Half Life thread

Jesus Christ, this motherfucker just gave me the scare of my life, I screamed like a fucking car screeching tires.

I just encountered this thing for the first time, I was hopping some flames, fighting a single headcrab and suddenly this guy is just next to me.

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I don't remember this thing at all in my entire play through

is that from opposing force?

It's from Opposing Force

It's only on Opposing Force. The expansion adds a bunch of new stuff, including enemies.

>be giant fucking ripped zombie
>fast and powerful
>just stand back passively throwing dingleberries

I love how the speedrunning community basically turned all Half Life games into giant bhop/surf/kz maps with hilarious physics breaking bugs. Honestly I just love loading up Highway 17 and doing auto backhops just to fly up ramps high in the sky.

I'm playing for the first time Half-Life and the expansions (already finished HL, now I'm playing Opposing Forces) and I'm in love with this company.
>L4D, Portal, HL, TF are all masterpieces
>company highly endorses mods and half of their franchises was fanmade
>source engine is easy to use and people are still using it to make mods or even new games
>company legacy will live on even if they bankrupt thanks to their community

Also, any HL1 mods to play after I finish all expansions?

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He is fast.

There's an absolute fuck ton of them. This list covers a lot though.

They Hunger is my personal favorite.

Yup I loved it when it came out. I made several mods back in the late 90s. My maps and mods were shit optimized etc but it was one of the first times I remember being able to easily put my daydreams in school into a game. Sadly most of my shit was hosted on geocities type websites. Wonder if I can pull them back up off my original hard drive (sitting in a shed). I remade the first level in MGS for instance and we skinned Grey Fox and made some sprites and gun skins.

I don't think prime valve can be rivaled by any other company. They just pumped fucking 10/10 pieces in an industrial rate.
I know there's a lot of memeing about Alyx and recent valve with Underlords and whatever chink card games hasn't been the most promising but goddamn I hope they're back.

Same man, same. I fucking love valve games.

do yourself a fucking huge favour, download sven co-op and come play They Hunger (the maps have have a 'th_' prefix

sven coop is still a fucking blast you can play through the hl1 campaign in coop

He is indeed.

>Also, any HL1 mods to play after I finish all expansions?
I've heard Counter Strike is a pretty good mod

>that time of year
>install sven coop
>hop into a server
>where the hell is everyone?
>all the 2000 hour turbo-autists have already rushed to the end of the map
>I'm left in the dust trying to figure out where to go by just following the leftover corpses
>new map starts, same story
>not having fun
every fucking time

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Is just me or some of the alien creatures are truly terrifying and disgusting? I can't stand barnacles, they impose no threat but just the idea of that shit latching on my neck to devour me scare the shit out of me, same for headcrabs. Also, I hate snarks' nests, the first time I encountered that shit I shoot the hell of it because I didn't know it was a pickup, did the same with that other gun from those military aliens.

I think I have a vorephobia since Duke Nuken, those protozoid slimmers was my first jump scare and I never recovered. I can't even reply Duke Nuken because of those things.

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>the polygons noooo I'm going insane

gonomes are cute
see them all the time in sven

it was always impressed with how grotesque hl2 barnacles are when you kill them. when that inside mandible drops out its like a fucking prolapse monster

>They're actually making a new Half Life Game
Don't even care that it's a VR spin off for Alyx, it actually does look pretty good and even has multiple movement options in case your brain gets motion sick from VR.

I just want them to make another goddamn Left 4 Dead already.

honestly, it's better to join an empty server and go at your own pace
when i do that others usually join too and it's rarely the "speedrunners"

Old school shooters invoke my childhood fears, the kind of harmless fear that only a kid could have. I blame Duke Nuken for that.
Give him a hug, user.

gonna play HL1 for the first time, but in VR, and I didn't like HL2
what am I in for?

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The monsters were deliberately designed to be grotesque and unsettling. And they would have been even more if valve didn't scrap like 90% of their work.

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VR isn't gonna add anything positive to a 20 year old game, user. you're in for a terrible time

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age =/= bad game
is HL1 as bad as HL2??

I didn't mean to imply that it being 20 years old is bad.
I'm saying that sticking VR onto it won't make the experience any more enjoyable than just playing it with a keyboard and mouse as intended, especially for your first time

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I would trade all vidya graphics progress for AI like this

half-life is their ONLY franchise that isn't fanmade

Do you know who ate all the doughnuts?

Dante's Inferno/Purgatory/Paradiso, The Aeniad, Ulysses, and The Bible are all fan fiction too.
It's the fast-track to making newkino

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It's ok if you end up paying modders/fans for their work and give a whole budget to make a new game and also don't give full control to people over your IPs, engine and code.

fucking laughing my lungs out jesus christ

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the backhop memeing irl were fun


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>that's how we communicate

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everyone just screaming their goddamn lungs out at gordon in the test chamber had me in fucking stitches

fucking god bless desinc we don't deserve him

>user still hasn't gotten to HL2
Good times ahead

Without valve polish and writing, portal and team fortress would be just neat little concepts.

Sven Co-op is also a big one. The problem is that it's multiplayer oriented and the community is absolutely long gone.
There are hundreds of quality maps and map series for this thing, products of their time, so it's quite the time capsule.

You can try playing one of the few servers still populated, but you might resort to setting up and using RCbots.

