Monster Hunter

Thoughts on Stygian?

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Zinogre’s edgier brother


What Ziggy should have been.
Can't understand why Ziggy is so goddamn slow in MHW.

Like the other Zinogre
>Wait until all his autistic dance ends
We good? ok
>Proceed to completely destroy him

so the game doesn't launch ever since the update? anyone else who has this problem?

Kulve can't be SOS'd. Instead you have to do a good old fashioned lobby for her. In the Online Session settings, search for one and label your target as Kulve.

For the actual siege your goal is two things: Break her various parts and pick up all the bullshit she drops. She will walk around the Caves of El Dorado for a while and then flee, break her parts to prevent her escape and instead make her proceed to the next level. You can only finish the hunt when she's at the fourth area, where you break off her spiralhorns and she leaves in shame. Collect the bullshit she drops to increase your Pursuit Level, which increases the amount of time she'll spend walking around before fleeing and increases the quality of the rewards given out at the end. Try not to let the Gajalakas and crabs take the drops instead, because they're greedy fuckers that will give you no quarter.

>Stygian Zinogre is just Zinogre but more move
>Raging Brachydios can turn Volcanic region into another level of hell and have its own theme (with vocal) to boot
What's with this jump? Is it because Safi gear too strong?

that power gap's always been there

Fucking amazing

Not really tier 3 worthy but I welcome the variety instead of just the elders and jho like the base game

t. bowgun/lance MP nigger

Raging was always stronger than Stygian

Stygian is around Acidic and Ebony level and Raging is elder dragon level, it's been like that since they were first introduced.

powerlevels in MH are way over the place

They made it even worse with the turf wars.
Just look at Rajang.

Rajang grugging Rathalos around is amazing and never gets old.

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Dmg in turf war is based on %hp

Just did this investigation solo without fainting

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What is the meaning of life?

Anyone have tunda at lvl7? I need temp stiggy parts for the Gunlance

Differs from one person to other
I guess for me it is to balance indulging in short term activities that bring pleasure and working or grinding to achieve happiness in the long-term

Whens fatalis?

>they finally fixed mouse look
>already got used to controller

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>they finally fixed mouse look
That happened in vanilla World though. Did you never switch to type 2 (was it?) mouse look before?

Do you think that's impressive?

i wasn't sure, that's why i posted about it
what is an impressive feat in mhw?

>Nightshade lumu weapon

they fucked it up again in IB

no it is acidic glavenus with lumu mod

Depends on your own capabilities. Anyway, good job.

Why are all the song lists for the horns such crap? It doesnt help they sounds like shit too.

>stygian's gear is a complete trash
>HBG is worse than normal Zinogre's

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Depends, The CB is actually pretty good.

I've never liked Zinogre, and that goes for Stygian as well. At least he gives more t3 tempered variety.

The Stygian HBG is so close behind Zinogre HBG that the only difference between them is just the special ammo really
I think I might go with Styg because Zin tenderize move takes a whole fucking eon

WRONG, hammer user

The GL is the best pre-Safi Normal GL, if you can't wait a week for that

>tfw no Blangonga in Hoarfrost

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holy mother of fucking projections lol

nigga what
did you follow the reply chain at all or do you just not know what projecting means

>BannedLagiacrus aka the lore nerd retiring
this isnt really as important but I liked reading mh lore and small details fuck

Is there any reason to farm this new wolf, Temp. Ruiner Nerg and explore the tundra region now? Like, isn't Safi's gear the best shit? Do i need the GL materials to augment Safi stuff? Pls answer, thanks.

Nowhere near close to what it was back then.

>MH lore
"Let's scour artbooks for scrapped concepts and take the over-the-top armor descriptions at face value"
I hate the fucking soulsniggers that have flocked to this franchise

Is there something I'm missing with LBG on the support side?
>one I'm using can use Paralysis shots
>but they fire slow as shit, only have 2 to a clip, have massive recoil, and never seem to actually Paralyze the monster

Rajang was always an elder tier monster.

