This is just a fucking creepy game, now that we’re actually living in a pandemic world
This is just a fucking creepy game, now that we’re actually living in a pandemic world
Uh, you know plagues existed before coronavirus right?
Anyone else here moving to Greenland?
There hasn’t been a serious pandemic since the hong kong flu in the 60s and nobody on Yas Forums was born then.
Reminder that the game has been removed from the Chinese app store
What are some other games where I can play as a bioterrorist?
Bluepilled as fuck
Uh no? Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention bro
>pandemic world
>implying it hasn't always been having pandemics
>implying pandemic inc is anymore creepy than it was before
Nah lol
None of those besides maybe 2009 were that serious.
Why are pandemics so comfy? I ABSOLUTELY loath how crowded things are nowadays especially with so many tourists and foreigners.
Walking into town with no one bothering you and grabbing what you need in silence cause everyone is afraid to leave their home is sooo comfy
are you really such a fucking zoomer that you don't even remember swine flu?
god I wish I could enjoy this but I have to stay in home quarantine and can't risk some asshole neighbor ratting me out
>decide to start playing soccer again just to get some workout and meet new people
>league gets canceled
I swear the world wants me to be alone and depressed.
The best part of all of this will be seeing all the anti-flu-vaxxers line up in droves for the corona vaccine. Good ol media drones.
That's cause they were put under control given the chance. WHO and the US government flipped shit when ebola happened. It's just they didn't announce that much and you actually had to pay attention to know that they were attempting to stomp the living shit out of it.
nCoV-19 and swine flu are the examples of what happens when you don't immediately start stamping these things out. God I wish less people would be medlets and start waking up
People are just dumb, people should be concerned and be safe currently but in 3 months people will have forgotten about this all
I mean it ONLY killed half of a million people. We’ll be fine
>in this decade
Anti-vaxxers are just natural selection taking it's course. Fuck them and their shit kids
We pretty much did get in cov19 immediately. The problem is that for most people it's not that bad so it spreads incredibly fast.
When you're bleeding out the eyes it's pretty obvious you shouldn't go to work. When it's just a slight cough during allergy season, why would you even think about skipping work?
>bubonic plague still exists in California
Vanilla Firefox has a horrible dictionary.
You realize that nobody wants to reply to you because you are a cocksucking tripfag right? I'll give you this one because I've seen you embarrassingly post in several threads today
Works on my machine ;)
the Anonymize feature is a lot more fun, though
This. Calling it "corona virus" and not just an extreme case of the flu is pretty misleading. not only that but, even though they have it under control now somewhat the fucking chinks did a terrible job of mitigating it and asking for global aid
Most healthy people can survive a fever and respiratory issues. The infirmed and elderly will have issues but overall this isn't a fucking death plague
>wanna do my mid weekly grocerie shopping
>retarded panicdrones went apeshit hording all different shit
>no you retard you don't have to buy six family pakets of toilet paper
I'm about to go now when my shift ends, i go to a small store but then usually a bulk store (Smart & Final where I am) so I'm afraid but it'll be 1pm so I shouldn't see anyone but boomers and paraoniafags
I was mostly just going to stock up on any medicine and dry goods/non-perishables that I would normally buy anyways. I only live with one other person so we have a fair stock of TP if something goes bad. I just hope I don't run in to any retards.
2% fatality rate is still pretty bad for a disease that's so easy to catch.
This isnt a world ending disease or anything, but people underestimate how big 2% is.
>extreme case of the flu
Nothing even points to it being more harmful than a regular flu strain.
The only people that die to it are the elderly (who die from anything) and people with preexisting conditions.
The ONLY reason anyone gave a shit about this at all is because the subhuman chinese spread it around Wuhan because they live in literal cages coated with bat shit.
Regular flu strains kill 1000% more people every day, but oh no, covid-19 is gonna wipe out earth, oh no!!!
It's a fucking flu strain, people are so fucking stupid. People have too much goddamn time on their hands.
Unironically based. Antivaxxers tend to be literal NPCs and need to die off like them
Yes and no. They failed to effectively contain it in China. Wuhan doctors were trying to report this danger back then, but they were suppressed by the local government which was too busy sucking off Xi cause "stopping the New Years and business is baaaaaaad and Xi will be maaaaad".
It could've been much more easily contained if they had dealt with it immediately, but they waited until AFTER the Chinese New Year was over and everyone returned home.
Even then, Coronavirus isn't just a slight cough. It incubates for a bit before becoming a cough, a fever, and progressing to difficulty breathing, and depending on how severe multiorgan failure related to the lungs, heart, and kidneys cause of it targeting the A2 receptors.
I'll give you a little tip if you ever need it. Losartan and ARBs can save your behind. It won't stop the virus entirely, but it'll lessen the symptoms notably.
Except that 2% fatality figure comes almost entirely from china, an absolute cesspit of disease and death.
Notice how everywhere else, nobody is fucking dying unless they're already ill or old as fuck.
Post this to drive away the tripfag
>but normal flu!
Normal flu also infects 1000x more people. Covid19 is much more fatal than the average flu it's just currently less wide spread.
Fuck this fucking virus and fuck the people who keep dragging this shit everywhere.
A bunch of cunts who went to Italy dragged the virus into my country. Now all the schools and gyms are closed. All events are closed.
