Name 1 good game made by them

Name 1 good game made by them

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The Grand Theft Auto series.

Burning down The White House.

Medievil 1&2

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Black & White
Dungeon Keeper
Fable 1
Jet Force Gemini
Perfect Dark

Batman Arkham series, sans origins

Conkers Bad Fur Day.

mine when it releases

Will it have lgbt representation?

i am the protagonist

Are you trans?


The best game on the N64, Perfect Dark.

This, also Rareware

Attached: Grand_Theft_Auto_London_1969.jpg (284x350, 40.41K)

it's going to be an earthbound-inspired RPG

I don't want to play as you, you probably suck.

ok you're the tutorial boss

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Psygnosis games.

Anything made by Shiny

It's probably gonna be shit desu

Quality doesn't matter as long as there's LGBTQXYZ+ representation

The eternal best MMO, RuneScape
Ignore literally everything else Jagex ever made though, including the revamps for RuneScape

Also Worms

Transport Tycoon
Worms series

Sonic R

Beneath a Steel Sky
Broken Sword 1 & 2

Pure kino soul point n click games

Donkey Kong Country

Little Big Planet

Rag Doll Kung Fu.

>it's going to be an earthbound-inspired RPG

Another one... throw it to the pile. You’ll get many karma on r/gaming doe

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Kiddie diddler 2

>Visit Great Britain
>It's just ok

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What were you expecting from the most bland, mediocre people on the planet?

GTA San Andreas

funny how this little island has a much better game record than the rest of the continent, and perhaps the world

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oh shit I forgot to put Worms Armageddon and Roller Coaster Tycoon

wait they made gta what the fuck

perfect dark

>and perhaps the world
lolno. Japan will always be the best.

Rockstar North, dude. North and in the North of England.


W I P 3 O U T




And, moving away from the awesome games, we get the "good" games, like:

Mickey Mania
Sonic R (underrated imo)
Crash Twinsanity
Lego games (pick the good ones)

>GTA is an elaborate pisstake of American culture
>Americans take everything at face value and eat it up like deep fried cheeseburgers

just stop
no man can have such great tastes

No those were canadians


Lol, no they weren't.


Forza Horizon is pretty decent.

Forza Horizon 4 is game of this generation for me

Most racing games; actually. The UK almost has a monopoly on the genre.

Also: Dreams

why doesn't Africa make any games?

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It must have been an accident since everything Rareware made before and after is mediocre to shit.

Tomb Raider

Tokyo 42 was made by South Africans

crazy that such iconic parody of american life came from some dudes sitting on their ass in Scotland right

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I think you have shit taste, because not only was DKC3 far superior to 2, Perfect Dark was one of the greatest games ever made.

Are you an 18yo white girl ?

England here
We have never made any good games. No, rare is not good. They just ripped off mario games with a new skin

to busy fighting themselves and provinding cheap diamonds to jews

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Pink Floyd

Didnt bongs make the Burnout games?

Lemmings and Worms are classics british games.

Wouldn't expect newfags to understand.

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Also Worms and Banjo-Kazooie/tooie

Speaking of Timesplitters, any update from THQ nordic about that remaster?

No Mr Englishman. Rockstar are based in Scotland.

>Visiting Great Britian

So you went to London. Good job.

>great britain
>it's actually a picture of the British Isles
why is this so difficult for people

kek rockstar are scottish dipshit

>Black & White
Pfffft, that's the first true late era Molyneux title. Where he promises you everything and delivers a game where the mechanics fall apart after 5 hours of actually playing it.
>Amazing creature AI
It's shit.
>Amazing new input scheme
It's shit.
>Amazing way to shape the story.
Lol, no.
>Amazing living world and immersive village building

>Scotch Egg
>Not even invented in Scotland.

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>I don't know anything about anything, but I like to pretend that I do.