Devil May Cry thread

Crimson Cloud is a fuck awful song.

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I'm sorry I didn't realize this was the shit taste thread.


ur a fuck awful song

Devil Trigger > Crimson Cloud >>>>>>>> Subhuman

I stopped playing the game cause of the guy with the sandals. That’s clearly gayvibes for up and coming faggots.

Shut the fuck up, Woolie.

The only good song in DMC5 is silver bullet. Everything else is cringe shit

Lemme fix that for you


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I think it's alright, but it's just weird to be in DMC. Hell most of the OST feels that way.
Good taste, for me it's more like

Wait, there's DMC5 mods for FFXV?
Yes. Now you too can go on a roadtrip with Dante and Lady

Sick. Time to hit up the workshop again.

I imagine Vergil would be like a clueless boomer with modern technology. Probably not as bad as Dante is, that dude still uses a rotary phone.

Rotary phones are based, it's a style thing.

Give Dante a smart phone and see how long it takes him to give up and just turn it into a demon arm


Anyone who unironically thinks 4 is better than 5 is delusional
5 is a straight upgrade in nearly every single way

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I can kind of agree with them in terms of content. Even though 4 is basically half a game, the SE versions extra characters help it. And it was really lame of Capcom not to have Vergil be playable in 5 right off the bat.

Lady and Trish are very half baked playable characters and while sure Vergil is cool he's nowhere near good enough to make up for the rest of 4's problems

>Crimson Cloud is a fuck awful song.
Interesting how you could hear the music, considering how fucked the sound design is. All I want to do is jam while I hack&slash demons--do the developers really think I listen for the "YA. AH. HYUH. GOTCHA. ONE MORE. HUUUUUAAAHHH."


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If you think vanilla DmC is worse than 2, you're off your rocker.

open options nigger

Vanilla DmC is really fucking bad, but it's sort of functional I guess. Which is more than I can say for 2

1 > DmC > 4 > 5 > 3

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Why does V get girls wet?

Better visuals, cinematics, combat feel and AI. Not trying to say 4's perfect, it's far from that. But I find myself having more fun playing it than 5.

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I can't be the only one who thought he genuinely looked ugly. His lips looks like when you lick your cracked lips for a solid fucking gay, he is pale, and also skinny as shit. Now Vergil, THAT is a good looking man.

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solid fucking day*

It's the voice.

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Why does Nero have two hands?

Doesn't change the fact the music is still quiet as a mouse on full volume you stupid cracker

It grew back.

I noticed that the overall sound volume is considerably quieter in 4SE and 5 when compared to most games, even 4 vanilla. HD collection also received this treatment and I think it probably has to do something with them trying to accommodate for surround systems.

>Better visuals, cinematics, combat feel
I agree with these but Dante's kit is so much better in 5 I can't go back to 4 anymore without feeling massively gimped. Not to mention the levels suck ass.

This might be the worst taste I've ever seen

DMC5 has an awful OST. How did they drop the ball that hard, on top of the face scanning shit? Otherwise, really solid game.

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I think the only thing 5 has over 4 in terms of feel and looks is E&I. In 4 they feel like garbage to shoot.

Didn't bring back the previous composer that had worked on 2/3/4. Honestly don't know what they were thinking, I think 5 had a production value too high for its own good.

Subhuman is honestly pretty cool when you get into the S ranks during it.

Yeah that's true, guns do feel weak in 4. Though I'm not too fond of 5's new firing sound for E&I. That metallic noise it had in 1, 3 & 4 was almost iconic.

Wish they made him look more like vergil, like in the concept arts. V looks like that shoe Adam Driver too much to be attractive.

Vergil is the ANTAGONIST of this game. It makes no sense to make him playable right away. Unlockable, maybe, but those fell out of fashion because of DLC and special editions

Anyone who disagrees is a smoothbrain

I didn't mean from the start of the game, I meant in the game without needing to wait for a DLC/Special Edition for him.

The sound effect for the guns in 5 packs much more of a punch.

>defending buying the game again
fuck you matt

Well, yeah, it did but if that's the case then V is already destroyed.

