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Why is crunch suddenly a bad thing now?
Gotta get the game ready for PS5 launch
I don't understand why you think this is big news.
Everyone knows this is what the industry is like, is it your first day here?
It was never a good thing. Where did you get that idea?
>implying they aren't going to have to delay the ps5 a year anyways because the 9tf meme is actually true
codemonkeys think they have rights
Because it generates a tangibly worse product at the cost of the developers' well-being, all so fat corporate faggots can line their pockets. There's no benefit to the consumer or the worker, only the employer.
Wow, Cuckmann can't practice what he preaches? Big fucking surprise.
he was the one who forced the woman writer out of naughtydog right?
10 billion man hours for a game literally millions of people will go "meh" after beating it and throwing it on a shelf never to be played again
>jew against jew
i don't know who's jewing who anymore
Wasn't it essentially because she wasn't edgy enough?
This is why I would rather be poor than have to sell my soul to earn a decent living.
When is it ever a good thing?
Sony is already building PS5s, remember the BOM got leaked. They are going forward with their 9.2TF memebox and it's not going to be pretty
How many office parties or long lunches, early days off did they have during the rest of production?
Id be willing to bet they slack off during the early-mid dev cycle
So how is retardera taking this?
At most AAA studios days like that are actually rare as hell. Maybe the producers and project leads can slack like that but everybody else would be in deep shit day one for trying.
Couldn't they estimate the BOM without actually starting production? Regardless, I would love nothing more for them to actually go through with this abortion.
How much extra forced work do you need when your game consists for the majority of scripted events and cutscenes
Weebs are so sensitive. Oh my god, Jason is attacking my Chinese girl cartoons, despite him only being a piss in the ocean.
>construction workers
Seems legit.
Also funny how they dont care for them, they can work till they die even in this made up story lmao.
The longer i work in game industry the more i realize almost all those crunch stories are made up, i now worked in 2 studios known for "crunch" which consisted of few core people staying late once a week when they fucked up them self and knew weeks in advance what is supposed to be done when.
Working for a vidya company is for autists and people who think that's actually a good career choice. This article is just another reminder not to fall for the meme.
Because gaming journalism is vapid. Its suddenly news and a bad thing because they know they can kick up shit for it.
They don't actually care though. Everyone's known about crunch for like 20 years. Anyone unironically realizing it for the first time from a gaming journalist is the exact kind of stupid head in the sand bastard that mindlessly consumes products and thus actually contributes to crunch himself.
But >game devs
I'll not cry, they did this to themselves. Games cannot be made without devs. You can't literally have all the power in a relationship, throw that power away for money, then complain that you have no power anymore. You sold it.
>have deadlines
>dont meet them
>expect to get paid and not fired for work you should have finished.
>jew lied
holy fuck stop the presses
Bobby Kottick has a net worth of $6 000 000 000.
He should be the your role model, not these fucking dev wagepigs.
>have impossible to meet deadlines set by corporate suits with no conception of how long the work takes and is set arbitrarily
>Not compensated whatsoever for extra time outside of workday spent completing these tasks
>Punished for not doing something that physically cannot be done
Corporate apologists are the dumbest fags
who gives a shit? coders are glorified burger flippers
Sitting at a desk and coding isn't hard. fucking pussies.
So the stories of 80 hour work weeks with no OT pay is bullshit then?
>says fun isn't a word they use during the development of TLoU2
>the development is so unfun that it's actively destroying the lives of the people working on it
Turns out he was being honest the whole time
fucking kek
Druckman is a Jew
Good or bad, crunch didn't actually use to be a standard, systematic approach employed by giant AAA studios on all of their workers.
When development teams were like a couple of dozen of people things were generally speaking much more sensible.
Their job is shit because of greedy bosses that get to make decisions regarding subjects they aren't qualified for. Your job is shit because you picked a fucking awful job.
Ofc it is, first its illegal and all big companies all paperwork, you cant fart without going to HR for permission.
