Let me pose another question, also about Street Fighter. Is Chun Li sexualized...

Let me pose another question, also about Street Fighter. Is Chun Li sexualized? I'm sure the answer would almost overwhelmingly be yes. Next question: how can her design be made to be less sexual? Again, I'm sure the answer would primarily involve toning down the exaggerated aspects of her design (boobs, thighs, etc). The gaming industry is the teen who thinks he's an adult but is still a child. The issue however is that most games portraits every women character with the same body, that is mistakenly considered as the "perfect body"... that's what I believe the term sexualization would come in btw. To portray every women like that is kind of sending a message that this is how women should look like, which is not a good message, neither a correct one.

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bait better, faggot

how would you sexualize kolin?

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I'm a prude and the answer is options for a more modestly dressed character. That way Coomer and people without semen-related brain damage can both enjoy her.

stop wrestling with gay leftist talking points and just admit that you like big thighs and titties and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that

uhhhh yeah, PEE PEE POO POO
shut up bitch

>Let me pose another question
What? Who the fuck are you? What's the first?


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There was nothing wrong with her original battle dress.

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>how can her design be made to be less sexual?
Start by mutilating your fucking dick

with art

>jive post
Didnt read dont care. Attack a better game.

implied nopan should be the standard

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>how can her design be made to be less sexual?
Sexuality = immoral

But that is what all women should look like.

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How many liters of soi do I have to drink daily to tank my test until I start wanting to fuck and marry Chunners?


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The difference comes from men and women/betas. When a man sees a muscular man he thinks "That is an ideal to strive for" and when a woman sees what you call "perfect body" woman she thinks "I am too lazy to strive for that body. It would be more advantageous for me if we instead lowered the standard." Then you get beta males who aren't aggressive enough to actively ask women out so instead they unsuccessfully try to get laid by agreeing with women.

Yeah she definitely is. Which is ok tho, you will never be able to not sexualize women because finding women attractive is natural.
So unless you put them into a burka, you won't be able to not sexualize them if the game depicts humans in a realistic fashion.

>To portray every women like that is kind of sending a message that this is how women should look like
i really don't get that argument
i'm the manletest of all manlets, literally child-sized, there isn't a isn't a single "body model" character that represents me and i don't spend all my time writing blogs claiming that every videogame is shaming my body

eat shit, faggot

What about little mac? And hey if you’re that short, gnomes/hobbits/halflings are usually pretty based.

Her body her choice, bigot. No she’s not asking for it.

>>So unless you put them into a burka
>Im-fucking-playing a big old ass and smoldering eyes hidden under sandnigger attire doesn't make me want to go on a crusade with my dicc

Post Chuns

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gnomes, hobbits and halflings are always unlikely heroes underestimated by everyone or plain and simply comic relief
little mac is a literally who right now

Meanwhile in reality men have been complaining on the internet about prettyboy JRPG protags for literal decades because they don't like how they appeal to women more than the Schwarzenegger-type bodies they want to believe are the ideal male.

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I wish little pretty boys were the ideal male standard


Shut up, porky


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yeah, because they've shit taste
it's like the tits v ass eternal showdown, women just have the worst taste in men. Arnie's awesome.

Actually never thought of that. Good point.


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>"They've got shit taste! They must find attractive what I find attractive."
Way to jump on your sword

>tfw rangeban so i cant dump my chunners folder
fuck you mods im not buying your stupid pass

Yes, they've shit taste. Not "bohoo, they think someone's prettier than me". I'm not fucking Conan.

It's the same point expressed differently, retardo

lmao, literally "omg men should like fat curvy women like ME!!" but from a male perspective

Critically based!

right, and the reason the tits vs ass discussion is ongoing to this day I'm sure is because of gyno

Let me pose another question, also about Street Fighter. Is Urien sexualized? I'm sure the answer would almost overwhelmingly be yes. Next question: how can his design be made to be less sexual? Again, I'm sure the answer would primarily involve toning down the exaggerated aspects of his design (pecs, biceps, etc). The gaming industry is the teen who thinks he's an adult but is still a child. The issue however is that most games portraits every male character with the same body, that is mistakenly considered as the "perfect body"... that's what I believe the term sexualization would come in btw. To portray every man like that is kind of sending a message that this is how men should look like, which is not a good message, neither a correct one.

