Game has a tomboy in it

>Game has a tomboy in it
>mfw Yas Forums immediately flocks around her acting like her beta orbiters
Every fucking time. When will you faggots realize that vidya tomboys are bottom-tier compared to other girls? Hell, even compared to proper feminine ladies and tsunderes, tomboys have nothing on them except for being more masculine. They're oxymorons for in-the-closet anons that are mere relationship fantasies not based in any reality, what gives?

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caring about vidya fapbait in general is beta as fuck.

>not wanting to help the tomboy blossom into a motherly lady

I never understood the whole Naoto thing in Persona 4, she was decent but hardly top tier the way so many worshiped her

i can be your angleā€¦.or yuor devil...

Haha based................................

I thought it was Chie that received the over-worshipping though

Doesn't really matter when Alisa is canon

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oh yeah, that's our rean(s)

I wonder if Alisa would've been more popular if she had any other hair color than blonde?
Most of the time, japs have terrible taste and vote the (sometimes fucking mute) MC into most liked character - but it also seems that characters like Alisa always lose the popularity contest for some reason.

Where do you get your facts? 4channel?

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Popularity polls in Japan are a bunch of misleading bullshit. They're usually dominated by a handful of fujos since there's a social stigma for participating in them if you're a dude.

Falcom lolis never disappoint

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>looks at Neptunia and Atelier polls

Why did the fujos voted Alisa so high up?

More for me

>yet another fucking super-powered loli
>two of them, in fact
Imagine taking this series seriously at this point

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That bitch is literally ripped off of some shit battle harem LN. She looks like the "heroine" of all them.

Not surprising, considering that Cold Steel is literally the epitome of shit cliche high school battle harems.

oh no no no no Yas Forumsros we've got an anti-tomboyfag here I didn't know they actually existed what do we do oh no no no this can't be happening

lolis are the most powerful beings in existence

Ask them, not me.

Cause shes has the biggest milkers

What the FUCK is so funny? Why is everyone in Kiseki laughing all the time?

Haha, you just don't get it, user.


not mine

Based, keep fighting the uphill good fight, user.



I believe you meant to say the most overrated?


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Calvard when?

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How is it that tomboys are Yas Forums's one weakness? Any mention of missing chances with them will have this board frothing at the mouth and simping and pining for them simultaneously?

Reminder that Calvard will also have an isekai protagonist with his own fresh brand of harem.

You tell em OP

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>two Reans
Yep, just the sort of plot development I'd expect out of Kiseki

You keep getting older, Calvardanon. You sure you'll ever see it in your lifetime?

Actually the truth of the matter is that tomboy/emo/scene/art hoe girls are extremely slutty with dick counts higher than 30+ they are not loyal to any man and do whatever they want the funny thing about that is that most of Yas Forums seems to have this fantasy of converting a tomboyish girl into wife material lol

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Literally only works for angry, bitter girls, tomboys are too genki for you to get any joy out of that.

>Rean becomes so based he literally cannot be contained in a single body anymore
Haha... that's our rean...

of course user, i'll isekai to Calvard when i turn 30
Reminderanon has always had the right idea, he just fails to mention that the isekai protagonist will actually be me

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Not when Rean Alter takes that position

That makes me think, who would be a worse protagonist: Rean Alter, or the supposed isekai protagonist?

Kondo this isn't funny anymore please I'm begging you

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Kiseki kino

>those animations
I miss old Falcom.

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Cs4 bros tell me is Millium dead?


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While your taste is impeccable OP, what's also annoying is how faggots pretend that having shitty short hair is a requirement for being a tomboy, when being a tomboy has always been a matter of personality rather than looks.

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Reverse traps are just ugly girls.

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>implying souls just go away
Hers merely inhabits a different physical body now
Until the end when she gets back to a really convenient backup body of her original form