Ill climb up the ladder with a hammer and nail n ill nail it

ill climb up the ladder with a hammer and nail n ill nail it

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Other urls found in this thread:

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And then, they didn't include this song in the soundtrack.
What a bunch of jackasses.

>makes your favorite character from the first game a little bitch to make the MC more likable in the sequel.

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He's not a little bitch tho, he's just a kid. His character arc starts him off as a moron and slowly shows him becoming more smart and competent.

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He always said in 1 he was a shit when he was younger. You didn't know how much of one. Even then he's one of the first to really doubt Dutch after Hosea.

Still liked him more than Arthur, but it's because they try a bit too hard with the sympathy points for Arthur. My real contrarian take is genuinely liking Jack though.

>user is surprised that a dude who regrets being a scumbag outlaw was a scumbag outlaw when he was younger.

I didn't mind Sadie until I played as John, her treating him like a little bitch was so fucking tiresome. Then she gets wedged into the final confrontation you have between Dutch and Micah. Fuck Sadie and her butt.

The problem with Jack is just he gets one mission and that's it. John gets a entire epilogue plus the original game for anyone who played it, and on top of that you see his growth throughout 2 as well since he's there from the start. Jack only gets to kill Ross and only shows up near the end of the game to begin with, where he's distant and mad at his dad so most people get a bad first impression of him.

Not having an epilogue or post game content does hurt him, but I still like the tiny bits you get near the end of 1 and the bits from the camp in 2.

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Reminder Mary Beth is a best!

Based DSP

they went too far. he's such a rugged badass in 1. i know they needed to make him kind of a dipshit in 2 but the contrast is unbelievable.

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How? You see him go from dipshit to rdr1 John from end of chapter 3/start of 4 once Jack gets kidnapped.

He's the smartest guy in the group though, he's the first one to see through Duth's bullshit

Hosea does but just kind of does nothing except give Dutch shit a few times, and Arthur kind of flip flops from doubting to believing in Dutch for a good bit. Charles doesn't believe in him from the start iirc, or more so his own noble outlaws type shit.

you are extremely retarded, John constantly talks about how much of a lowlife dipshit he was while he was in the gang in RDR 1

most chad character ever concieved

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oops posted wrong pic

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did you play the game? he goes from a kid who knows nothing about anything to becoming more of a man, even a decent bit before arthur dies, do you think people are just born badasses?

both pretty chad desu, i wish bill had more screen time because there were scenes where he came off as just misguided but genuinely a good person

>they all had her

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I think everyone is doubting Dutch in the start of the second game due to what happened to Blackwater, just not to the extreme like they do in the later bits of the game, Charles I feel like doesn't really count because he came into the gang pretty late so what the fuck would he know about Dutch, as far as he's concerned he's just a charismatic dude, he doesn't have the same history with him as Arthur, Hosea and John do

This kinda makes you feel bad for him

I liked him a lot more when he was with John. He felt like he was really himself rather than a guy doing his job.

Was it because Arthur cockblocked him at the beginning of the game?

I didn't like how much screentime Lenny and Charles took up. Lenny especially cause I just found him kind of meh.

Found him insufferable during the main chapters but a lot more likable in the epilogue

I'd love to see a DLC featuring Bill and Javier building up their new gang prior to the events of RDR1.
>brings closure to their fates after Chapter 6
>would explain the fate of the Del Lobo gang
>perfect reason to use the New Austin and even the Mexico areas
>reintroduce characters from RDR1 like Leigh Johnson and the MacFarlanes.
But of course we're dealing with nu-Rockstar nowadays so that will never happen

Charles I understand, but Lenny? Aside from A Quiet Time and being killed during the bank robbery what screen time did he have?

Sounds great, would love to see seth as he begins his treasure hunt too maybe as just a side mission

>well if it isnt Micah
>Gods gift to nobody
shit got me hard

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heeey cowpoke

I wish they had done more to make Micah less of an insufferable cunt. I get it that his whole character is that hes a piece of shit but it felt lazy a lot of times because it was like when they were doing the writing theyd just do a mad lib with shit talk and throw it in there. Made him really one dimensional, a steady ramp up in cuntiness throughout the story would have been better.

