only like three variations depending on blood color/if it's a robot.

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Agitha's Ascent.

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How is she still alive

Takes a few seconds to bleed out

dismembering enemies in the witcher 3 never gets old

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no clue but it doesn't matter much anyway

>that leg shaking when it attached itself to his body

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I saw a death complilation from a game on yoututbe a while back but I forgot it name, it was really brutal. It was some cheap 3d rendered point and click horror game, you played as a red haired chick.

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the amount of asspain this and similar webms generated from tourist Yas Forumsedditors was hiliarious


This and the one where the big tentacle thing drags him a hole.


Thanks. I didn't have that one saved.

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I dont know about gory, but Heart of Darkness had some pretty brutal deaths.


Euphoria had some pretty gory deaths


this is up there from what I've seen.

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