>dies too many times
>game turns the difficulty to easy without telling you
>can't manually change the difficulty so you're stuck with easy mode for the rest of the game
Dies too many times
never played a game with design that terrible.
there's no such game
It's the game's way of telling you to git gud
dogs are so based
no its the exact opposite you dumb nigger
Name three (3).
RE4 does something like that, but you can avoid it if you load typewriter saves and don't use continues.
>game has slow motion effects during option selects
I uninstalled Rabi Ribi for this almost this exact reasons
>get stuck on boss
>get offered an item to help
>Damage taken reduced by 10%
after three "Game Over".
Like holy fuck, at least give me a fucking chance to prove myself. Instead of helping me get through your fucking game, it made me uninstall instantly.
Most old school fighting games are like that.
its the games way of telling you you'll never git gud
I actually stopped playing Sly Cooper because of this.
adaptive difficulty is very real and older than you think
REmake 2 had dynamic difficulty, didn't it.
I personally think that dogs are based, sorry bro
>git gud vidya player
>lowers difficulty without your knowledge
>you never actually got gud
if it straight up changes the settings without you even knowing its not a difficulty change, its a feature that should be abused to your advantage
Difficulty also goes back up if you're doing well. It's also fixed on the highest level on professional.
seeing the credits doesn't mean you beat the game
Dmc4 has this
If you lose to a boss more than 3(?) times it then fights less aggressively and you have to fully reload the level to fight proper again
>keep fucking up in some dumb GTA V mission
>”skip mission” option shows up
What the fuck?
>its also fixed
Implying it was intentionally designed broken and left that way for the "intended experience."
Miss me with that faggotry.
>fuck up too many times
>game reloads you to an even older save as if to tell you to redo everything because you’re terrible
Based game
I didn't know that. Stop ruining games I like for me.
>die a couple of times
>Force easy mode on you
>Lose score because easy mode
name it, faggot
You probably played plenty of games that did something like that and you never noticed
the competitive and speedrunning scene is what dictates when a game is beaten or not, so yes, seeing the conclusion of the game to the main menu DOES mean youve beaten it
theres categories for difficulty but adaptive changes are mostly treated as in game mechanics
user means fixed as in it doesn't move, not fixed as in fixing something that is broken
Mostly had to do with how much damage you dealt and the chance of getting a critical hit, but it was nothing like OP described as permanent.
RE4's difficulty tuning isn't that bad, you have to be embarrassingly bad at the game to activate it and all it does is give you a little more ammo and despawn like 3 ganados. If you're bad enough to trigger RE4's easy mode you probably want it.
halo does this if you die too quickly after a checkpoint too many times in a row it will boot you back to a earlier checkpoint. to prevent the checkpoint/death loop if you happen to get a really poorly placed one, like with a grenade flying at your face
can even track it with speed running tools that tell players where the difficulty is currently at
There is nothing ESL about that post user. using the word fixed when talking about something most people consider breaking a game for them is going to lead to confusion.
both left 4 dead games and RE4 do this
thanks medal of honor pacific assault.
>play mkx in ladder
>lose at final boss guy
>it's way way way easier
defeats the whole point
He never said any of the difficulties were broken, so the context for fixed is pretty clear...
Smashbros Brawl did this for subspace.
If you kept dying it would scale back the difficulty in secret until you reloaded. If you really wanted to beat the game at max difficulty you needed to do it flawless.
Honestly every smash is bad about this. Dynamic difficulty sucks and it's even worse in the later titles since you need pay to set it high in the first place.
The entire thread is based on the predication that modifying the difficulty without your consent is a fucked up game mechanic that ruins the enjoyment of the game for them, ie - a broken mechanic.
Okay, we're talking about a conversation within the thread.
I'm sorry it flew right past you, but it's pretty obvious contextually.
Not even remotely, you moron.
user said it "goes back up." They then said it's fixed (does not deviate) on Professional. The first statement states that it is not a problem and is balanced out by other actions. The second statement affirms that this does not even occur on Professional.
You're ESL or a goddamed retard.
>So adverse to admitting you made a mistake that you start trying to argue semantics.
>Will most likely stop responding and cry bitterly while masturbating instead of acknowledging such a minor mistake.
>The entire thread is based on the predication that modifying the difficulty
>It's also fixed on the highest level on professional.
>ie "not moving"
Nah, you're wrong. Have fun with the English lesson.
I don't play games with difficulty settings.
>originally write "it's fixed on professional"
>figure someone might misunderstand it as "repaired"
>add "on the highest level"
>think this should get the point across
This fucking board sometimes.
Sorry you got BTFO, now go away.
If anyone got BTFO it was the ESL poster. Everyone knew what he meant except that guy.
Remember that teenagers come here.
They can't deal with their egos getting bruised, so they argue and then duck out when it's obvious they're wrong. Little faggots.
See what I mean? Doubling down on the "hahaha ironic I was trolling you :^)" so he doesn't have to deal with people knowing he's stupid.
I hated that DMC4 did this (it didn’t keep it for the rest of the game, though, just the rest of the mission). How am I supposed to git gud if repeated failures are met with an automatic reduction in difficulty? Let me fuck up until I actually succeed, I’m trying to learn by doing.
>hype moment
>fuck up
>game does an asspull ala "but he was too angry to die" so that you loosing wont ruin the moment
While it takes away the difficulty it sure can be great when done right
i fucking hate that, i hate even more when the game tells me to tone down difficulty, i makes me have the will to yell 'IF YOU THINK I AM DYING TOO MUCH THEN YOU SHOULDN'T MAKE THE GAME THAT HARD YOU RETARDS"
what game filtered you user
Why does dog make silly face?
You could've just said no you autist
Resident Evil 4 on normal has adaptive difficulty which scales from pro mode damage to like .50% damage. I think pro mode turns this off and is essentially just the 1.25x damage the entire time.
You're not "stuck on easy mode for the rest of the game" like OP says though.
It's dynamic difficulty. You do poorly then the game will be slightly easier. You do well and the game will go back to being harder again.
I think only on normal and all it does is make the zombies take less damage if you have 70 bullets.
>Die a lot
>Game gets harder
Demon's Souls was a game
I'm getting mocked by a single player game. I'd rather not have given it any more of my time than having to repeatedly say no over and over again. Thank god I didn't pay for it.
I think Asura's Wrath did something like this, and Wii Punch Out sometimes did it if you got lucky
also Undertale
>tfw currently making a game where if you die too many times on the final boss it says "you have unlocked easy mode!"
>it doesn't actually change the difficulty
>Roses are red
>Chocolate is delectable
>You are not worthy as my opponent