Muh "it's just a fad"

>muh "it's just a fad"
>muh impractical
>muh headsets are too big and heavy
>muh "i'm too lazy to play while standing"
>muh motion sickness
>muh no gaems
>muh too expensive
>muh retarted close-minded outdated boomer arguments

VR will be everywhere by 2030. MARK. MY. WORDS.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>VR will be everywhere by 2030
I hope it is. I just can't justify spending that much money on it right now especially when I have a couple of friends who already took the dive.

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Do you think putting "muh" in front of a point or putting it in greentext invalidates it? Only thing missing was a basedjak. Dumbass.

I wear glasses and I’ll never put on one of these pieces of shit

the irony

They're crap arguments and the "muh" highlights that.

I'm into VR since since forever, bought into it in 2018 and it's not taking off. Humanity has everything it needs in a smartphone, VR will be niche boomer shit like Steering Wheels and HOTAS.

post a pic of your headset with a timestamp bc i don't believe you've even tried one before, let alone own one

>tfw first wave on shipments


In 2030, sure. Thats why buying it now is retarded as fuck. Just look at how much they've improved the tech from the initial offerings. You'd have to be an idiot to buy in now.

no point in threads like these when we're this close to the singularity (HLA)


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Have any of your other predictions come true?

what's the point if you can't feel anything

retarded fad gimmick
it will die just like before

Bullshit, its not December

You're the only person making threads about VR. The only one. And they all sound exactly like this. Let that sink in.


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what the fuck did you even post or want to say you retarded faggot?
stop posting on my website

I'm yuro

>muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh

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I will buy VR stuff only when it will allow me to fully experience cuddling with cute fox girl and fully experience fluff of her tail.

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The economy will limit VR's popularity to a niche product.

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All I have been doing is playing wolfenstein VR for the past week. If I can get HHH I will be in blitzville. Are there any good multiplayer shooters for VR yet?

>Are there any good multiplayer shooters for VR yet?
Depends if you consider Pavlov or Onward or Contractors good.

How are the guns in Pavlov?

You having trouble with English there, bud? Maybe there's a VR game that can help you with that.

Just checked and there isn't. There's no games at all. Guess you're fucked, Pablo.

That’s not the tea gif

They try to do this meme recoil patterns from Counter-Strike. They're pretty arcade, recoil is way too strong on a lot of them, most of them can be reloaded in a split second which makes the balance kinda retarded, especially that you have infinite ammo and wall penetration that does 100% damage.
The strongest CQB gun is a red dot M99. Accuracy is all over the place
They're much worse than H3VR, on par with contractors, worse than Onward, but some people like them, because they're easy to reload and "responsive".

>Humanity has everything it needs in a smartphone
Lmao. Do you actually think that most people are truly happy with the world around them and didn't just learn to accept reality the way it is? Do you think that people wouldn't change a lot about it if they could? Well, complete VR immersion is the closest you can probably get to that, and you're deeply ignorant of human nature if you can't see that it's only a matter of time until it will take over.

Retard American detected

ok there it is

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Some of them. I remember the touchscreen phone skepticism back in the day and laughing at all the retards who couldn't see it was the future.
We're slowly getting there. There are already accessories for smell. There are already treadmills. Fully immersive bodysuits or some better tech is coming at some point.

and your feet?

Right now VR is a waste of money for anyone who can make good software. Look at fucking VRChat. It's still the best software there is in 2020.
Sure, in a perfect deep dive matrix sao anime meme magic world VR would be amazing, but in this boring shithole utopia smartphone is peak technology and will stay this way because you can actually make money selling and developing those. VR is a sink.

I get handjobs from Senko often in VR

I'm a disgusting boomer manlet hobbit, you don't want to see my feet.
meant dystopia fuck jannies by the way

>implying there won't be high quality VR kits under $100 in a few years

By 2030 you won't even need a dedicated headset for VR, your smartphone will be good enough. The cost of entry will be just the motion controllers and the millimeter-wave sensor.


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chinks got you covered

Smartphones will be dead in a decade.

>smart watches
>smart glasses
>smart contact lenses

There are many potential replacements. Heck we already could if we wanted to.

>He thinks inconvenient to use shit will replace anything at all

You don't get how tech works, do you?

I bet he was one of those people who thought laptops would be killed by tablets.

Smart watches are a thing now and they're supplementing smartphones, not reaplacing them.
>smart glasses
AR? Same, it will be supplementing smartphones
>smart contact lenses

i have a vive and love it
but if i wanna update to a valve index it is going to cost me THREE THOUSAND AUD

i don't even care about the controllers i just want wider fov and less screen-door effect

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I wear glasses with my Rift and it works fine

Get a Odyssey+ or Reverb. Index isn't this much of an improvement, and you'll lose OLED blacks and contrast. Glare is ass too.

Currently on EI and playing VR. Can it get any more comfy? I am ready for half life alyx and have enough toilet paper to cover the neighbourhood

Having to take your phone out of your pocket instead of having it on your wrist or head seems pretty inconvenient to me..

