>Can literally do anything he wants now that he is insanley rich
>Yas Forumsposts all day
Why though?
Can literally do anything he wants now that he is insanley rich
bcuh he based, tho
Turns out that when you can do anything you want, your wants tend to run out pretty quickly.
I mean, look at your backlog. So many games to play, but where does that bring you? Back to us.
Fucking beats me man. If I had that much money I wouldn't even have a fixed address, I'd be travelling the world first class going to all the awesome destinations like Ha Long Bay, Angkor Wat, London, Moscow, etc etc etc. Go build a school in Cambodia, go buy a bunch of land in the Amazon and make a wildlife sanctuary, fund a bunch of startup game devs and make their dreams come true.
I used to think Notch was OK but he's literally wasting his best years sitting in his fucking house shitposting, when he could be doing literally anything. That's about the most pathetic thing I can think of.
Because he's intelligent.
He's mentally ill like most Yas Forumstards. That's all.
Why not? Does it affect you in any way?
Why do leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?
Rent free
Sadly large amount of money make you dumb and disconnect from reality
Is this why this board is made up of people who don't even like vidya
Notch does what most billionaires do. If all the billionaires in the world actually contributed we would have a very different world. Fifty years ago the rich were made to pay up so they didn't end up like Notch.
How do you guys know for sure that's what he's doing all day evreryday? Maybe he's travelling and fucking bitches
That soulless face. Jesus he is scary. Liberals look like mindless husks.
Nah I think they're tumblr and neogaf refugees who come here after they get banned
i'd be fucking so many skanky whores till my dick fell off
Money isn't everything, I'm nowhere near as rich as Notch but I have a digital art gallery in NYC and am making a shit ton of cash.
Eventually your dopamine reserves get fucked, world is truly beautiful but most of it is the same, both the good and the bad. This is why so many rich people go into alternative medicine or biohacking tier self training to achieve some sort of inner balance.
It's not the money that makes you happy, it's your internal risk reward systems, and if you have essentially won the game there is nothing to reward you with eventually... So you start yoga and bow hunting to artificially induce these mechanisms back into your life.
>wasting his best years sitting in his fucking house shitposting
>That's about the most pathetic thing I can think of.
I think you're projecting your insecurities
>I'd be travelling the world first class going to all the awesome destinations
He did all that while he was still working at mojang. Did you miss all the constant vacation breaks he took?
Why, even sex with the best tens gets boring eventually. There is nothing in the world of pleasure that is endless.
Money is no substitute for a personality, and neither are basic bitch Yas Forumstard memes.
White Privilege: The Guy
Stole someone else's work and turned it into a java applet and got billions for it. Noped an immigration waiting list and went straight to the hills of California where he is now a resident. Literally has everything given to him in life on a platinum platter but it's still not enough. Still has a need to complain about things that not only don't affect him, they're mostly not even true. Such is the heart of the malcontent.
>implying you wouldnt do the same thing
Newfag or liar?
His best years are behind him, to be fair. Isn't he like 40?
kys tranny
>Eventually your dopamine reserves get fucked, world is truly beautiful but most of it is the same, both the good and the bad.
There's one thing people never get tired of doing, and that's making a difference by helping others and building a legacy. If I had enough money to buy fifteen thousand lamborghinis, I'd do stuff like start Orangutan/dolphin/wolf/elephant sanctuaries and then just go chill with them whenever I felt like it. I'd build a free university in some poor country and give scholarships to 1000 kids. I'd build a big aquarium and fill it with octopuses and other cool creatures. I'd find the best early access games on Steam, buy the companies, and give the devs enough of a budget to make the games of their dreams. There's no fucking way I'd run out of things to do.
>I think you're projecting your insecurities
You're god damn right I am, if I ever stop living life and start sitting on Yas Forums all day I might as well kill myself.
Old habits die hard
eventually you will understand that Yas Forumsposting is the perfect ideal
Never stop redpilling.
why you simp here?
is Tyrone finish with your wife and you have to show your 8 bastard kid how hard you simp on an anonymous basket weaving forum so Jessica let you have a round since the last week?
>I'd travel and do wildlife stuff
Are you a girl in college, perhaps?
Why the fuck did this pepe edit make me laugh so hard?
Living the dream
cause he's a fat incel and never escaped that mentality.
>Still has a need to complain about things that not only don't affect him, they're mostly not even true.
case in point. Leave me out of your weird fantasies.
Not him but if I had infinite money and fifty years I'd probably replicate the red fox domestication experiment with some random animal to create my own population of domesticated whatever that only I own.
Trannies do affect society.
That has what to do with me, schizo?
I havent thought about this fat, fedora wearing fuck in years. Last I heard he was lonely and had a bunch of swans or some shit, lol.
All that cash and still a pleb.
Billionaires are boring fucknuts, yall need to stop watching tv
Just saying they do affect society.
Can someone explain to me why "simp" has now caught on here? I assume its from twitter or reddit, like all the other lingo you faggots regurgitate.
Because it's apparently the Jews' fault that everyone finds him detestable and completely unlikable, so much that they can't even be a fake friend to leech off his billion dollars.
Hes a fag.
That and "schizo" and "king" are popular recently too. Were basically downstream from twitter and facebook these days with normoid lingo.
>when you're such an annoying cunt that nobody wants to spend time with you even when you pay them
Pretty fucking wild, to be honest. Dude is a social pariah who has become addicted to twitter.
>awesome destinations
Probably why you're not a billionaire.
nothing is more annoying then a trannies
they are like cancer, if you dont take care of them they replicate until they make it like twiter
Are you poor or something? London is a pretty neat place to visit.
Honestly after doing the basic bitch things (visit the ultra luxe tourist traps, have threesomes with 11/10 escort girls,...) I would probably also Yas Forumspost as my main interaction with the plebeian world.
I would have plenty of time to read mathematics and theology though, but you wouldn't see it from outside. I would probably invest in a few pet industrial projects and on a cure for balding.
personally? I'd buy super rare tech demos and betas from auctions and collectors and then I would dump them on the internet
>I would probably also Yas Forumspost as my main interaction with the plebeian world.
If you were smart, you'd know that wealthy people should stay far away from Hiro.
Imagine being that rich and not playing Golf all day
At least he's making twitter trannies salty
>they know who he is
>they try to say "NO YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE MOST SOLD GAME IN THE WORLD" in a half-arsed attempt to make him mad
>"actually minecraft characters are trans"
>they can't actually do anything bad to him because he has no job
>mojang can't remove their mention of him in the credits even if they obviously try to unperson him for his views
He's a sad guy but he's based, wish he'd do more positive things though
not him, but if i had that type of money i'd travel the world going mountaineering
not just a "girl in college" thing to want to travel
Are you poor or something? Go visit London then.
The neckbeard has taken over his brain
Yas Forums: I pity you
Notch: I don't think about you at all
I've already visited London. I'm not poor and thus have had the opportunity to travel.
Do you live in London or something? Why did that city trigger you?
Did that city trigger him?
Is he a snowflake?
I'd be rich enough to post behind seven proxies. I'd have a pajeet slave in bengalore dedicated to solving captcha for me.
Literally nothing wrong with sitting on your wealth and shitposting on 4channel
He can fuck the best looking tranny escorts in the world. The ones that legitimately pass as women.
That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s wrong.
fuck off retard