He grew back


No clue. I guess women really like twinks. I thought Nero was going to be the breakout fujo favorite when I saw his jawline but I guess I'm out of touch

DMC5 is at a fundamental level a shit game. The game disappoints in almost all aspects of game design and culminates in what is a trainwreck game where nothing is as fulfilling as the devs probably thought it would be. To list some severe flaws:

-The level design is repetitive, ugly and low-effort. DMC4 got shit for its backtracking. But truth is that in most of DMC5 you go through copypaste ugly corridors that aren’t even as nice to look at as the stages in DMC4. On top of this, the levels are all just glorified arenas. There is nothing that connects them to gameplay. It’s like level design was made completely separate from rest of game. And before you fags say this is intentional, it’s not. This by the fact that early levels have actual level design and a semblance of art direction. It screams rushed production later on in the game.

-The gameplay, while having combat depth, gives you barely any incentive to learn it. The game on the starting difficulty is piss easy. So, you’re button mashing your way through the entire game because the game never ever punishes you for doing it. In fact, it’s almost promoted. And then you unlock hard difficulty and you can continue to just repeat the button mashing. To make things even worse, it’s actually impossible to game over in this game because the game hands yout free revives like candy. This is in contrast to previous DMC games that forced you to actually learn the game proper before beating them and also didn’t give out free revives not to scare off casuals.

-The lack of puzzles and platforming makes the button mashing even more obvious and also removes the variety that they used to provide in older DMC games. Now the entire game is basically Bloody Palace and there is never any change of pacing or anything to give the game a pause-and-beat momentum.

part 1/3

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Your mom is a fuck awful lay.

-The story and gameplay is divided in three characters. Since the game is so short on top of this, you can barely unlock the full potential of Dante and Nero before beating the game. So throughout the entire first run of the game you’re playing gimped versions of Dante and Nero because the dumb idiotic devs insisted to include a Kylo Ren knock-off to appease to gays and women. V is also extremely boring to play and promotes a play style that is anti-DMC and again meant mostly for casuals who don’t appreciate the melee fast-paced combat of the other two.

-The story is the lowest level of fanservice schlock. It’s embarrassing how a multi-million production can have writing and direction this poor. None of the DMC3 icons are portrayed in a satisfying manner here. Characters are reduced to satires of themselves and you realize halfway through that the devs simply can’t do more with these characters than what they did in DMC3. Instead we have endless fan nods thrown at us as the game desperately tries to put together a coherent plot that is redundant, unsatisfying and goes nowhere but up its own ass.

-Cutscene direction is a significant downgrade from DMC3/4. Gone are the overly stylish fight choreographies and instead replaced with sloppy exposition and the dumbest ass date sign ever present in a game. Here’s another area where the devs thought its players sub-50 IQ. The game has to actively tell you the time of the day over and over again for no real purpose. And this completely breaks cutscenes as all sense of momentum is lost when the game pauses everything to show you what the time is.

-Soundtrack is a huge disappointment. Gone are the religious influences and instead the entire soundtrack consists of three songs with two of them being completely repulsive and the third being way overplayed. This is the game’s biggest shortcoming because it actively hurts to listen to.

Part 2/3

-While not related to the game itself, it bares mentioning that the DMC5 fanbase consists of overly sensitive fag-homos that refuse to accept any shortcoming of this trainwreck game. Instead any argument is met with a passive-aggressive reaction image and dismissal. Or worse, they start to jerk off to the game’s male cast.

-Conclusion to the saga is hugely unsatisfying. And bosses are all forgettable or blatant fanservice. Gone are the likes of Beowulf and Credo. Instead we have spider boss woman. And then knight with shield boss. And then a rehash of Cerberus. These are not worth remembering or replaying the game for.

-Co-op is a huge disappointment and further DLC is likely not even happening making the game feel even more disappointing.

-Character models are absurdly redesigned to look like completely different people. Dante is now a hobo. Nero is now some jock kid that plays Fortnite. Lady is now a middle-aged Asian with a malignant jaw. Trish is now a back alley crackwhore. And the two latter have no bearing on the game story and are just included for the sake of fanservice.

-Animations lack the punch of DMC4. Instead the obsession with realism has left the game feeling less satisfying to play. Not to mention that most levels are dark so it makes it even harder to make out enemy moves and your own attacks.

Don’t fall for the shills claiming DMC5 is GOTY or best in the series. It’s a huge disappointment.

Part 3/3

I'm a massive faggot who can't stop swallowing semen

Part 4/4


Haven't played DmC.

>I'm a massive faggot who can't stop swallowing semen
Literally every 5homo ever kek