Want to give the old fallouts a try

>want to give the old fallouts a try
>start with 2 because i heard 1 has a time limit
>game begins in an ooga booga temple
>im an ooga booga tribal with a spear
>weird aesthetic but whatever
>spend the next 2 hours stuck in combat with ants
>eventually get out into the real game world
>guide tells me to head far south to san francisco
>have to reload a few times because of random encounters literally 1 shotting me
>eventually end up at the enclave base
>guy in a literal wizard robe stops me
>tell him in a new enclave recruit
>even though im literally wearing a vault suit and carrying a spear
>he believes me
>loot the whole enclave base for free
>get literally tens of thousands of dollars and a dozen levels of xp
>full suit of power armor
>eventually head back to the main quest
>travel to a town literally called "reddit"
>spend the next 2 hours in combat with rats
>1 shot everything, never take any damage
>fall asleep at the keyboard
>uninstall when i wake up

game was more boring than fallout 3. nostalgia goggles are real.

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new vegas is the only fallout worth playing desu

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i care not for the opinion of an anime poster

shut the fuck up todd

>start with 2
You fool.

You're not supposed to go to san fran right away fool

>used a guide now I'm overpowered wtf??
juicy bait

I doubt any of this is true but nice story anyway.

The sad thing is, people will give him (You)s.

The Fallout games are completely drooling braindead RPGs. The Infinity Engine games are miles better and that's a fact.

What a fucking retarded guide would tell you to head to San Francisco first, let alone the Enclave base

who are you quoting? also start with 1 it's literally the perfect RPG and the time limit is so generous that it's no trouble at all.

Retarded zoomer, off yourself you pointless subhuman.

Arcanum is way more kino than the original Fallouts, a superior retro game in every way.

> start with 2 because i heard 1 has a time limit
you got filtered by a game you didn't even play, jesus christ

majority of people read up on everything about the game before playing the game - gaming is an exercise in following a guide point by point, playing without an aid is "wasted time"


it may not be true for me but i'm sure it was true for someone out there, and thats why my story matters. every voice deserves to be heard.

maybe don't use a retarded guide that tells you to go to San Fran right away


this is pathetic. people who play games like this suck

I heard lots of stories of people getting filtered or just having a bad time with the older fallout games. Everyone should have their stories heard but they should atleast make it sound believable or provide proof if they are going to make claims. I heard people talk about things that never happened in any of the fallout games or people confusing mods with official work. I reserve the right to be skeptical when people tell stories on the internet.

I've always assumed everyone who was critical of F3 not understand the "lore", never actually played Fallout 2 where you're telepathically communicating with tribal leaders while reddit memes sprout all around, yakuza are fighting italian mobs, "reddit" town is harvesting gold (no one fucking uses gold), and San Francicso is full of kung-fu fighting asians who worship an emperor

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Lets not forget that fallout 1 is a giant mad max reference and the main bad guy is a psychic blob of goo attached to a computer that wants to turn everyone into green monster men. You also forgot the magician in the army base, the ghost you get to talk to, and the 1920s gangsters in reno.

fallout 4 is cool because i get to have a dog and my son is my grandpa

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it's new cuckgas fags and nma queers, they pretend to be grogs who care about the interplay games but it's painfully obvious they've never played them especially when they talk about how FO1 "forces you to use 1 build"

I never played fallout games and I even I can smell the bullshit from your post

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>Lets not forget that fallout 1 is a giant mad max reference and the main bad guy is a psychic blob of goo attached to a computer that wants to turn everyone into green monster men.
I think in Fallout 1 managed to capture a strong atmosphere, while the campiness of the monsters helped contribute to the world building.

> You also forgot the magician in the army base, the ghost you get to talk to, and the 1920s gangsters in reno.
Yeah, Fallout 2 goes off the rails and basically shits on the atmosphere of the first game. Though I don't find the mob stuff in New Reno to be problematic

good bait

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Fallout is silly in a way but the humanity of it is what makes the games enjoyable and engaging. FO3/FO4 bad wile the original 2 get away with it because of atmosphere, presentation, mood, and story telling. I find the Kung-Fu parody town of San Francisco more believable than the new underground railroad just because of it's presentation.

Did you actually play the fucking game

>psych(ot)ic blob of goo attached to a computer
Sounds a lot like most on here if I'm hinest

>he isn't making an army of giant green retards while he shitposts on v
Wasting your time bud. When kungflu and semen disease come out to kill everyone you will beg me and my army of retards to save you.

>deranged word salad
Case in point

Fallout 1 was patched to reduced the timer so you can take your sweet time. Though I wouldn't expect a retard that was filtered by the temple to learn anything without being hand held. You entire "experience" sounds like you just watched a speedrun. Fuck you. Go back to Bugthesda.

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Faggots using a guide on their first play through need to be shot

>no one fucking uses gold
it literally the fucking currency used in game you dolt

But Redding is an actual town...

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thanks for the screencap

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talking the master into killing itself is a Star Trek reference. Kirk compels things to kill themselves through discussion three or four times in the original series.

>want to give the old fallouts a try
>start with 2 because i heard 1 has a time limit
Unironically stopped reading here. You're a fucking idiot, OP. Not only do you miss a lot of important story elements as FO2 is a direct sequel to FO1, but the timelimit in FO1 is *EXTREMELY* generous, and even includes a way to extend it if you are an absolute brainlet and still can't manage to find the water chip in time.

zoomer going zoomies
start with fallout 1 it has the same gameplay...
fallout 2 is like a sequel for fallout 1 players
read a fallout 1 guide and start from there

And I've always assumed everyone who criticizes FO2 does it with the help of youtube videos.

This was made very clear when I watched pic related. All of their cirticism is basically echoing what some eceleb are saying.


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>says zoomer
>while telling people to use a guide
based retard

when you pretend to be an idiot idiots will flock to you thinking theyre in good company

>travel to a town literally called "reddit"

What does that have to do with anything I said up there?

Looks like I replied to the wrong post.

What's wrong with using a guide? You boomers had guides in your days

>what is wrong with letting someone play the game for me


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>download game for free
>watch and read guides
>breeze through avoiding bullshit, taking the best weapons and having fun
>as a bonus get to live in your head rent free

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>start with 2

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>needing a guide
Holy shit you retard
None of the stuff in fallout 2 is complex
Hard? A tad, especially in the early game if you keep getting fucked by random encounters but that's literally it.

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there is no continuance between 1 & 2. they are separate stories. there is no point in playing them in order.


>no one fucking uses gold
I'll give you everything else but what the fuck do you think coins are?

I played FO2 blind and I only looked up wiki once, and played the game on hard/hard btw.
Are you joking? I can't tell.

>there is no continuance between 1 & 2

they were a last resort

>there is no continuance between 1 & 2

You can't be serious.

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O and this was with non-minmaxed character, and speech/charisma build. I don't even know how badly you have to be retarded if you can't beat the game on normal with a combat build.

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ppl say this is the hardest fight in the game, but Harrigan with his turret army was WAY WAY tougher, then again he's meant to be killed by his own turrets but I locked myself out of the turret terminal because I didn't know about it

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different user, but you can just preemptively kill the turrets.