The movie game revolution is just beginning. Is Yas Forums ready?
The movie game revolution is just beginning. Is Yas Forums ready?
why are you baiting for such repetitive tired bickering?
somebody make a furry thread already
>more films
Get a job!
Why do you want movie games instead of actual games?
Sony is doomed if their fans ever figure out books exist
Fucking hell who cares OP? We know the games Sony makes, they have done forever now, go buy some other system with video games you DO like that is more noted for making the kinds of games you DO like to play. Jesus fuck.
>if movie games exist then other games magically do not exist anymore.
What NARRATIVE has to do with HARDWARE specs?
Books are boring and were only good 100+ years ago before TVs existed
Quick OP give snoy niggers new bait this ain't working.
The multiplayer GaaS shit will be available on PC too.
>Eveything I don't like is a moviegame
Loving the seethe. Can't wait until TLoU 2 gets this board more assblasted than ever before.
Ay babe wanna playstation & chill
noo i need more of my massively online multiplayer battle royale survival games.
(imagine some shitty facebook man picture attached to this post)
- posted via mom's iphone
Meh I'll wait for the PC versions of those games.
these people don't have enough imagination for books
If they're gonna keep designing women like they have the last couple years, and censoring or buying out any asian that dares try to make them look feminine they are more than welcome to convert completely to annual multiplayer lootbox filled releases...
I think this is a good opportunity for me to leave console gaming behind
Why did movie audience fall back on videogames? Have movies really been terrible to the point where they aren't good enough for them anymore?
What happened?
The (You)'s give me a nice dopemine hit, what else should an incel like me do?
Keep seething, retard.
Why are you about to try to defend moviegames becoming straight up movies?
Buying PS5 day one bruh.
Nobody cares about books
how can they get so close to the mark yet miss by such a wide margin?
single player GAMES are what we want, not movies
Who's "we"? Nobody outside of Yas ForumsintendoGAF gives a shit about meaningless buzzwords like "movie game".
You know I'm curious, why is there so much hate against sony games with this 'hurr they're all movies' is it that they aren't fun and 'kiddie' games from nintendo, or constant shooters like xbox? Not even being snarky i'm just curious. I see this 'movie game' meme a lot is it because the other consoles dont have narrative driven games so some gamers get uppity about it?
Yeah no shit. They've done nothing but cinematic games since tlou
Justice has been served, you retarded console warring faggot.
Cancer and Søy.
you're missing out, for me it's XseX dayone
Still better than live service shit.
>le singleplayer narrative is good now, when we're in dire need to shove agenda into young-uns' gobs
fuck those snoylent-slurping cunts
it's because sony prioritizes story and presentation over game mechanics unlike nintendo and yes even microsoft
tlou is an exceedingly mediocre tps/stealth game underneath all the varnish
>5 exclusives in it's lifetime
I sleep
yes more movies so excited
why not just make FMVs at this point?
Thank god i can play those on the Youtube launcher as well.
>A statement from a soi higher up
Games like that are precisely my jam; it's the reason AAA games are still the best (despite the fact that only Sony and a select handful of third parties still make those kinds of games). Massive budgets spent on linear games that take your breath away and leave you thinking about them for the rest of your life. That's the stuff.
I just wish I could trust Sony to release more than one game like that a year on PS5. Which they probably won't. And don't get me started on when they get delayed.
Hollywood has gone to shit a long time ago.
Druckman, Kojima, Cage and the other moviefag devs are just failed movie directors that don't really care about exploring the "game" aspect of videogame only the "video" part.
That's the primary complaint about their games. The gameplay systems are shallow and largely serve to enhance the movie aspect, leaving very little open interaction or systems that you could gain mastery over since they're shallow by design.
I unironically prefer cutscenes to walkietalkie scripted events, quicktime events because with the former I can just sit down and watch it once and skip it forever if it comes by again.
I don't want to come of as a gameplay purist, I read visual novels for fucksake but atleast those aren't mired by slow ass unfun gameplay and their interactivity is relegated to quick and painless choices (the non-quicktime event variants).
I'll stick with visual novels since they don't have garbage western politics and have cute girls instead of ugly uncanny valley roasties
The Last of Us is the first survival horror/action game hybrid since the Half-Life games; dummy.
And it's a very good survival horror game and an excellent stealth-shooter. I'm sorry you are buttmad that a post-apocalyptic survival horror game doesn't play like Vanquish.
>not actual games
>not fun
>never will be good as movies
why? why would such a thing? who would do such a thing
Video games are inherently more immersive than books and are thusly inherently better at storytelling than books.
This is a video games board. What the fuck are you doing here if you don't like video games?
t. Bookfag
>Sony is doomed if their fans ever figure out movies by Kubrick / Tarantino /Jodo / david ayer / refn/ Francis Ford /
fixed it for you
instead of 4 hours gaming i day I watch 2 top tier films a day
>when the experience is an over the shoulder, cinematic, narrative driven story that is an allegory for our current real world political situation
I was worried Sonybros but they're pulling me back in!
>Video games are inherently more immersive than books and are thusly inherently better at storytelling than books
I dont understand the movie game meme, where shit like Xenoblade 2 exists. Moreso when games like God of War has better gameplay than anything Nintendo or Xbox has produced this gen. Even BOTW has shit tier combat compared to GOW.
>interactive sjw lecture hall
Sony is the only company left still focusing on single player AAA games and I'll continue supporting them as long as they do
Uhh Nintendo games have been casualized and generally shit for a long time, what the fuck are you talking about? Luigis mansion 3 is piss easy, for example, has removed features from 2, and has multiple fucking cutscenes every floor
But... the quality of the hardware has nothing to do with the quality of the story. You can't just compute a compelling narrative.
To be honest, I feel like graphics have advanced to the point where improvements are negligible. I don't see the point of more new consoles.
daily reminder Kaz Yamauchi(the Gran Turismo guy) wants 4k@120hz
>People used to laugh at movie games
>Now Yas Forums loves them
Likely because the definition of movie game nowadays just means games with competent writing.
So fire emblem has endless dialogue, tons of cutscenes, and shit gameplay = not a movie game because its shit anime writing. Certainly not about gamellay with its removed features and worse "strategy" than final fantasy tactics.