What's in your gaming backlog for the COVID-19 crisis?

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Waiting for switch, plan to get comfy and play animal crossing during the inevitable quarantine

Runescape on my Hardcore Ironman

Got a Vita with a 256gb as card. Loaded onto it is 80ish Vita games, 50 PS1 games, 50 PSP games, and complete romsets for GB, GBC, GBA, NES, NFC, NFCDS, SNES, SMS, and SMD. I'm set for a full on mad mad scenario.

All the pikmin games, Metroid prime trilogy, finish the expansions for NWN

blattgrune is my favorite pokemon

*Mad max

Still haven't done the CF route in Fire Emblem Three Houses so might do that


Mad Max: LARP Edition

FF 6, 7, 9, and Tactics. Then I'll move on to Super Mario RPG.

We could be stuck inside for four years and I wouldn't be through my backlog
And that's just games I own, not counting games I can pirate or emulate

I have over 1100 games on Steam and I played maybe 40% of that

>literally all ports and remakes of games that exist on other consoles
God the GBAs library was absolute trash.

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from oldest to newest
>chrono cross
>finishing FF12
>DQ6 (ds)
>finishing radiant historia
>uncharted 4
>finishing neir automana
>KH3... if I ever feel like it.

currently getting comfy with fire emblem and marvel UA

508 games and I haven't even gotten past 3 publishers yet

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You can literally play timeless classics in your pocket anywhere you want, how is this bad?

I can play all those games on my fucking phone.

>cringing over 20yr old ports

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based, dont have vita but downloading like mad, psp, ps1, gba, and gbc roms also a lot of pc games


Is a vita worth it for hacking games onto it? Im debating a vita or 2ds XL since both are almost the same price, i mostly want to play gameboy games

>four years
It won't be that bad, right?

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modded or vanilla?

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eerily similar to this gen right? all we got on ps4 and xb1

No. You should be more worried about idiots than the virus itself, even octogenarians have single digit mortality rates unless they have underlying conditions. C19 has killed many times more people than SARS but those are mostly people who were on the edge anyway. C19 is only a big deal because it's highly infectious.

That doesn't have much bearing on a 15 year old console. Moreover some of those remakes were outstanding, DoS blew original FF 1 & 2 out of the water the same way that FR/LG did genwun.

Implying I would even have time to play video game despite the corona virus.

except that the gba has a great library besides those games you're complaining about

my pc collection plus DA:Origin and Witcher 2

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Whats a super pro?

knock off everdrive

I'm playing through my N64 everdrive, it's got all of the official releases and a bunch of rom hacks.

Whats games are you playing recently?

I really want to find my old SP charger and maybe order a flashcart.

Still have my old girl from like 12 years ago.

Sounds comfy. You're making me want to hack my Vita.

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how do you like They Are Billions?

do it

Nobody knows

meh, 6/10

>tfw neet with autismbux for the last 15 years
literally nothing is gonna change and I'll be bored of games as ever. Society in full panic mode because they have to live a life approaching yours for a couple of days. really makes you think

been a bit but most recently zombies ate my neighbors, turtles in time, contra 3. own most of the games I play on it but it's nice having them in one cart. especially not having to think about replacing batteries yet for saves depending on the game since it has its own memory chip

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>That doesn't have much bearing on a 15 year old console
user, the GBA is 19 years old.

>zombies ate my neighbors, turtles in time, contra 3
Great taste
>especially not having to think about replacing batteries
Thats the only thing that sucks about snes or gameboy games but still worth it

Not the micro.

Besides these I also have:
>60+ PS1 games on PSP/PS classic
>30+ PS4 games
>100+ Nintendo games between GC/Wii/Wii U/GBA/Switch
>10+ 360 games
And loads more I've yet to play. I'm set if Corona chan wants to take a decade to go away.

When I was a kid I used my vita for porn. Perfect porn devise because it can download videos of the internet explorer.

Whoops forgot my image.

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You have to be 18+ to post here.

Its still a gba retard. Same hardware. Actually, shittier hardware because they removed backwards compatibility.

>the GBA is 19 years old

Where did the thyme go?

shops are out of tiolet paper because people started panic buying
I have 2 rolls left

Waiting for my dsi to come in the mail.
Got an R4 card so sky’s the limit.
Starting with pic related. Mainly gonna be a yugioh machine, but I’m open to DS suggestions (dont tell me obvious shit like mario and pokemon).
Also animal crossing in a week.

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not sure if having a backlog label on my games would would elicit anxiety or efficiency from me. maybe I should try it

hundreds of steam and poyret vidye

Wow what a revelation that the GBA micro is a GBA.

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Well if you're like me, it won't actually help you finish any of them. I'm pretty sure I add more to it than remove from it even though I'm actively trying not to buy games I won't finish. I just happen to pick a game out of it every now and then and finish it.

I love my VIta!

t. 128g + 16g for psp isos

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:( I need to get a decent multiplat wireless controller before the lock down.

I don't get it. Like just wash your ass on the bidet dumbass.

just order one from aliexpress ; )

:^) YES.

Need to fix my analog stick for my vita. FUG

Vita/psp bros, we’re gonna play PSP2i together when the English patch comes out right?

That's a sweet backlog.

Off-topic slightly, but have you recently replaced your Micro's battery?

I tried replacing mine some years ago and it was faulty. Should I just try Amazon again for another battery and take a gamble? Or is there a seller/site that offers decent replacements? Anybody know?

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Yeah and the gba is 19 years old. Glad you finally understand now moron.

How bad is it
Mine had some drift issues. There's a plugin that lets you add deadzones and it fixed my issue.

>Sore throat
>discoloured phlegm and mucus

Bye guys.

Post supplies and shortages you've encountered
>twenty pounds of rice
>twenty pounds of beans
>two jars of peanut butter
>three cases of water
>a jug each of vinegar, bleach, rubbing alcohol
>one (1) half used pack of N95s I found in my medicine cabinet
>a cheap 9mm pistol I've never fired and 20 hollow points

>masks, ofc
>Lysol wipes
>rubbing alcohol

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Not the micro.

just use corn cob

Its pretty bad. Out of nowhere I get massive right analog inputs. I tried blowing on it and it doesnt work anymore.
>plugin that lets you add deadzones
how does this work exactly?

Path of Exile new season. Just in time.

What I don't get is I hear they do it so they don't have to leave the house but they still need to go get fucking food.

>it's already here and infecting hundreds of people, and that's just confirmed cases
>been spreading around for several months
Isn't it a bit fucking late? If we jumped on this months ago it might have made a difference but it's already infected over half the fucking country.

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You install autoplugin, open it, add anqlog enhancer. Then put a config file per the plugin instructions with the deadzone size you want. I would set a number, reboot, run vita tester to see if my analogs were drifting, then keep increasing the number til i hit the sweet spot

Im reading some posts and seems like this might work on my vita. Thanks user, you saved me some cash and delivery wait time.

>have you recently replaced your Micro's battery?
Nah mine is still fine
>Should I just try Amazon again for another battery and take a gamble?
Just go for it i mean what could go wrong?

They really needed that money, user.