To those without VR: you aren't missing much

To those without VR: you aren't missing much.

This game is terrible. I played several hours and forced myself through a good portion of the campaign just because the general consensus towards this game is so positive that I was sure I had missed something or that it would eventually become good. It didn't.

80% of the game is spent trying to complete consecutive ""puzzles"" that you solved twenty minutes ago yet are still stuck on because you're fighting the awful physics, your own body or a required prop. The other 20% is uninspired combat against the same few boring enemies tripping over themselves or blindly firing in your general direction-- it's effectively the worst kind of linear shooting gallery.

Everything this game claims to offer is done better by any other major VR title: the gunplay is outclassed by H3VR and Pavlov. The melee and physical presence is better in B&S.

When I saw the "masterpiece" tag on Steam I fucking laughed. I won't even go into detail on things such as the controls being so obviously designed around the Index, the hideous level design or just how pointless and annoying having a physical body is. In five years people will look back at Boneworks and recognize it for the trash it is.

Attached: Boneworks.jpg (1279x686, 92.02K)

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Ok LARPing poorfag.

Didn't like this one much too. Glorified tech demo

Not LARPing. Played it on an O+. I don't use the word "cope" a lot since it's usually just a deflection tool, but you're truly coping if you believe everybody who criticizes a game must not have really played it.

I didn't even feel like a finished tech demo, it reminded me of those half-done games people put up on Moddb and forget about.

Attached: hammer.png (871x880, 1.19M)

Haven’t played the game or have a VR but I agree with you

I thought all tripfags got bullied into extinction already.

From what I've played so far the game is nothing more than some mix of Half Life 2 and QWOP/Sexy Hiking with the "LOOK MOM, PHYSIKZ!" of the former and the budget of the latter, all powered by the Unity Asset Store.

lol no. Anons are nothing in the world of trips. Most tripfags left because of the purge of 2012 that banned most of their hard earned tripexplorer’d codes.

I agree with everything you posted, and the fact it’s considered the pinnacle of VR to the point where Alyx was retrofitted to be more similar to it is disturbing.

Disprove anything OP said - unless you're just a shitposting faggot

Yeah I agree VR is shit
Also owning a expensive pc is fkn stupid
Also lmao at the retards who own expensive cars and houses

I own all of those so trust me I know

Attached: 1hrjm70ggv341.jpg (1431x1431, 218.51K)

>yet are still stuck on because you're fighting the awful physics
This was me in that room with the bouncy floor. Never did make it over that wall and just completely skipped it.

I enjoyed the game but only because i'm a 23 yo zoomer, so...

Doom next week, pumped

Fuck off, I have VR and I hated fucking Boneworks, it was a piece of shitty tech demo ass

I don't have VR nor have played this game but I totally agree it sucks and vr is a meme fad that is already over.

Does anybody other than Tyler McNigger push this narrative?

>he's still shitposting despite being outed a redditor
someone post the link

Attached: 1463113426868.jpg (600x456, 24.5K)

If TLoU had a graffiti saying "what if it's a movie game?" would it make it any less of a movie game?

Name of this generic Hollywood aimed at retards and simps?
>usual shitposting
>then one of his shitposts got reverse-googled and it turned out it was a reddit post
>it was posted almost at the same time as the post on Yas Forums
>people check his account
>it's all VR shitposting
>people dox him
>turned out to be an actual mutt that owns an Index yet falseflags constantly about VR
>posts and threads deleted out of damage control to the point he cried to the mods to delete the thread

Attached: 1572665178793.png (500x1000, 16.62K)

don't forget that this motherfucker donates to Kaceytron. He's an actual simp lmao

i never figured out how the bouncy floor is supposed to work, i just used the foam props to climb over the wall

>he's still shitposting despite being outed a redditor
That's pretty fucking based, Good on him making VRfags seethe.

They're either filtered, or people got tired of shitting on them and just want to talk about vidya
My Index comes tomorrow, did your place in the queue ever get moved up

>defending redditors
how low of you

this game is more about the metastory with duck season.

That studio from the YouTuber that got famous off of Freddie Wong as yet to out out a good game. They're good at making hype videos but the games always suck.

That's funny. I live in Bellevue and have tried it and it seems great so far. Are you sure you played the same game? Maybe vr is not for you. I write apis at work for vr products and honestly this game is a breath of fresh air. Amongst all the vr shovelware, this has actual potential!

it's just based user.