Second all crunch bullshit stories jews like Shrier write about is from testers that arent employed at the company full time and almost always are hire by an outside firm.
Its you fucking job to make sure you arent getting fucked in the ass by some middle company and not the employer that hires someone else, they pay heavy money, millions to get their game tested.
And the Rockstar stink included highest paying leads on the project, people who ears 200k+ or more cant count on 9-5 work when whole project rest on their shoulders, part of the responsibility of such high paid position is the availability at all hours, especially since satellite studios will work in different time zones and its impossible to sync them, nobody wonna work at night in Europe so Americans can call them at skype at work.
Overall i always take extra overtime tasks, its extra pay and i do the same shit in my free time anyway, since my work is my hobby as an 3d artfag, but those are rare. Forced overtime is extremely expensive to any big company and in 90% of cases they will just outsource the work.
Too bad it didn't land on Druckmann
What I'm reading here is
>Game dev faggots expect a cushy job doing "fun" things 24/7 and getting paid stupid amounts to do so
>Cry when they actually have to work and its a job like any other
> Work as a designer/lead for a mid-size game company.
> Manage time-tables.
> Each fall we hire newly graduated computer-engineers and graphics artists.
> Passionate young people with a lot of ideas and great work-ethic.
> Around christmas it all starts.
> "We're behind on development, so we'll start crunching. Sorry if you have stuff planned, but this is important."
> Go to work each day, see their happy, lit up faces slowly fade into hollow, pale masks of silent contempt.
> Panic attacks are common, especially a few months in after they've worked 12 hours every day for weeks.
> Listen to them as they complain to their managers.
> "This is how it is in game-dev, if you're passionate about your work you'll shut up and do the work."
> Litterally hear management call the devs spoiled brats for thinking their work is tough.
> Cut back on lunch and monitor their bathroom breaks.
> All devs must report their times, and if they fail they get reprimanded.
> The passion is lost around the beginning of summer.
> Haven't had any group activities/team building for months since everything is so hectic.
> Litterally nothing I can do for them.
> Last weeks of production is hell.
> Drama, people screaming at each other, management putting the screws on me to "motivate" my people.
> A lot of these kids become clinically depressed, and sick-days are discouraged.
> As their one-year contract come to a close we only offer a permanent job to about 1/10 of the people hired last year, and only those who sucked up to management and didn't complain.
> The rest are forced to sign an NDA where it explicitly states that they must not voice any complaint about the companies work-methods on social-media.
> Fall begins and the cycle starts anew.
> Get fired when one of my people screamed at their boss that crunching was slavery, and not "voulantary" like they clamed in front of the whole team. Because it's my fault for allowing it to get this bad.
I just wanted to make video games
I'm just saying, if I were a Gay Rodeo clown that distracts the bulls by letting them rape me, maybe I'd be reconsidering my own life choices instead of blaming video game developers for not picking a job with the phrase "ass-clown" in the description.
>Their job is shit because of greedy bosses that get to make decisions regarding subjects they aren't qualified for. Your job is shit because you picked a fucking awful job.
Fuck off, i work in game development in larger company and the work is amazing.
I worked in and goveremnt office and construction before, and game dev compared to that is like paid vacation every day.
Those fucking spoiled commie brats dont know what hard work is, like those bitches that said working on Mortal Komat gave them PTSD.
>get a legitimately terrible job offer
>literally have more job security at a burgerking
>still accept this ridiculously bad deal
I get it. Its their shitty ass dream to be a AAA dev. I really do know what its like to have your dreams crushed. This is part of growing up, accepting the world for what it is. You don't double down on your fictional narrative that your dream still exists, and you don't blame others for your own actions. So many times you'll hear people cry out "I was forced to, theres literally no other alternative!" because they see not following their pipe dream as unchoosable.
