Why do they shit themselves at the thought of it? They already love rereleasing their games

Why do they shit themselves at the thought of it? They already love rereleasing their games.

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Probably the thought of having to test for a variety of hardware instead of just a standard baseline absolutely repulses them

Piracy. Only 5% of pc gamers pay for them, and only after heavy discounts.

if any SMT game released on steam it would easily become a top seller

They probably fear that if they brought their games to PC, it would cheapen their brand.

ah yes the most reliable source of all: your ass

>Only 5% of pc gamers pay for them
Most people don't pirate

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You're spending too much time here

No, it wouldn't

atlus would absolutely bungle it

>This is what SMTfags actually believe

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japs are retarded when it comes to developing for anything without a controller

Slap "from the creators of Persona" and every normalfag would buy it. Do you fags seriously not think this game would sell when it is one of the biggest JRPG IP?

I never bought an Atlus game, used either modded consoles or emulators, but I would if they came to PC.

capcom and bamco are doing a good job

I think the irony is that in the west jap games do better on pc than consoles

Atlus is autistic.
Sega should push them to do more ports. I think that Catherine port was Sega's doing.

>Being this delusional.
It may at the beginning but after finding out how hard SMT is, normies will probably refrain from subsequent purchases. Imagine the amount of filtering that will be done.

No they don’t

What makes smt hard? Rng death?

How come witcher 3 has most sales on pc even after years then?

>how hard SMT is
where did this meme come from? I've played all the mainline SMT entries and they're all easier than Persona, except maybe SJ
>SMT 1/2
just spam nerve bullets bro
just use buffs bro
just use smirk bro

SMT itself isn't hard but relative to the difficulty of today's vidyas, that are popular, it will prove a major challenge for the masses to master, or atleast comprehend and therefore enjoy, SMT's gaemplay without dropping it beforehand.

Japs hate PC Gamers. they prefer maintaining an abusive relationship with Snoy. which i can never quite wrap my head around

What's this shitty Twitter meme faggotry

No it wouldnt, everyone who is interested in the franchise has already emulated\bought them in their platforms. There is no fucking way you can sell an SMT or an even older MT to the zoomers today. And i dont even wanna hear the word "remaster" or "remake".

Snoy is a jap company, that's why.

Probably because nips don't buy PC games besides eroge. Also you can emulate pretty much everything they've ever made anyway

Japan PC market is terrible and atlus is mostly concerned about domestic market. S'why P4 Arena was region locked.

And yet PC has more Jap games than Switch, the most popular console in Japan. Sounds like you're spewing bullshit.

>it would cheapen their brand
Kusoge dungeon crawlers with last-gen graphics that took 6 years to make can't get any cheaper, user

Console gamers actually pay for their games.

sure, on the second hand market

Fatlus celebrates Persona 5 selling 3M 3 years from release and after being 6 years in the making as if it was the second coming of Christ. Meanwhile chad PC exclusive Total War sells 1M in a week and releases yearly. Fatlus is simply a kusoge developer that only cares about domestic market and throws scraps to the USA division for localization.

I think you don't know what kusoge means.

Never hear of the used games market? or CFW for that matter?

They dont even release P3 and P4 on the fucking PS4, what the fuck makes you think they would release Persona on PC?

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They're 100 people short of Bethesda and all they can release is glorified dungeon crawlers with VN elements and last-gen graphics. Then after 3 years they release the same game with some QOL changes and few new scenes thrown in - stuff indie devs like Larian give out for free.

put me in the screencap

also ironic considering nintendo consoles get hacked and emulated the earliest

>This is something casual PCtards will know


Are you guys retarded? It would have to be the shittiest fucking port ever for it to fail. They have the brand recognition and steam is full or ironic weebs who would eat that shit up just to have the game on their profile.

Nigger there are games 1000x more autistic than smt on PC. It would be a natural fit and a top fucking seller.

>Used games
Not a big deal because it requires one legitimate copy for every resold one. Meanwhile a single cracked PC game can create an infinite amount of pirated copies.

Piracy on consoles is the exception, not the rule. Meanwhile PC gamers find the idea of "paying money for a bunch of 1s and 0s alien and abhorrent".

PC gamers are the only ones who mock and scorn legitimate buyers, like blacks on a racist country

can't you emulate any shit they have?

Nigger if what you’re saying was true nobody would sell games on PC. Can you explain why cd projekt red can make money from gog when all their games are drm free? You’ve spent too much time on this site surrounded by basement-dwelling retards, the average PC user doesn’t pirate their games.

like the catherine port?

I played all of those games on PC though

But that's illegal

>Piracy on consoles is the exception, not the rule. Meanwhile PC gamers find the idea of "paying money for a bunch of 1s and 0s alien and abhorrent".
t. thinks Yas Forums is representative of any gaming community
Nigger most PC players nowadays are too retarded to pirate, you don't know what you're talking about. Piracy is only a relevant problem in a few regions that almost certainly wouldn't buy the game anyway.

When it was released it was on the top sellers list.

That one was done by Sega.

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The Catherine port was a deliberate action made by Atlus to discredit PC and convince Sega to not force them to port their games.

It was global top seller for some time. It was also 8 year old port released at a time when an enhanced version was already confirmed and a game not many people asked for in the first place. Still managed to sell half what Full Body did (and sold infinitely times better than Vita version of Full Body).

and we see how that turned out

They're afraid of hackers...

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Did anybody buy it? Or VC3?

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>talking shit about SMTIV's OST
how can anyone's taste be this shit?

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that's what i'm saying

I bought it :)
My only gripe with the port is the fucking WMV files don't play nice with game capture software, but those might be a given from the PS3 version

>be me
>I maek music
>Dude Lucifer has a second form think of something quick!
>get some trash lids and bang them furiously!
>But that is lazy dude!
>Nah watch these idiots say shit sounds good lol

Catherine Classic sold around half what Full Body did.
VC3 never came to PC (or to the West for that matter). VC4 sold as well as on PS4 at the very least, probably more.

Sega abandoned PC too.

>Catherine Classic sold around half what Full Body did.
But I thought there were more PC gamers in the world? WTF BROS?
>VC4 sold as well as on PS4

>But I thought there were more PC gamers in the world? WTF BROS?
220k on PS4
200-500k on PC (SteamSpy is the best we have)

Doesn't help Fatlus USA dropped the Vita port, but at least that has a partial "translation" through mods now.

>meanwhile had a fuckton of games on the DS and 3DS
Not wrong though, sure, most Japanese fear PC because of piracy or sales
I doubt it.
>one bad track

a bad song doesn't negate an entire soundtrack

Yeah, they won't be releasing Football Manager and Total War games anymore.

Their PC series are making more than all Fatlus series combined. Sega is just mad that their Japanese branch is doing like shit compared to the European one.

Yas Forums literally elected the president of the United States.

Just saying.

>and every normalfag would buy it
j-rpgs are a niche market for anything that isn't FF user, even more for persona
and even fucking more for SMT

They bolted on smt for every megaten western release until P4G. And that didn’t really do anything for non persona, right?

Steamspy isn't reliable in the slightest. You may as well post a strawpoll poll