It would be if Brandon wasn't such a fart sniffing pretentious fuck.

I’m waiting until December, by then I should have had my job for long enough that I’m settled in my new place and I’ll also get to know if Alyx is any good. Even then I’m reluctant, there aren’t a lot of games that look particularly good and most of the ones that do look like sandbox time wasters.

>Amongst all the vr shovelware, this has actual potential

I actually have to give the game credit for not having a bow in it.

Yeah mine changed from 5-7 weeks to 2-4 weeks yesterday. I’m still waiting to confirm payment via email though.

it's probably too hard for those hacks to code. It basically only haves one gun that comes in 3 variants

I only have A Vive
Felt clunky without the I've controllers
After 30min of running around I also got some motion sickness
Porn is still amazing tho'

*Meant to say Index controllers

tried my damndest to stack everything in a way that would allow it but it never worked. Would always wind up falling between cracks or not having the jump vault high enough to clear the wall. Very annoying.

cancel your order. index is an incremental upgrade at best and the price gap between it and its competitors is laughable.

Meh, I can afford it

This is my first headset and I want to play the game as valve intended. I cashed out memecoins which have already crashed so I'm perfectly happy with my decision

Boneworks is a half-baked tech demo
I tried to warn everyone but the VNN shilling was too strong back then
That being said its a good tech demo (its strength being the sum of its parts) but obviously it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Node's overkill marketing might have sold a lot of copies but SL0 will pay the price for it in the long run.
Honestly at this point I'm just tired of hearing about it

Attached: 1574398578106.gif (500x228, 2.04M)

Reception was good and they managed to release before HL:A. VR market is so bad they will probably still be shilled the same way trash like GORN or Pavlov is still shilled.

The arena mode is fun

Oh yeah, that's the higlight of this tech demo. Wave shooter arena mode with braindead enemies, didn't get enough of that in modded BnS.

Gorn and Pavlov are still fine, it's Superhot being shilled that I can't abide

Superhot is a pretty fun introduction but fuck those polish cucks for never giving it a level editor or some extra levels and modes.

fuck superhot vr for being marked as playable in standing room only and then putting things to grab just a few feet out of reach. so many devs think that "standing room" means you have enough space to walk a few steps in any direction, but i literally only have standing room.
telegrabs should be mandatory for vr games honestly.

What's worse is that Superhot HAS telegrabs that only seem to work when an enemy loses a weapon and even then only occasionally.

I like pavlov but sometimes it just feels like a vr version of a cut down 2012 version of cs go. In single player there is just shooting range, and that demo house. And there is the shitty zombies mode that is so unbalanced. Then multiplayer consists of juggling around looking for a good server. I play pretty much just death match and TTT in terminal, ttt town and nuketown since most other maps are so unoptimized.

What's wrong with bows?

Pavlov is trash and it's depressing it's relevan at all still in 2020, and will continue to do so.
Anyone that still plays this garbage and has over 100 hours in it is brain damaged, simple as.

there's a meme going that every VR game has a bow and arrow, but to be honest I've yet to see one as good as The Lab or In Death, and both of those are kinda boring.

Played this game on the Index. I agree with every point in that list.
This isn't even a game. Fuck, it's not even a tech demo since it's not demoing any new tech. Looks and plays like a shitty game I could make in unity in a week

I have an O+, point me to something better then.

This game was cracked the first week. Only reason i got it. Wasnt bad. Glad i didnt pay $30 though

I hated it on my first playthrough. But on my second I realized it's pretty fun, just kinda limited.

make it then. You'll be rich.

There is nothing better, that's the sad part.

its not a game you play like a normal game its a game where you fuck around in.
And by game I mean tech demo.

Most people not having fun are playing it wrong.
Insanely ovehyped but a tech demo.

>my opinion is fact the post
cool, i liked it

I think you're not normie enough for what VR markets to
It really is "shiny new toy!", and very very little else

The game is great, but pretty limited. It needs more enemy types, a human sized enemy that is not just a slow shuffling drunk or a literal turret, and an ability to boost your in-game strength for like a second at a time so you can properly do throws/unarmed combat.

Its basically halfway to being half-life vr, I'd love to see what they could do in a sequel.

oh no no no, what you propose is FUN.
We don't do FUN at SL0, we push the VR medium further ahead by taking everything Valve deems "bad design" and building a game around it.
More enemy types and fun combat.... haha this fucking guy.