

Attached: Super_Castlevania_IV_North_American_SNES_box_art.png (368x271, 177.31K)

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I miss the SNES era. Even though there have been hundreds of great games since it seems idealistic as an innocent and thriving condition from a better time period.

Simon's theme is one of the best songs in vidya ever

I haven't really gotten around to this one yet. Is it more a Classicvania or a Metroidvania?

Classicvania with more friendly controls. You can whip in 8 different directions, jump on stairs, and have mid air control with jumps.

Closer to a classicvania, but very casualized removing the concepts that made the other classicvanias so unique.

Guess I'll be playing some Castlevania IV tonight. Been on a Castlevania bender recently thanks to all the shitposting.

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If you're disappointed by it try out Bloodlines instead. It's a far better game that stays more true to the series' roots.

Based, I play the Collection on Switch a lot. I wish they would release another collection with the rest of the games. I still need to play through Simon's Quest and the two GB games, I completed every other game in the collection.

remember that time alucard took it up the ass? yeah, that was pretty funny.

You are small-time.

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They really should have kept the 8 way whip

> t. James Rolfe

Honestly you could probably just about every castlevania from that time period was a masterpiece except 64, and 64 still kicks ass.

>japanese version
I know the music is more advanced, but I prefer the difficulty increases+updated visuals in the western release.
Yeah it's great never needing to use the correct subweapon for the task at hand, or needing to take a careful approach to enemies because you can just whip them from below where they have zero threat to you.

I never really understood why people say the whip completely trivializes sub-weapons. Is it more versatile than it is in the other games? Sure. But the subweapons are still quite useful. Multiwhip isn't an objective improvement on the Classicvania gameplay unlike what some people claim, but it's also not an absolute ruiner.

It'd be interesting to see them take another shot at the idea, maybe in a Simon's Quest remake.

is too easy

8 way whipping is god tier, they even gave it to Julius in Harmony of Despair.

> I wish they would release another collection with the rest of the games
Just emulate them.
And if you're going to play Simon's Quest, play Simon's Redaction instead:

Attached: redaction.png (512x336, 5.46K)

Agreed. Which is your favourite version?
Mine is

The Original and Bloodlines

Bloodlines does directional attacks, but it's more limited so it still keeps the feel of the original games. John Morris(whip character) can only whip diagonally up while jumping, and Eric Lecarde(spear character) can stab up while grounded which helps him be easier to play, but his DPS is way lower, which is important with how many bosses are in Bloodlines, and he can't do it while jumping so he still wants axes for flying enemies. Bloodlines also has a much longer windup for attacks like the earlier games, and tends to take the directional attacking into level design unlike 4 which will put an axe armor at the top of a short staircase which worked in CV1, but in 4 it just means standing below and whipping for 5 seconds.

I agree it's not an irredeemable design choice, it just feels like they didn't design the game as a whole around it. Also I have to agree on the sub-weapon claim. Having crosses can be nice, but sub-weapons are never really an important factor to success like they are in other CV games.

Interestingly they originally planned to have directional whipping in the very first game.

The whip being fun is more important than sub-weapons being fun.

user on /vr/ put together a Rondo of Blood iso that's pretty great, I'll see if I can find the link.

The whip isn't fun in 4, you just mash the button. It's fun in the other ones because you're rewarded for proper timing knowing that there's high risk for bad timing.
Just do a google search for 'Rondo of blood for PC'. That's the name of a fan-made release of an emulator+rom of rondo that's all set up and ready to go alongside the English fan patch. Just make sure the filter and shader is turned off in the settings because they were on by default on the download I found.

That one lacks the German anime intro, I believe. user put that in there.

>The whip isn't fun in 4, you just mash the button. It's fun in the other ones because you're rewarded for proper timing knowing that there's high risk for bad timing.
The whole appeal of 2D games is jumping over enemies and hitting them from above.

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It has it with English subtitles for me and I downloaded it ages ago.

That's the appeal of Mario games. Also, what is that? A screenshot for ants?

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Yes, Metroidvania. Deal with it.

>Yes, Metroidvania. Deal with it.

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Memes have addled your brain

Just seeing if the game was available at my local game store on the top shelf where no small kids could get was also beautiful. I can still feel the dim light protruding through my eyeballs as my neck bends as far back as it can. Link to the past has its own platform at my local service merchandise.

The appeal is universal.

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Any faggots who parrot the egoraptor video need to get the fuck out. SCIV is superior to CV1. In 1 I feel like I'm a robot, the first playthrough is the only enjoyable playthrough. Every time I replay CV1 I feel like I'm doing the exact same motions, exact same movements, I feel like I'm a robot going through the motions. The movement and attacks are so stiff and specific I feel like there's little to zero room for improvisation, I just do the same thing I've done on every playthrough. When going through 4 I feel like I'm just playing the game, not retracing my steps. No, it's not as challenging but it's infinitely more fun. I'm not repeating my moves like I do in CV1, I'm just playing the game and taking everything as it comes. I'm having fun.

>Guy who probably wasn't even around when SotN released getting mad about the term Metroidvania
Every time.

