I'm telling you, babe. TES VI will be the best game since Skyrim.
I'm telling you, babe. TES VI will be the best game since Skyrim
Other urls found in this thread:
>when's New Vegas 2 out?
>b-babe, you're hurting...me...STOP!
>Asterisks fan
Of fucking course he is
That dark yellow tan is so fucking disgusting. Why do burgers do this
Why'd that thread get deleted?
Not enough smash threads and PS4 smashing threads.
Do what? Catch sunlight? You should probably leave mommy and daddy basement sometime.
She's so hot I want to COOM between her boobs XD
It was literally the best thread of Yas Forums this year
Jannies deserve nothing short of death
got the original? thanks
Too high quality.
is this mortal combat?
*bangs trash can*
I missed it. Any screenshots?
A normal tan does not look like this. Take your own advice, fucking dipshit
Haha user, don't forget to buy DOOM
So this is the new normalfag twitter meme that niggers will spam Yas Forums with for the next month or so, huh?
Post anime tiddies then
Nice thanks for the sharing this Twitter meme
And that's a good thing
literally a nothing thread. clearly OP is just salty
her skin will look like shit in about 5 years, but damn if it isn't sexy now
I know, twitter, but this is basically what that thread was. NOW MAKE OC YOU FAGS. I'm working on mine
Todd is more handsome than this faggot desu
>astros fans
>You must be this high to buy my games.
Having fun is not allowed in this twitter screencaps & doomerposting board
>And then Grief calls you Daemon! All the cut scenes being the same was excellent foreshadowing and now the fate of humanity is in your hands! You were the Daemon X Machina!
>*Sighs* I thought you didn't like the characters
>*Tightens grip* Honey....sweetie...There hasn't been an Armored Core game for 8 years. This is all I have and you're going to fucking hear about it
I take it you're completely oblivious to Scandinavian thots.
wew lad
>be Houston
Challenge accepted
Bless you user
That's definitely a spray tan, and they do it because they've got emotional damage and crave attention.
They're trying to emulate all the thots on Instagram and tik tok.
>best thread this year
Best thread of the year so far is pic related.
>"Cocks, Doctor Freeman?"
>"Is it really COCK sucking time again? It seems, as if, you've only just sucked. You've sucked a lot of COCK in a small time spannnn…. *inhales deeply* You've sucked so much in fact that, I've received some interesting offers for your blow jobs..."
I don't know where you'll find that thread, but I'm pretty sure it was archived.
>it's being made to be played for 10 years
why anyone still expects anything but cancer from bethesda games studios?
Internet janitors are allergic to fun
Bravo Kojima.
>actually vidya related funposting
I've wondered for quite a while why this seems so rare nowadays, but it's just the jannies making the board even more miserable as always.
Todd is such a Chad
don't get mad at us because you don't have sunlight in your rainy socialist country
Needs more JPG
>So Dagoth Ur was a regular dark elf, he was also the councilor of the hidden morrowind house the house of Dagoth, yeah original babe i know i made it up.
Ok so Nerevar (whose basically you but a completely different person) got the artifacts for the hearth, Dagor was messing with it so they had to kill him.
Then basically all the elders scrolls are a dream, but this faggot Dagor realized it which means his soul would've seized to exist but he had such a gigantic ego that he thought he was dreaming himself into reality and basically become an insane demi-god. Yeah of i wrote trough pencil and paper, i'm not a hack i'm a god, come babe look at the hearth, lay down your questions it is not late for my mercy for i'm a god How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence, shame on you sweet bb
Leon says, "no way fag." I swear, funniest shit I ever heard.
Is this a new meme?
I hate that they remade Resident Evil.
>Kelly parody
These are always great.
Finally, a good fucking meme on this board
God damn I love bimbos.
>clicked on it
>it immediately 404's
I would LOVE to hear why that shit was deleted. The board is filled with fucking garbage and the one fun thread is nuked.
For those that missed it
I laughed so fucking hard at "Balleagues"
>Just sign the petition.
Where did this image even come from?
>Not based in reality
looks like a baseball stadium in the US
>he thinks sunlight makes your skin orange
get out of your basement or go back to your reserve.
Todd's an Astro fan? Wtf? Todd is also from Texas?