This is so fucking fake. 25 minutes of a fucking skit? Ehhh.

nah portal was their idea too, work on portal started long after narbacular drop

This, Valve games are arguably flawless. They were still in the mindset of the late 90s PC games that everything must be improved, topped and the sky is the limit, that is why the source engine still impresses in 2020. And the writing, god the writing is top tier, it's the natural evolution from vidya storytelling, instead of making movie games they actually immerse the player, making him part from the world with a mute protagonist and other characters fleshing out the world and lore without taking player control.

For me, Portal 1 and 2 are still peak video-game storytelling.

These and the black facehuggers were terrifying.

>instead of making movie games they actually immerse the player,
They make movie games by making movie games? They trap you in walky talky sequences or lock you in rooms while unskippable cutscenes play just like Uncharted and Last of Us. Take off your nostalgia goggles.

It was a student project, they liked so much they made into a full game. Portal 2 also took gels ideas from another student game.

Portal 1 will forever be the top for me. Don't get me wrong, I think 2 is amazing as well, I don't buy in the contrarian memes about quips and whatever faggots spam.
It's just that there's a certain mood and feel on 1 that I can't fucking replicate anywhere else. I just load it up every now and then just to fuck around in the test chambers, listen to the ambience, it's surreal.

So, are the expansions for HL1 worth playing? I beat it a month ago and thought it was alright

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I was thinking more about HL1 and Portal than HL2, user. Also, HL2 has very little of those "in-game" cutscenes.

It's more of the same so make of that what you will

I'm the OP, and I'm in chapter 3 of Opposing Forces, it's actually pretty good.

>Also, HL2 has very little of those "in-game" cutscenes.
Yes it does. It takes control away from you as much as any Naughty Dog game. Portal 1 (not 2, Portal 2 is a fucking movie game) is fine, HF1 is okay

It's the same old shit. Half Life is for peoople who weren't smart enough to understand Deus Ex. I hought HL1 was mediocre (never played it as a zoomer so I don't have nostalgia goggles blinding me like the low IQ subhumans in this thread). Both expansions are the same old mediocre shit, Blue Shift doesn't even have a boss fight.

>Hey, Mr Coomer

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It's fucking amazing how Bailey, who was basically a programmer, was such a fucking genius.
It's unbelievable how outside of the half lifes and portal 1, he's done basically nothing else.

Opposing Force is a cool story and a decent challenge. The other one, Blue Shift is good for sleeping.

I loved Portal 2 but I don't like how GLaDOS and the other character are not talking to you anymore, they are talking to Chell. Now you are "fat", adopted and has brain damage. It's not bad but I liked how in Portal 1, Chell was just your Shell, a vessel to the player self-insert, and there was only GLaDOS, talking to you, having a good banter.
It does, but not as much (like I said). And they are always talking to you, it's not like you are watching the story of Drake or Ellie and Joel, in HL you are part of the story.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you smarter.

it's upsetting he's not on board for hl:a

Why has this game become such a huge meme recently? I don't get it.

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>And they are always talking to you, it's not like you are watching the story of Drake or Ellie and Joel, in HL you are part of the story.
Which is completely immersion breaking when you sit there completely fucking silent. God forbid you stop and look around the room or they'll just walk away from you while still carrying on a one sided conversation.

It doesn't happen a ton but every time a cutscene happens in HL2 its a fucking miserable, gamestopping slog after the first time you've sat through it.

>why are people talking about Half Life when a new Half Life game is coming out this month
Its a real headscratcher, user. Maybe we can call up some buds and try to figure it out.

>It does, but not as much (like I said). And they are always talking to you, it's not like you are watching the story of Drake or Ellie and Joel, in HL you are part of the story.
You sound very easily fooled. It's a cutscene. Being trapped in a room and being forced to wait X number of minutes for the characters to finish their dialogue and animations is BORING AS FUCK. I don't care if I have the freedom to move around and look around the room, I want to play my fucking videogame. Uncharted and Last of Us does that sorta shit occasionally, but it's nowhere near as intrusive and mind numbing as Half Life 2. At least the cutscenes in Uncharted / LoU are skippable with the press of a button. Their "explore the room while your companion(s) finish their dialogue / animation" sequences are nowhere near as plentiful as Half Life 2.

The fat and adopted jokes happened on 1's end fight with GLaDOS too, but you could excuse them for her being just desperate and throwing any insult she has your way. But I agree they went overboard with it. Chell is far better off being just another plucky test subject, rather than some larger than life super important character. Who is 'le most tenacious' and some employee's daughter somehow
I trust Morawski to do it justice. TF2's, Episode 2's and Portal 2's soundtrack are a good resume to make me trust him.

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>Alyx VR game in 2 weeks
>all HL games free until Alyx releases
>Black Mesa just also released

take your meds schizo

You're a retard but a better, more relevant question is how was it such a coincidence that Half Life sound effect memes got so big over the summer for seemingly no reason.

It's a shame they just redid the evolution of headcrabs in 2 instead of sticking with what Gearbox did with Gonome.

Even with the older graphics you can clearly make out a lot of details like swelling of the body causing the scientist's clothing be destroyed except for parts that are secure like the belt.
The headcrab itself is shriveling and the skull of the victim is dissolving as you can make out the outline of the eyes, nose and teeth.
And because it's more used to its form it can run after you at a full sprint.

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>It's the same old shit. Half Life is for peoople who weren't smart enough to understand Deus Ex.
Stop trying to force this stupid rivalry, nigger.