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One of the best SNES soundtracks.

will this work in a flashcart without a special chip? I know it has some background rotation. maybe not a Yas Forums question

>some retard made a video so now some retard on Yas Forums thinks people aren't allowed to disagree with him
There's nothing wrong with enjoying mindless fun in a video game user. I'm glad you've found a game that's more your speed, but when a game changes what was unique about the series its in of course people who liked the series for what made it unique are going to take issue with it.

Based. Bloodlines and Rondo are far better than SCIV

>you just mash the button
t. never played 4
Attack timing is perfectly crucial in 4.


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The version of Bloody Tears in IV is really good too.

A game which is a bore to replay versus a game that isn't? Braindead egoraptor dick suckers parrot his talking points, oh wow it's so amazing cause your moveset is so stiff but the enemies and level design are designed around that specific moveset, which means you easily figure out the optimal moves to take out every enemy and bypass every platforming challenge. Fun for the first playthrough, a miserable, boring piece of shit one very repeat playthrough. I'm doing the same motions with zero point in improvising. CV1 is for retards who think they're smart.

Rondo is absolute shit. Low IQ sheep like you hailed it as amazing just because it was the most obscure Classicvania that not many people played. Your brainwashed impressionable mind agreed that Rondo is the best and was unable to evaluate the game critically. Aside from Chronicles, it was the last Classicvania game I've played and it's the most unimaginative, generic, boring entry in the series. I legit don't remember a single fucking boss fight.

I forced myself to beat it just because I disliked it so much but wanted to be sure I wasn't dismissing it too early. It's nowhere near as crucial as in the other games. Half of the bosses you can just DPS race, most of the grounded enemies you just kill from out of range, and most of the flying enemies you spam the whip in their direction and if they get past it you whiggle the whip to kill them. There are exceptions, but the vast majority of the game is mindless and the main challenge is not getting bored.

>Clocktower level with Bloody Tears bgm while you swing from your whip dodging medusa heads, fighting axe knights and skeletons
Absolute fucking kino.

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Rondo's good, but I agree it's overrated probably because of its previous obscurity. I'd put it on equal grounds to 1 and Bloodlines. American version of 3 is still the best.

>CV1 is for retards who think they're smart.
No thatd be Super Castlevania Bros.

I disagree, I still have a ton of fun with CV1 and pretty much all classicvanias except for the first GB one because it was pure ass. That said, I also think Egoraptor is a fucking muppet and was only right about MegaMan.

Not him BTW.

>CV1 is for retards
It's one of the most difficult games ever made what the fuck are you on

Also CV1 has probably some of the tightest level design out of all the Classicvanias, it's certainly more fun than 3.

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I think Bloodlines did directional whipping the best, it was still there but only while you were jumping around so you couldn't be this static, unapproachable juggernaut.

X68k also handled it well, though you could only whip down when you jumped up.

People like SCIV because it's fun and atmospheric. Retards like you like CV1 because you have mental essays on how the challenges are designed around your stiff moveset. Except it takes anyone with room IQ temperature to find out the optimal ways to take out the enemies and pass the challenges.

>It's one of the most difficult games ever made what the fuck are you on
It has a meme reputation for being really hard, that's only parroted by people like you who like to parrot meme opinions without thinking critically for yourself. Yes, it has tight level design, but if you read my post that's a problem. Because your moveset is so stiff you figure out the optimal ways to defeat every enemy and pass every platforming challenge almost immediately. It only has it's meme reputation because of people playing it when they were children who lacked the reflexes and critical thinking to evaluate how to pass the challenges. Now we have zoomers like you parroting what they said cause you want to appear to be hip and in the know of ebin meme games. The game is only challenging on your first playthrough. It's piss easy every other time you replay it.

First GB one could actually be decent if it were remade to not run at 2 frames per second. It has some nice platforming sections near the end. The bone pillar stand in enemies and the final boss are pretty shit though.

Is Dracula X Chronicles worth playing? I really liked Rondo

>why cant we engineer memes bros
shoo shoo sorosflix shill

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>stage 4
>that fucking bat that keeps respawning while youre on the moving platform
nah fuck you youre a stupid cunt on his high horse

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>with its elevator music and muddied mess of overdetailed pixel art
Bloodlines is the one that's dripping with atmosphere.

I'm playing it right now on the Konami GB release that fixes the framerate and it's not bad.

It's not that bad. Just neutral jump on the right side of the platform, or forward jump from the left side of the platform. As much as I like the game I have to agree that CV1's difficulty is far overstated. If it didn't have infinite continues, then sure, but anyone with an average amount of general vidya skill, and persistence should be able to beat it. 3 is far harder than 1. CV1 is still fun though and comfy.

>unimaginative, generic, boring
Wow, what a genius, well thoughtout high IQ critical evaluation. Truly eye opening.
You’re right that it may be a little overrated due to its initial obscurity, but saying it’s outright shit is just being contrarian. Also, don’t preach about any “critical evaluations” if you don’t care to offer any critical insight either.

yes it's the real CV1 remake

They spawn on the side of the screen you're facing. Face left when you're on the platform. Fucking moron.

>bloodlinesfag calling sciv overdetailed
fucking kek