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>The problem with Jack is just he gets one mission and that's it.
that one mission had more impact than the entire epilogue in 2. that's all jack needed

They must be the pendejos I've been hearing about.
John from chapter 4 on is cooler than Arthur though.

I wish they had gotten rid of him entirely. His presence wasn't necessary for the plot, the gang would have fallen apart regardless the moment Hosea, the one voice of reason Dutch actually listened to, died. We already had the oil baron and the Pinkerton agent as the big antagonists, they should have gotten more prominent roles, particularly the baron ("this guy is causing us problems, lol lets just kill him, we're outlaws").

I've always liked playing as Jack and never understood the complains. He looks cool, has an awesome outfit, and has really funny lines in free roam. It was refreshing to be able to play as a new character but still do so in the same way. Besides, John can unlock everything himself anyway, so you can just make a save right before the Ranch part and have everything (I get you wouldnt know this on first playthrough though)

But overall, playing as Jack in 1 was definitely a lot cooler then just playing as John in 2. I wish we could play as a new character.

Why'd they make John a greasy spic in RDR2?

Why is this board filled with so many fucking retards?

>Press button to continue cutscene
Fucking hated this pathetic attempt at making the game feel more "interactive".

Now THIS was fucking KINO

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I couldnt stand his voice in the epilogue. He came across as an angry teenager (which he may have been I honestly dont know how old he was supposed to be at that point) and regardless of how accurate that is to his character it grated on me so hard.

Might be the best mission in the series.

He served to drive a wedge between Dutch and Arthur even deeper, he kept bringing up Blackwater which triggered Dutch because it was a big fuck up on his part and now they keep having to do more stuff and get into more trouble because they cant get the money from Blackwater. Also hes there to just give you a man to hate for who he was. Pinkertons were doing their job, Oil Baron was attacked by them first. Major antagonists but they were antagonists of their own making.

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Considering how Rockstar just rips off westerns they should've made Micah be like Loco from The Great Silence, they almost look alike and both autistically evil, except one is kino and abuses the law to ruin lives and another just lacks any fucking depth at all.

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>american venom intensifies

how come John already looked like a thrown out doormat at the age of 26 yet Arthur despite being 10 years older and going through much more hardship still looked prime and fit?

Alcohol and hours in the sun mixed with how stressful living in the 1890's would age anyone pretty harshly.

>my friend didnt let the dialogue finish and just shot them instantly

If they had copied all of Ben Foster's character traits in 3:10 to Yuma and not just his appearance for Micah he would have been a great character. A member of the gang so fiercely loyal to Dutch it causes division and not because hes a big weiner.

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Arthur is in his mid-forties.

John looked cute in this rancher's outfit

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He's mid-30s, Dutch is mid-40's and Hosea is early 50's.


were leather bracers even used that much in the wild west?

Such a cool character design and voice actor they wasted. I initially liked that Strawberry mission with that cool ass beat playing, also loved that they he was a bit based thinking they were going to do something him. But no he is just evil. And that epilogue is so lame.

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Probably not that much, but many people living in isolation still lived as they had done for 100s of years at this time, since moderneties had not reached them yet. look att the norwegians in rdr2 for example.

Hosea has aged like shit then. Dude looks 70

Being a 19th century outlaw really takes its toll on you.

They gained popularity in the 1890's because presumably they protected wrists from rough ropes and also just as a fashion trend.

It's not at all unbelievable. He's very clearly still an adult and there's still some of the same John we recognize, he's just a bit more of an immature and drunken reckless dickhead that's not ready to be a father yet. They handle his arc just fine.

learn english before you post here

Hard living out in the sun will do that to you.

i like the music that plays in the mission where you burn the crops. it sounds like an inferno

VC, SA, RDR1 and RDR2 will be Rockstar's best games. Especially now that one of the Housers left.

What are some other good Old West style games to play? I'm kind of starved for something new after playing the RDR games for the umpteenth time.
Movies and TV show recommendations would be cool too.

It doesn't get more comfy AND kino than that.

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I hear West of Loathing is good.