How do u get skinny long hair friends through online video games???

how do u get skinny long hair friends through online video games???

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vrchat I guess

but i CAN'T use a mic im too shy

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don't shitpost with taiga nigger

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Yeah, post lewds instead.

>anime avatar
>pathetic person
checks out

Sell your body to a skinny hair friend user on Yas Forums

>pathetic person
kill yourself fag

im not a WHOOOOREEE!!!

Kill trannies.

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>K-kill yourself!
Follow your own advice you pathetic wimp


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So is there actually any known context for this.

What happened here?


Street justice. Also kill trannies

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context is that tranny shit is legal in america and barely anyone can tolerate it

Either kids these days are hard as fuck or that guy took too much oestrogen.

The aftermath of a tranny shouting at minorities instead of at huwites

Tranny was supposedly annoying the guy for saying something transphobic

Probably just took one MMA class

Cringe thread

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they'll kill themselves - literally the purse ratdog branch of evolution (that is, as soon as shit hits the fan, they'll curb for how weak their minds are)

None of you will ever be women. you will die face down in a ditch after your parents kick you out for not being able to cope with your mental illness, tranny niggers

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Does anime make boys into pathetic sissy wimps or are little bitch boys just more inclined to watch anime? Correlation or causation?

Stop posting worst girl in every thread

Your existence is cringe. Go slit your limp wrists.

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Being angry is not a personality trait

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I was in that thread, god I miss 8ch more day by day

Little bitch boys consume mostly Hollywood garbage.

With suicide.

i'd say neither. both me and my cousin watched tons of anime when we were kids and both found successful careers and women to settle down with. but weak minded fucks would get steered by anything really.

>create anime tranny thread with the goal of erp'ing with people
>people don't want to erp with you because we know you're pic related
Literally bash your fucking head into the wall faggot fuck

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Neither is pretending to be a girl

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I was calling the OP cringe, you knee-jerk weirdos

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we know, but you're still an anime tranny, kill yourself along with OP

I'm not trans, I have no desire to be female

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I don't give a shit about trannies but that "study" is some playing vidya turns you into a violent killer-tier bullshit

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so many men... turned astray
(weak-minded men, granted, but still)

Stop posting worst girl this is your final warning

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You get them by having a cute, bubbly personality.

Your complaints don't register because I only post boys

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>posts a canonically trans character

feeling cute today, might vote for Bernie later

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Trannies with pink wigs and fake boobs and cat tails who throw the first punch are people too! Be respectful!

Luka is not trans.
Luka is an effeminate homosexual male.
Luka wants to become a girl not because Luka believes he is, in fact, a girl, but because Luka is sexually attracted to a heterosexual male, Okabe, and sees conversion of himself to a girl as an acceptable resolution of the dilemma of unrequited love.
The only reason Luka wants to be a girl is because Okabe will only bone girls and Luka wants to get boned by Okabe. If Okabe were bisexual or homosexual, Luka would have no desire to be a girl, this is especially evident in Darling where that exact scenario takes place.
Luka does absolutely nothing to achieve or maintain his effeminate appearance, and outwardly reminds people that he's male.

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you can fucking see his bulge


Fuck off weeb tranny

Wishful thinking?

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I'm very sorry about your double digit IQ.

>anime avatar
tranny confirmed

All of those are from a game retard

tick, tock trannies

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Anime website.

tranny infested board