Dwarves in 'Dwarf Fortress' Are Unionizing

Uh bros???? Fucking dwarves man...

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That seems undwarvenly, seeing as a labour union would seek to use the effort of the dwarves as a tool to gain more influence, that's what unions are for, while the dwarves are actually by-and-large doing it for the good of all dwarfkind.

The more dwarves join the union and the more influence the union gains the less work the dwarves will do, weakening the fortress.

anyone else always read unionizing as un-ionizing and take a second

It's a clickbait title. Dwarves form guilds for certain professions after you have a certain number of them and then ask for guildhalls, where they improve their skills without actually doing any work.

>adds guilds in the most medieval sense of traders honing their craft
>game journos: "UwU Dwarf Fortress now has FULLY AUTOMATED GAY CAVE COMMUNISM!!!"
How do these places make money again?

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Honestly the entire DF political/economic model is completely retarded anyway when you try to analyze it and compare it to the real world.

I legit thought OP posted a Hard Drive article (basically a vidya The Onion) based on the title, but then I realized it was just a shitty interpretation of the update.

the fag who wrote this article is a fag, i bet

slow day for news huh Gita?

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God that sounds amazing. No more boxes of shit tier dwarven trinkets for me!

Why are burgers so assblasted about unions?
There are bad examples but most of the time they just strike from time to time and push regulations for less working hours, safer workplace and more pay

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It's guilds, which is very dwarven.

A guild is not the same as a trade/labor union.

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muh free markets

Medieval guilds weren't Unions, closest modern equivalent would be professional association.

In the UK the miners unions shut the country down with completely unreasonable demands to the extent that people were freezing to death without coal and the government had to go and fucking shoot them.

The knock on effect of that was the absolute destruction of all mining in the UK. Thanks greedy fucking union leaders.

>less working hours
>safer workplace
Also wrong.
>more pay

Unless you've negotiated contracts with the Steelworkers, IBEW, and other Nationals don't bother responding.

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>Hurrr why are things not the same as in my country/region/continent

Because things are different in the US than the EU/UK, you drooling fucking retard. Either learn about different countries/cultures or shut your stupid fucking mouth, you uneducated retard

Unions were necessary when workers had to stick together in the face of industrialists circa the gilded age. Now that big daddy government has stepped in to mandate the working hours, labor safety, and child labor, unions are completely redundant and more often than not end up as another layer of inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy to gum up the system.

Congrats, you are smarter and have more worth as a human being than than game journo who wrote this.

Dumb journalist. Guilds are not the same thing as labor unions.

join guilds and share their skills =/= union

would blame Thatcher for that for being a frigid cunt, and miners have it shitty as it is

Well people in US demand unions because daddy governament clearly isn't doing enough

Well, i got my hours reduced and got mandatory work breaks for the same amout of shekels

Americans are literally programmed to hate unions. A lot of people have to watch anti-union propaganda videos as a condition of taking a job, usually a shit job for a pitiable minimum wage at a big company, where they would benefit most from a union.

damn dwarf fortress looks like that now?

ya bro

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>mandated working hours
You can work as much as you want in the union. They nearly striked when we mandated rest periods because people were clocking up 120 hours a week and we fucking KNEW FOR A FACT they were sleeping on the job.
>labor safety
Again, when we instituted new safety protocol they nearly threw a shit fit and threatened to strike because "learning new things is hard" and "one strike and you're out regarding lock out, tag out is unfair and we will file a grievance if Joe Bob Cousin Licker gets fired for fucking up and Jimmy John Brother Buggerer loses his legs"

I said don't fucking respond because you don't know shit about shit. Europeans are fucking lazy as fuck, even compared to our good ol' union boys. Whenever I tried to get shit done in Belgium, I had to threaten to terminate half the fucking office just to get them in a meeting.
>but user you are a stupid American this is how we do business
>show up or the office is consolidating with Brussels and over half of you will be laid off
And they showed up like the little bitches they and you are.

Fuck unions and fuck western yuropoors. At least a slav will show up to work if only to steal shit to sell to the mob and a chink will show up just to try to cheat you as hard as he can.

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what the fuck is up with the perspective on that grass? what is even happening there

They're supposed to be up/down slopes, but the sunlight is coming from the south for some fucking reason

>tolkien based his fantasy dwarves on the jews
This doesn't surprise me

imagine being too revolt yourself so you make daddy union do it

Can I mod out the LGBT dwarves?

>imagine being too revolt yourself so you make daddy union do it

So I'm kind of interested in DF but I heard they added trannies to the game. What's the last non-pozzed version of the game.

Just take them out and chain them to a tree or something for the goblins to rape.

Fuck off you twat, you have no valid argument so you start going on a tangent
I have a bud, he's a pilot.
Pilots are highly specialized workers, to become one you need to invest a lot, train a lot and there isn't much people willing to do that anymore.
All companies in the US decided to cap the salary so they don't compete for pilots, keeping wages low. That's why your pilots are running to Asia.
If they organized a strike with some requests, blocking flight traffic for a single weekend, companies would have to give in.
This is what unions do you corporate bootlicker cuck
I don't get you bastards, you're so eager to defend multibillion companies against your own interest, pushing foward the convergence of all capital into the hands of few oligarchs.
Good job mate, be proud of yourself for being a class traitor.

kys commie

Because that multibillion dollar company pays me extremely well to make sure everyone fucking has a job next pay period, even those guys in non-union shops. The unions do everything in their power to put my paycheck and the paychecks of those not in the union in jeopardy just because they want to keep clocking in 120 hours and week and spending 40 of those hours asleep in their shitty hidey-holes they have spread across the plant.