Well.. iPads are becoming more laptop-like each generation. There's already a great increase in tablets for casual use as opposed to laptops. They're cheaper, more portable, more user friendly, are basically always on and don't have to use sleep mode, etc. Once they can do more heavy duty stuff, laptops will become niche. Again, think about several years/a decade, not next year.

Name the control interface these would use that is not more inconvenient. God, imagine tapping away on a tiny watch screen when phone sized ones already have some precision issues.

By "more niche" do you mean "still used for all manner of serious work"?
The biggest factor is ergonomics. A 10" screen is simply too small for text editing or writing code, in the same way a 5" screen is too small for comfortably reading books, and a 2" screen for sending text messages. Hence all of the devices occupy their own niche.

Are the different components of the VR systems interchangeable? Can I use the Index controllers with a different headset, for example?

i wear glasses that are pretty large and I haven't had trouble wearing any of them.

Only lighthouse-centric stuff is interchangeable (with caveats, see 1.0 vs 2.0) which means Index and Vives.
Everyone else is going for proprietary inside-out solutions, even HTC. They're adding lighthouse capabilities to Cosmos eventually but at a steep price.

>They're adding lighthouse capabilities to Cosmos eventually but at a steep price.
And bundling it with the wands instead of making lighthouse versions of the cosmos controllers

I hate how lighthouse is simultaneously the only system worth using, and also by far the biggest rip-off. Where are my 50 dollar chink controllers?

In the case of glasses/lenses, it's easy. Just look at Google Glass and realize that's just the beginning. As for watches, depends on what you would use them for? Making calls? You can do that easily. Writing? You have FlickType and dictation. Watching vids and looking at photos? Well that's a bit of a problem, but that might be solved with extending/folding screens or some new tech.

Well, think about it like this. Most people already own a monitor or a TV or both. If you feel the need for a larger screen, just connect the tablet to it and use a wireless m+kb combination.

>Hence all of the devices occupy their own niche.
For now. Something like VR/AR glasses could wipe out pretty much everything. It's even highly cost effective in a sense. Imagine using VR glasses instead of wasting money on a TV, and watching TV in VR or seeing an AR TV on your wall.

HTC is an amazing company

I think Valve was hoping other companies would license the tech and compete but everyone's too skittish and/or chinese.

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>VR will be everywhere by 2030. MARK. MY. WORDS.
As long as we have decent multi-direction treadmills, and interactive glove controls that fine, focus on the peripherals, teleportation movement is shit, and the stick/icecream controllers will always feel janky.

The one use Xbox's failed kinect could have been used for is better intuitive motion control for a VR experience, instead we got 1 broken piece of tech from them, and countless unfinished VR experiences from the same amount of developers.

>The one use Xbox's failed kinect could have been used for is better intuitive motion control for a VR experience,
If it wasn't for how awful SteamVR is, it'd be trivial to just hook up a 20 dollar kinect and get decent "walking on the spot" movement in every game. But hey, if we let people use other peripherals, they might bind a macro key and RUIN Pavlov!

Apple shill. No wonder you think this stuff is a good idea.

Phones already work fine for their current niche. In trying to make something new just as convenient and sensible, you've willing to add on a dozen additional systems and an entirely separate device to plug in to do so. Which, from the standpoint of a marketer, is an amazing idea. That many more things to sell to people.

Smartphones are watered down. Of course this is more on devs than Google. Then you got virtual keyboards that literally bow to the app and disables copy, paste, etc at will so you have to copy it. I love my surface it actually let's me do more than an android tablet which is just a oversized smart phone.


I mean, you don't get a high quality monitor for $100, so I don't see why you'd expect to get a high-quality, super high DPI, high refresh rate and low persistence screen plus everything else a VR kit needs to work for that kind of money.

Those have much worse tracking than Vive (and Index, of course), plus lower FoV and lower refresh rate than Index. I can fully understand recommending an Odyssey+ due to its price point, for the money asked I can understand giving a few things up, but a Reverb just costs too much to be worth putting up with the shitty WMR tracking unless you're buying it for some specific use case where screen resolution is the only thing that matters.

No, only the Lighthouse ecosystem has compatibility between multiple devices, so basically devices made with SteamVR in mind. Vive headsets, Index, Pimax and I think that's pretty much it.

Get contacts, not even for VR they really changed my life, I'm a chad now

the furtive pimax, so easily forgotten...
did they get corona'd yet?

I don't really know about them anymore, to be perfectly honest I didn't keep up anymore when the Index became a thing.

Yes and no. You need lighthouses and watchman dongles, at this point you basically run 2 systems simultaneously.

>We'll make SteamVR input shit on purpose so you can't cheat in multiplayer games
Also Valve
>We won't be making multiplayer VR games because the install base is too small

>I think Valve was hoping other companies would license the tech and compete but everyone's too skittish and/or chinese.
Last time I researched this you apparently need to send two people for a 2000$ training each to Valve before they allow you to make anything.

i was just thinking they'd make a killing selling htc cosmoos controllers if it worked with lighthouses.

It's insane how fucking retarded HTC is