wtf I thought this was going to fail
Wtf I thought this was going to fail
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hopefully this results in demos becoming the norm again
Literally fucking why did you think the most hyped remake in videogame history would fail?
I remember people talking about it when the PS2 was released
Why? Because Yas Forums said so?
Someone post the Tortanic comic
will not buy until they fix tifa
Resident Evil 6 is the best selling Resident Evil game of all time, therefore it is the best Resident Evil game.
Friendly reminder you retards dont have any actual control over the success of one game or another. RetardEra is more effectual than you idiots
part 2 will fail because normalfags don't even know this isn't the full game and squeenix keep going all out with false advertising
>p-part 2 will fail
you doomers are so desperate its pathetic
You posted this exact thread a couple hours ago...
Please, tell me, what do you gain from taunting random people on the internet? I just don't see the point of it? Even if it is just for a reaction, why? you don't know anyone it's aimless antagonization, with no personal connection that defeats the entire purpose. Is it a sexual thing? just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean even if you're getting paid it just seems like money that could be spent in a better way, but even then, it's just...aside from getting an autistic cunt like me to pose and ponder this, wheres the gain?
Why isn’t a long-awaited remake of the most iconic entry in one of the most popular videogame franchises failing?
Because people don't realize it's episodic and only the first 5 hours of the 70 hour game
quick reminder that the demo is pure garbage
Wait you mean giving people a demo of a good game will make them want more? It's almost like companies who say demos = bad employ the worst practices possible in their games or are trying to hide their painful mediocrity.
Games being good would have to become the norm first.
i dont get it
>Please, tell me, what do you gain from taunting random people on the internet? I just don't see the point of it? Even if it is just for a reaction, why?
Asking those kinds of question in this board, are you new?
quick reminder to ignore nignogs with vagina deflectors, and the opinions of nignogs with vagina deflectors
What am I supposed to see here? This dude looks mega autistic.
NOOOOOOOO what about tortanic. That was us bro, that was all us epic anons NOOOOOAAAAAGH
Numbers, post them.
Someone sell the game to me, more specifically justify paying $60 burgers for half a game. No meme argument points.
I mean, it definitely doesn't hurt
Okay, coomer.
so until the PC version is released?
expect digital sales to explode too seeing as half the world is being quarantined
you have to hold triangle instead of just pressing it like on PSX
demos used to reduce sales, now it's the opposite.
I mean that is fucking annoying.
he's purposefully shitting on the game.
>demos used to reduce sales
>people are still falling for this meme
>This shit's like Devil May Cry!
>$60 burgers for half a game.
More like a third of a game.
>Someone sell the game to me
I would say gameplay, but we've haven't seen more from it beside the demo, at that was only basic shit.
I'm so fucking hyped about it. Eat shit doomposters
I mean the same company suffered from releasing a demo for an upcoming third game in a beloved series.
It was Dungeon Siege 3.
The opinions of blacks and weebs don't factor into whether I buy a video game.
It's a way to hide loading times or rather hide stuttering from data streaming in the background.
Other games like God of War or that last Star Wars game do this by forcing you to squeeze through a tight opening and slow you down that way.
it can't be a good game until they add FF12-style party strategy/positioning gambits instead of making you micromanage every little fucking thing they do in a bullshit RTWP that doesn't even fully pause anyway
It's also the least profitable RE of all time so that means it's the worst Resident Evil game.
God of War is even worse, with unskipable long walking sequences.
SSDs in the next console generation will hopefully kill this trend.
Wasn't FFXV and FFXIII the same way?
only literal underage posters post those wojacks right?
FFXIII only had a demo if you bought the Advent Children blu ray as far as i remember
Because they've been trying pretty hard to fuck it up. Looks like it might still turn out okay despite all of those efforts.
Want to bet there will be people complaining after launch that it is not the full game? since SE tried to hide it with removing the Part 1 from the title.
I feel like that's somehow a lawsuit in the making.
Reminder that Tortanic and the fappening was what ruined this site permanently
Wtf. Everyone is quoting/citing some Twitter guy that provided NO data or sources or anything, and it’s being parroted as fact. I’m looking forward to it (and was that good player that had leaked demo gameplay), but journalism is fucking stupid.
See a thread shilling the remake again, report and sage. The faster this nigger is banned, the better.
How many people getting this are thinking they're gonna get the full game and not just "Part 1"?
Pause -> Down - > X is way faster.
how many people buying this have actually played/remember the whole game?
That Benji faggot is also full of shit and has been wrong countless times.
No way you'll get to the credits and not wonder why Aeris isn't dead.
what the fuck is remotedly wrong with having to hold down an input for something as massively unimportant as triggering levers and doors?
You know, I'm not going to buy the game and I had lost absolutely all hope I ever had in square enix making a great game, but way above all that of course I wish it to be good
why the fuck would anyone want games to be bad? What the fuck would ever be gained from another piece of shit existing in the market? Everyone fucking wins if quality stuff exists, contrarian niggers should kill themselves desu
Why would it fail? Even I'm thinking of buying a PS4 just for nostalgia sake and I haven't completed or liked an FF game since FFX-2.
Waiting for the inevitable outcry when all the normalfags buying it find out it only goes up to the end of disc 1 and isn't actually the full game.
>Want to bet there will be people complaining after launch that it is not the full game?
No. I know you all are just salivating at the thought, but it won't happen.
>implying normalfags even finish games
This is a genius move by SE. They know only 30% of players finish a game and those are likely those who are already hardcore fans who don't mind the episodic shit.
This. the people buying this are drones and npcs so they won't know or care.
It's the same exact thing that happened with pokemon.
I'm too fucking worried by how they are selling the game divided in multiple parts
not to mention
like, jesus fucking christ, and people say kojima is a hack. Nomura is a fucking cancer
Someone tell me I don't need to worry about the game being sold three or four times in separate parts, because I don't see any silver lining
>Source: my ass
Hardcore fans are the ones that are most annoyed by Squeenix's bullshit though.
>Someone tell me I don't need to worry about the game being sold three or four times in separate parts
We'll know based on what they say Part 2 will cover and how fast it comes out
Wait for the complete, three in one pack if money is an issue.
and hardcore fans are the ones who already know about this