>Cry when they actually have to work and its a job like any other
user, if you've ever worked a shit job you know why their situation is shit: they are forced to answer to bosses that have absolutely no idea how to do the work they do, and have unrealistic expectations about how quickly it can be done. Except they're also doing that job to the tune of millions of millions of dollars in potential profits and so the bosses are that much harsher and more unreasonable in their demands. That's a shit situation, you can't be so stupid you'd deny that. Unless of course you're another LARPing NEET that's never worked a day in their life.
There is no solution to this that's good under the current system.
>Delaying the game increases costs
Company starts hiring pajeets and Chinese for a fraction of the price of their current staff.
>Hire more staff to offset crunch
Pajeets and Chinese become more attractive again.
>Staff start asking for other alternatives
Pajeets and Chinese don't care about rights, just work.
Companies don't care about worker talent, just being able to push out the bare minimum.
THIS IS IT? Fuck off drama queens.
you think crunch can be avoided with just better planning?
>a tangibly worse product
How do you quantify that? Where's your data to prove anything of the sort?
Crunch may be a shitty practice, but please refrain from talking out of your ass
Crunch at nearly all AAA studios involves deliberately cutting down time spent playtesting and generating feedback. Buggier, less stable games that nobody bothered to check were fun, under the mindset it can be patched later.
Also wont say which, but one dev i worked on a bigger thing went under due to forced overtime.
We missed 2 milestones and our project lead decided we will catch up if we work on weekends, but instead we ran out of money 2x faster in few weeks, publisher said "what the fuck are you doing" project got shit canned and people moved elsewhere or let go with only a skeleton crew left.
Incompetence like this happens, creates pissed off people that then spread stories of how they were abused daily and never paid and other bullshit.
Literally all profession that are centered around producing a product have a crunch period. While the argument could be made that developers are being crunched harder than say, bakers, caterers, restorers, etc... the fact that these people are bitching about there being any crunch at all is pathetic.
fuck off already you clickbaiting faggot
it's shitaku, and the link is archived anyways you retard.
shut up nigger
we are talking about weeks of 12+ hour days
why shouldn't they complain? Why shouldn't be something done about this
You sound like some jew boss
It's a shit situation because games dev has this perception among students as being the "get paid to do nothing of substance" career path so people pick it up expecting to be able to cruise through their future on autopilot
t. i teach writing to dumb kids as part of a high school games dev course
jews want devs to unionise, then take over the unions to be able to dictate whats put into the games
>tfw run a liquor store
>Literally incapable of going out of business
>the hardest work I have to do is yell at the incompetent useless fucks in charge of distribution at the state level for fucking up my deliveries
>Set up right next to a military base so I don't even get robbed
Life is good.
Yes and no.
Yes when it's the management who make the time-tables and delegate tasks, instead of letting the leads and devs do that together.
No when they are biting off more than they can chew (they do this deliberately) and just expect everyone to make the extra effort with no incentive.
100% this.
> Get hired to work 9 hours a day.
> Actually do 12 hours a day.
> Still paid as if you work 9 hours a day.
> "This is completely fair!"
>kotaku article
>anything to do with oneangrydogfucker
user, I...
This, very reasonable post
The entire concept of taking 400 hours of work and splitting it into 8x40 hour work weeks and 1 80 hour work week is fucking stupid. I get that management wants the project done in 9 weeks instead of 10. But did you ever think of doing 45 hour work weeks the entire duration of the project instead?
9 months of crunching is definitely poor management. It's pretty much impossible to make a game run perfectly at all times for any reasonable deadline, so some crunching is necessary to make it as good as possible. No one even wants to work on a project for years and then ship it in a sorry state.
I think what he means is why do we suddenly care about crunch in the video game industry? I personally don’t care because. I’m not the one asking for all these extremely dense movie games to be pumped out in record time. Note that only AAA devs have this issue.
Think the spam bots are screwing up again.
Release dates shouldn’t be set in stone. They should’ve been adjusting it when seeing how fast the team was working
>Why is crunch suddenly a bad thing now?