Fuck you.
Italy has a high fatality rate as well. Though it's not much better than china.
I understand that 2% on a pop. scale as big as China and the rest of the world isn't something to take lightly, but if anything I hope it just makes people take care of themselves better. I wouldn't trust a damn thing China says at this point. Other countries have already developed test kits and preventative plans measures that are working. It's the flu, it's not ebola or something we haven't researched before.
Yeah, I refuse to be racist irl but this originated from that region in such a strong way for very specific regions. Fuck China
Yeah bro
Funny how it wasn't a "pandemic" until it spread to America
It's not like these people were purposely spreading it. You can have it for 2 weeks and not show any symptoms, spreading it to everyone you contact. You could have the virus as we speak and not know it
I recall CNN making a big deal of it before the first american case.
>nobody cared until it affected sports
what a retarded country
>Calling it "corona virus" and not just an extreme case of the flu is pretty misleading.
Genetically it's a much different virus and it's symptoms are different. No, stop being a plebian medlet and get yourself educated.
>nothing even points to it being more harmful than a regular flu strain
Wrong, and wrong to a painful degree. It's too early to compare it to the flu, and can diverge notably. It's not even genetically close to influenza.
Stop being a fucking pleb and educate yourself holy shit.
Italy has like the most old people in the world, no wonder their rates are crazy.
You faggots are so ignorant, holy fuck
You stay the fuck in China, yellow nigger.
Their rates are high because they're actually testing people. I bet the US has way more cases than Italy in reality, their shitty health care system is just obscuring the real numbers
It's still kinda silly to say it's just china.
Most 1st world countries still have a relatively low infection rate because they declared it a pandemic and over reacted.
Imagine how shitty it would be in america if some shit hole like California got infected. Too many poor people wouldnt be able to afford hospitals and litter the streets with dead bodies. Given, it is cali and nobody gives a fuck. It's not like american health care puts china to shame.
People cared but I don't think it really hit a lot of people with how serious this actually was until Italy got put in lockdown.
>it's too early to compare it to the flu
>same symptoms
>mostly the same effects
>same composition
>major difference is that it's not airborne
You're the idiot, get back in your lab, retard.
I thought it was airborne?
California is infected but Washington actually has it the worst
>Losartan and ARBs
Not that guy but thanks.
They didn't quarantine 77 million people for Swine Flu. Or for Avian Flu or for SARS. COVID-19 isn't fucking around like those other ones did.
>so information easily accessed on how to properly prepare for this
>easily could've prepared for this since January
>normies now panic buying
>brainlets spreading misinformation about the virus despite easy access to medical journals
Why are there so many fucking medlets? They access to the information. They can easily educate themselves. But nooooooo. It's like they're all happy on the left edge of the Dunning–Kruger effec
Explain what angiotensin and blocking it has to do with this. I’m interested to hear your reasoning on this.
I have 20 bucks on California quarantining by the end of the month, if any state is gonna pull the trigger first it'll be them.
ah yes, antivaxxers were the primary cause of the measles outbreak in central africa
>Swine Flu. Or for Avian Flu or for SARS
there were already existing medications to help, we don't have any for corona so far
>durr both of them make u cough therefore they the same!!
t. room temperature IQ retard
Imagine thinking that the hopelessly complicated science that is virology can be boiled down to comparing sneezies and coughies
Those fucking buck toothed coolies, in front, looking right into the camera, those fuckers are carriers.
All the people in this picture are going to die, because of those ugly yellow faggots.
>same symptoms
Initially, but influenza doesn't develop into multiorgan failure.
>mostly the same effects
Dead people, but that's superficial
>same composition
No, Covid-19 is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus, influenza is a negative-sense ssRNA virus. I hopefully don't have to explain why those are different.
>major difference is that it's not airborne
Only one you got right, 1/4
Educate yourself you medlet. Also get ARBs bro, might sound weird from someone who just scolded you but it can help if you get the virus.
Well fuck you I'm well educate-
>flu doesn't kill people
>Dead people, but that's superficial
This. Pay attention to what people do, not what they say. Russia didn't close their 2500 mile border with China and revoke visas they already issued for a nothing burger.
>doesn't develop into multi-organ failure
Except it does when dealing with elderly or the immunocompromised, ie everyone that's died to this garbage. Nice try, though. Keep pretending this epic flu strain is shutting down your kidneys and ignoring the fact that the vast majority of people not in the above category that caught it completely shrugged it off after a few weeks of sneezing and coughing BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING FLU.
>bunch of people at my work went out for a hazmat class today
>turns out someone attending has been in contact with someone with the virus
>noticed I'm feeling kind of feverish and aching before we heard
Time to hit the clinic. Better not be sick, I'll get cabin fever before the first week is out.
If I don't make it, I've always been mostly indifferent to you all. But fuck tripfags, namefags and all the other attention whores.
Swine Flu killed 20 million people, user.
The reason everyone is freaking out despite Covid having basically done nothing (except in China, but nobody cares about China) is because the initial spread was so massive and uncontained (again, because China) not because the virus is dangerous.
Every major outbreak in recent years was far, far more deadly than this garbage, and I'm not talking about number of casualties. I'm talking about the viruses themselves.