>Coworkers start talking about video games
Coworkers start talking about video games
i dont get it
do you not like video games?
I think what he's implying is that normalfags talk only talk about the most superficial games like MOBAs, consoleshit and popular FPS because they play nothing else. Then when you want to introduce him to a good game, like FTL, they have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>dude, you play videogames?
>what do you play?
>uh.. right now I'm playing demon souls, i was also playing kingdom hearts 3 on proud mode but I stopped to play demon, I'll go back to it as soon as I finish, I have some jrpgs on my backlog.. how about you?
>I play league of legends, do you play?
>bro get league of legends to play with us! it's so good!
>turns to other lol fags and start speaking lol gibberish
That's one possibility. Since we're on Yas Forums I like to believe anons are just too embarrassed to talk about how many hours they've sunk into the latest Hyperdimension Neptunia with normies
>Being this new
Average Yas Forums user power level is too high, you need to show very little interest or else you will be branded as a loser.
Yeah, so why not share what you like, maybe they'll like it too instead of acting like an aspie contrarian
>or else you will be branded as a loser.
Is this an American thing? Being branded as a loser for playing obscure vidya? What the fuck
>I play single player games
>people stare at me like im walking trash
No, it's an old Yas Forums lack or proper social skills thing
If you genuinely enjoy something and aren't a turbo autist most people will appreciate your genuine passion for what ever it is you enjoy.
>Average Yas Forums user power level is too high,
Average Yas Forums users most obscure game would be at worst fallout 2 or they'd pretend TF2 isn't casual. Powerlevel my ass.
It's more European. If you reveal you dont play any of the mainstream games, especially cod and fifa then you are branded as the weirdo everyone should stay away from.
>they have better taste than OP
Just tell them your a recovering lol addict, they’ll shut up then.
I don't know about the average user, I see a lot of threads talking about very unknown games but maybe it's just me and another guy
>they have bigger cocks than OP too
Because then you fall into the rabbit hole of having a one-sided conversation with someone in which all you do is explaining away a game's mechanics or story.
Conversations about games only ever get interesting if both people played the game, because normalfags never even bother with games you suggest, and if they do it's just "n-no I haven't played it yet" and you feel like you're forcing him to buy it.
I have never had this happen to me (Germany). The most casual games at my workplace are Dota 2 and CS:GO and despite my shortcomings in trying to explain what my favorite games are, I am not branded as an outcast and have good relations with all my colleagues.
jesus what a glorious strut
Kek my coworkers are all 20+ years older than me, so unfortunately no
>talking at work
Im no bootlicker but talkers just make my work harder to do. Just write me an email response and fuck off. No I don’t want to chat with you over the phone and over Skype.
What's wrong with that
I doubt that. I've only ever met one guy who claimed to have a bigger dick than me
t. 7.5 inches
>Yas Forums starts talking about video games
Sort of like...
>coworkers talk about trivia or "hidden" mechanics from games like Fallout 3 or Skyrim
Think about where we are, and ask that question again.
>Because then you fall into the rabbit hole of having a one-sided conversation with someone in which all you do is explaining away a game's mechanics or story.
depending on who I'm talking to I don't give a shit, we would be talking about something I don't care otherwise so I'll just do a 30 minutes information dump about games the other person will never play
>Popular coworker or classmate starts talking about video games
>Turns out you have a lot in common and hit it off
why is metal girl so popular here? owo
ouch.. he he... user you must be a really hard worker, good job on that, I'm sure your boss is very proud of you!
And then they'll tattle in the break room how much of an autistic freak you are.
Why wouldn't she
He's right despite being a tripfaggot. Time feels like it moves faster when you're busy. And instead of talking over the coffee machine like you should, people always want to talk when there's management lingering nearby for some strange reason.
again, depending on who I'm talking to I couldn't care less
>what games you playing?
>Megaman Zero Collection, MHW and a bit of Stoneshard
>hmmm... Do you play CSGO / LoL?