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It's literally the opposite. This man is saying that he recognizes the ideal male while accepting that he isn't ideal.

He's also saying people, including women, who don't think of prime Arnold as being ideal have shit taste. I would go one further and suggest they need their head and endocrine system examined

Are you trying to insult me by comparing me to a bodybuilding legend?

As long as the character owns her sexuality I don't see a problem. You have designs like Bayonetta or the old Lara Croft that are intentionally sexy but still have a recognisable personality and their clothes and body represent that. Chun Li is a fighter that uses her legs, so it's reasonable for her to have exposed legs that she can move freely as long as it makes sense.

It's already been done. SFAlpha design is her best one that hits the right notes in everything.
>makes sense
>looks good
>suits her fashion taste (respecting her first appearance)
>made a fashion statement before it got popular - now every girl and their mum wears leggings and body suits

Based. Such levels of cognitive dissonance surely speak to a mental or physical illness

Sorry friend I think you are sorrounding yourself with too many retards, cause no one that seriously wants to be a "Schwarzenegger-type" is complaining about ham planets fujoshis liking riku more than them, they are on the gym improving themselves and not giving a fuck about videogames and what nerd women jack off to.

On a side note, women don't know what the fuck they want, they just know it has to be the best of the best and they want it effortlessly regardless they even deserve it or not, or if it's even good to begin with. It can be pretty boys, it can be a buff dudes, convicts, CEOs, you name it, women can make an argument for whatever they deem prefferable because they never take the objective value of something into account, only subjectivity (how they feel and perceive things).

So yeah my point is that you are making assumptions about female taste and male behavior based only in cringe reddit and twitter.

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The ideal heterosexual male is whatever women consider it to be whether you like it or not, just as the ideal heterosexual female is whatever men consider it to be whether they like it or not.

Street Fighter women were always sexy. Fuck off faggot feminazi.

Is this an American analogy?

>arguing semantics
who gives a shit nigger

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>My girlfriend thinks I'm handsome


Just make her into a men.

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It's not semantics, it's the truth.
If all heterosexual women agree that the ideal heterosexual male body is a misshapen deformed monster with three hands and one eye, then that is the ideal heterosexual male body. You unironically don't have a say in it.
Viceversa also applies.

It's the same.
They're recognizing and whining about not being the ideal while you're recognizing and whining about not being the ideal, you just have different ways of whining. There is nothing that is a rejection of this concept on the woman's part.
Arnold has a goofy face with terrible teeth. Plenty of women clearly don't like it. Feel free to post your proof of women not liking prime Arnold having brain damage.

>Is Urien sexualized? I'm sure the answer would almost overwhelmingly be yes

Maybe if you're gay, but there's a reason you don't see Uriens in fanservice games aimed at women.

Why care about this in games when they tell us not to care about everything else? Every day when you point out super gay and "diverse" propaganda, especially when it makes zero sense even in universe, they respond "it's just a game" or "its just a movie" etc yet they turn around and say everything else is problematic. Why the double standard? It gets so tiresome.

>my mom thinks I'm ugly

F in the shat bois

Yeah, you got me. I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hasta la vista, baby.

Except that this man isn't trying to manipulate standards in his favour. He's lamenting that the standards don't always reflect the reality.

>>I would go one further and suggest they need their head and endocrine system examined.
>"It is I that possesses the right opinion about beauty—all others are wrong. Beauty is not him the eye of the beholder."
Stupid niggers

>I'm sure the answer would almost overwhelmingly be
No, fuck off baiting faggot

Well he's based on Greek Olympic athletes. So it's kinda hard to play any card against it honestly.

Here’s your source bro

beholders only have 17 CHA, retard