You're right, it's not important

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Recoil mods
Free Element
True Razor Sharp

No it wasn't.
It was Furious Rajang the one that was as strong as elders, not regular Rajang.

If you want support LBG get the long barrel mod first of all since it buffs bullet speed, most status bullets have really low speed, same for Dragon, long barrel helps in mitigating that.
Secondly, it's best for you to get Narga's set for True Razor Sharp so you can fire more bullets as the battle goes on, that means you'll be able to reapply status more reliably.
As for recoil, just use recoil mods I guess, but to be fair you shouldn't be getting aggro as support in the first place.

Gulgoleth's Ruin is a really good LBG for support, look into that.

Either equip anti-recoil bowgun mods or look for one with a lower Paralysis recoil rating. Press L3 in the weapon tree at the smithy to see an ammo list with rapids and their recoil rating. You want to aim for +2 or lower. Slow reload can be bypassed with evading reload mods.

>never seem to actually Paralyze the monster
Have you tried using Para Attack decos?

Try Shara LBG. 2 recoil mods, 2 evade reloads. Sticky ammo to the face, and you have alot of sleep and para ammo.

Augmenting and Layered Sets as far as I know. In terms of weapons and armor, no, they don’t add anything to meta or anything. It’s just more content for fun.

>want to use TEO's HBG for looks
>even Fulgur HBG is a better Pierce weapon than it
Oh well.

Anything in the tundra region needed for Safi upgrades bros? I think I'm gonna level it for fun instead of volcanic.

I think Tempered Stygian parts are needed for slot upgrade 3

>Wanting to know the lore of the games is now souls shit
The art books are the only thing that tell you things about the story of this franchise. Every single game rehashes the same shitty story no one gives a fuck about, and the fucking hunter notes tell you the most superficial shit possible about the monsters. The devs give no fucks about the plot, at least the artbooks give you some context


It's really not.

>972 raw
>360 Dragon
>shitloads of purple sharpness
How is it not good?

>no longer about comfy hunts
>just grind
>metasets and muh dps
>"optimal playstyle"
I can deal with the gameplay changes but this is no longer the hunting I remember.

I miss clownsuits. I miss having just few active skills.

where is the game enforcing you do this?

I miss that too. Fuck 3rd gen onwards.

If you think there weren’t elitist fucks in prior entries, you’re sorely mistaken. World has just expanded the scope a ton and a subset of the online discussion is around optimization and meta. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Play how you want and stop worrying about other peoples’ desire to be optimal. I’ve never had a hunt where someone gave me shit because I wasn’t running meta. Enjoy the game and calm the fuck down.

The players and the games playstyle.

I'm at awe with this post because it's almost exactly what I would have written.

>this is no longer the hunting I remember.
You weren't around for long then.

Well that was short.

I went to pet the big red dog and he fell over ded.

Thanks for the "new content" I guess.

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Nowhere. Iceborne allows you to stray far away from absolute optimal sets with little consequence to the point where it’s recommended to do so. More people now whine about the meta than people who religiously follow the meta.

do you get kicked from SoS quests or just have some really shitty friends?

>Kushala is supposed to hard counter Teostra
>They tie
Fucking stupid



Says who? Did you mean the old armor skills countering the monster's moveset instead?

There have always been metafags. It's just more obvious now because there are so many more players (with half of them being jaded MMO expats on PC)

I miss not having to deal with rng equipment like talismans and decos. I miss just making a set and being good to go.

>Meta weapon
>It's literally the only viable option in the entire game unless you want to intentionally make every fight take way, way longer by using the element the monster takes no damage from

Self-imposed challenge isn't real challenge and never has been.

Sounds based, what game?

>Make comfy set
>Kill monster
>Take screenshot
Oh no i used a suboptimal kinsect wizard set how will I recover after smacking rajang's ass all the way from astera? Surely my 9 minutes killtime is being posted on some raidlog site and since i'm not parsing orange I'll surely never be invited to safi raids.

What the fuck user just play how you'd like.

Cretin, furious was just the G rank version of rajang in FU but he was at the same of elders because its quests were and had the same threat level.