Can *mostly* confirm
Boss is a beaner who plays sports games and overbotch. Mentioned rs2v and he'd never heard of it or red orchestra befor but showed immediate interest upon mentioning the VC larpers and exaggerated anti-gook racism
>Weird kid NPC, don't talk unless they talk to me first
>One day sitting alone
>Classmate I've never talked to walks up to me
>"Hey user do you play LoL?"
>"Oh ok"
>Walks away
>Never talks to me again
What did he mean by this?
he also spends literal hours shitposting evryday so I don't think he knows shit about working.
>talking to coworkers during breaks
>Develops a crush on coworker
I've unironically used Neptunia as an example of games I play during one of those cringe "Introduce yourself to the class" things college teachers like to do
>one of those cringe "Introduce yourself to the class" things college teachers like to do
One of the what?
Have you considered not to go into the Humanities, and instead get a real degree?
>Trannies start a "Coworkers start talking about videogames" thread
>Shit thread with same topic deleted
>Good thread minus bait OP stays
>Wants to start conversation about fighting games...
>Proceeds to talk about Smash.
Knowing the difference could save your life.
"videogames" for normies is cod, sports, free to play shit etc
What luck, when I used to live in England
and I was branded as weird because I didn't play cod or fifa and played other games they never heard of. Now I live in bayern Germany and the people there have high prejudice against it with the few gamers I find being blizzard fanboys... and fifa.
ftl is rng garbage, but I get your point
>I got filtered in FTL, but I get your point
>coworkers start talking about fortnite
Maybe if you are passionate about anything else other than fucking videogames lmao
>female co workers start talking about your fetish
False, it's a waste of time to speak further with people once you see them for the passionless saps they are. They most they got to look forward to in their day is going home and turning on the TV so they can ignore it on their mobile or whinge to other sad sacs of crap in the kitchen about their next TPS report.
>in an overly negative light
>every female in the building agrees
Why do so many normalfags play MOBAs? I really don't get this phenomenon at all.
sure get it
sure get it
sure get it
>LoL and Dota
what the fuck
You must be a riot at parties.
>Average Yas Forums user power level is too high
Six years ago you'd be right, but not anymore.
Sumio is for Ayame only
>yes I play pokemon moon all the time, and I'm downloading the new cod:warzone to play with my bros, what about you?
>purposely browse bad content knowing that the IT team monitors everything you do
>it was very specific content that you don't actually like
>never talk about it ever to anyone
>like clockwork someone at work starts talking about it openly but only when you are around
>they talk about the very specific thing you looked up
why would I even care, now they know even less than me and I know that they are untrustworthy scum that I don't need to talk to anymore
the worst part is that they ridicule the things you like but then you find out the shit that they look at and its like a million times worse
talk about hypocritical
>>purposely browse bad content knowing that the IT team monitors everything you do
brainlet here, if you use the work's wi-fi can they monitor your browsing on a mobile device or only a work desktop?
A lot of people like to be competitive, hence sports being such a big deal with people. However, much like regular sports, most people suck ass at the game. By playing team based competitive games, they can blame others for being shit, rather than having to blame themselves. It's why everyone says the like to play shit like Street Fighter 2 or Smash, but won't actually try to compete, because when they suck they have no one to blame but themselves.
>One of them wishes she knew a guy who was into that
>Too beta to speak up
>Coworkers start coofing
>Coworkers are making video games
>friend asks me if I'm into shoulders
>who the fuck gets off to shoulders? what the fuck
>she's always wearing shoulderless shirts
I like to bully women
if you are in proximity to the company wifi your phone is viewable even if you have wifi disabled on it. same thing with laptop wifi. basically your phone is constantly sending out a wireless signal to telephone towers and they can intercept that signal
if you are going to browse the web make sure you leave the property
Thanks for the heads up
I'm reading books at work from now on