I'm not a class traitor. I'm not the working class. I'm not the lower class. My disdain for you and yours is palpable and I long for a return to fucking slavery just so I can fuck over you union pieces of shit as much as you've fucked me over as my career has progressed.

I hate you. You are lazy. You are ignoble. You have no honesty within you. It's not about "workers' rights" it's about getting paid more than you're fucking worth so you can go out and buy a Porsche in your first year rather than your third.

You ever see a fucking chemical worker driving a Porsche? I have. They're all over the fucking place, can't throw a pebble without hitting a Cayenne. I WISH I was this mythical "working class" so I could drive a Cayenne around and laugh about it on Monday after wrapping it around a tree drunk off my ass.

You don't know shit about shit.

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Average zoomer only reads title, advanced zoomer reads title and first couple of sentences.

I couldn't have expressed it better myself

>He fell for the corporate life meme

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That's why I tell everyone on /g/ to stop with the "lern 2 code" bullshit and go be a welder or an electrician if they're too stupid to be anything else. You don't gotta be good at your job, you just gotta pay those union dues and vote for who they tell you to vote for and you can pull in six figures in no time.

If you're the same guy, though, nice of you to admit you're a complete fucking retard and have to resort to reaction images because you can't muster a response. Dismissed, disregarded, and disrespected.

the problem is that guilds will be useless. For most professions skill level just does not matter besides saving a bit of time and for the professions where skill DOES matter like metalworking you just have 1 legendary dwarf do all the work.

Americans worship big daddy corporate capitalists who can do no wrong. Look at their president.

>You don't gotta be good at your job, you just gotta pay those union dues and vote for who they tell you to vote for and you can pull in six figures in no time.
Why are unions bad again?

>the unions want to keep clocking in 120 hours
Who do you think is stupid enough to believe this? Why are scabs only capable of arguing in ridiculous anecdotes?

This is nice copypasta

ignore the bootlicker, if he keeps polishing those shoes online maybe he'll get a promotion to junior assistant rightmost office managaer helper and get a tiny raise

It's a feature for people who actually play the game properly instead of just checking off a list of the same cookie cutter shit whenever they start a new fortress.

A lot of coping in this thread.

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to americans that think they don't need unions
most of your states have at-will employment
justify that

Post paystubs with place of business. I want to know what you do for a living.

>why don’t the working class like organizations historically linked with violent organized crime or political extremists who hate you, and ineptitude

The last union pusher we had was a DSA homosexual man who constantly talked about socialism, how gay he was, and how he disliked religion. This was in the American south. That screams incompetency.

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>why don’t the working class like organizations historically linked with violent organized crime or political extremists who hate you, and ineptitude

Just so you know, literally all of that applies to corporations in general

>but most of the time
I wonder what commie is behind this post

I work retail.

yes sir, but in order for me to trust you first you need to post your credit card number, it's expiration date, the 3 number code you can find behind, a picture of your id and a picture of your penis

this is actually a really intelligent argument against unions, thank you user.

I'm a union bus driver. I work 50 hours/week, almost all of which is hands on the wheel, and make $15/hr
considering virtually other entry level job in my area pays like $10/hr and my dues are low I think they do a pretty good job

>adds guilds in the most medieval sense of traders honing their craft
Medieval guilds were jewish as fuck. You couldn't even work as a craftsman if you weren't a member of that particular guild. Price fixing was the norm. Guilds and unions are basically state sponsored franchised monopolies.
It's like McDonald's changes its name to the hamburger guild of america and you can't open a burger restaurant unless you pay for your franchise, I mean union fees.

Thinking that Porsches are expensive is how I know that this is just some fag larping.

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Child who doesn't know shit about shit.
Potential glownigger.
Too stupid to get a welder's certificate.
Forgive me for thinking a blue collar man isn't really "working class" or "lower class" when he drops 70 grand on a car.

stop with this, that's not what it means

Yes, it does, good deflection. The problem is the companies here (especially in my field) have actually done a decent enough job of getting people to like working for them. So if you want to convince people in a position to Unionize, try a little harder than someone who detests the majority of your workers values openly since that will go over poorly. Just send a fucking good ol’ boy or something.

can you chagne/edit the sprites (basically change the game image files)? I want to make pixel kobolds

> Not playing the game to do dumb dwarf shit, make stupid structures, and have fun
> Actually min-maxing Dwarf Fortress of all things
The only time you should care about any of that garbage is when you're trying some feat like inhabiting haunted tundra. Dwarf Fortress is fun because of the possibilities, not because you can autistically min-max your way to an unstoppable fortress, which is pathetically easy anyway.

>which is pathetically easy anyway
As if you could've figured out a minmax meta by yourself. Copying a guide step by step doesn't count as pathetically easy you pathetic retard

Fucking journo commiefags. Guilds were like trade schools, not unions.

Did you have a point that was relevant to my post?

>get a low-skill certification and you can be making six gorillion a year in just X years!
miss me with that tradie scam shit lol

Yes that you're a fag

They don't drop 70k on it. They get the shit pre-owned with an 8 year loan for the price of a new BMW x4

>imagine being this mad that people want to be paid properly for an honest days work.

>tfw can't play with original ASCII tileset
I tried, but I just find it so ugly

They all go to the same dealership, they all get them new. One guy got the demo vehicle at the end of the year, he paid 58K and still gets teased about it.

lmao have you seen naughty dog the workers happily crunch by themselves its something that's a part of a company's culture

because they don't get paid well otherwise. Half the point of the labor movement was to get working hours under control.

I would rather you not just to see obnoxious communist faggots not get their way.

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