Would have loved to see Bernie decimate the entire videogame industries for anti-trust, anti-labor, embezzlement, price gauging, and everything else they are known for doing.
Crunch times shouldn't even exist. Either they complete work under logical work hours, or they pay overtime on top of salaries.
Here's a (You) for using archive.
I don't know how game development rolls but I work at corporate software development and most crunch was caused by shit you can't plan for (government/clients making up shit on the fly, superiors promising ridiculous dates or team members failing to pull their weight). That said, crunch used to be a week or two during certain projects instead of the nightmarish months that game devs always seem to complain about.
> "Why would we pay your for crunch-times when we can just fire you and hire someone who'll do it for free?"
>The rest are forced to sign an NDA
Unless they signed an NDA at the time of their contract, they have 0 obligations to sign.
Really? Everyone in IT knows game dev is more work for worse pay, and you only get into it because you love vidya.
Those are the hence why they're in IT. The retards that didn't think things through are the ones that go into gamedev.
It's not outside of the videogame industry which has approximately three good project managers to share between the entire industry.
What are you talking about? Small teams only knew crunch before they had project managers. They couldn’t even keep designers from telling the press about shit they hadn’t even implanted yet.
I'll never understand why people want to play the victim so badly. Like having to work forced overtime sucks, but at the same time if you're being properly compensated, you're making a fat paycheck. Seems fair to me. That's one thing I miss about manufacturing: overtime. People need to stop being such pussies who want attention for something that never happened. Thanks for spreading the truth, user
I misspoke, everyone has to sign that.
This user sums it up well enough
The people that know what they're getting into study the specific fields they're interested in to keep their options open, only suckers take "all-in-one" games dev studies
you seriously dont use font AA?
The actual reason is that Amy Hennig is an actual writer who is capable of producing a compelling, interesting plot. Druckman is jealous of a woman who is capable of what he dreams of being able to do.
And all this in service for some narrative-driven walk'n'talk TPS about a butthurt gay girl on a tired old revenge mission that's about puddle-deep and puddle-interesting. Congrats!
Read the whole thing and Jason was too cowardly to mention Neil. If he truly talked to so many at Naughty Dog, it would be impossible to avoid hearing about the goddamn boss
that Dragon Age stuff was ridiculous, but Schreier legit puts out the best investigative journalism in the medium. Credit where credit is due.
it's hypocritical to treat their employees this way when they act virtuous elsewhere.
Also read the article:
>One major consequence of this culture has been attrition. Of the 20 non-lead designers in the credits of 2016’s Uncharted 4, a whopping 14—70 percent—are no longer at the studio
>These days, veteran Naughty Dog employees describe the design department as a sea of unfamiliar faces. With 70 percent of the non-lead designers and a significant number of artists who worked on Uncharted 4 now gone, the company has had to fill those roles with less experienced staff
>Every newcomer means weeks’ or months’ worth of training and hard lessons about how the rest of the team works. A task that might take a veteran designer two hours could take twice or three times as long for a newer employee, and it can be hard to know what the directors want until you’ve been working there long enough.
It's literally not sustainable.
>they have 0 obligations to sign.
aside from. you know, if you don't sign they will butcher you if any future employer calls to see if you were a good employee.
I don't even know what that is.
>Hey Amy watcha workin on
>Uncharted 2, Neil
>Oh lemme see. So which characters are gay?
>What? None, I guess
>Uh... excuse me?
>None of them. Maybe Flynn, I don't know. Who cares?
I'd fucking leave too
Anyone else is tired of games being announced years beforehand? The first trailer for TLOU2 was at the end of 2016. Ever since then, there has been hundreds of articles about it. The original game came out in 2013 for PS3. 7 years ago. This generation is a joke. Almost a decade for a game? I'm tired of this shit honestly. Release the game or shut the fuck up. No trailer teaser, trailer, interview, gameplay trailer, E3 trailer, cinematic trailer. FUCK OFF