Why aren't you playing our game, human?

Why aren't you playing our game, human?

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I think it says a lot about the type of person I am when I thought that was a boner

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Because some asshole stole my copy and my Switch.

Not gettin' a switch until they make a real console out of it

Not unless they play with my penis plus no new updates ever again so

I'm moving soon and already packed up all my games.

I find it hard to go back after getting a Steam Controller to use on my PC.
The Gyro was great to get into stick aiming before that, but now that I'm used to using a trackpad along with Gyro, Splatoon just feels off.

I'm getting a copy soon, no worries


im not a tranny

That sucks

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I figured it was too late and might as well wait for Splat 3. Good cunny tho

inklings are for humans only

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I'm buying one game for online this month and I still haven't decided between mario kart and splatoon 2.

Because shitty teammate RNG isn't good for my heart. I don't like being the only person carrying a team only to lose in overtime eight matches in a row.

Inkling boys are a cute.

Attached: squidsyboys.gif (300x300, 1.37M)

I prefer Octoling boys

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They go good together too.

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The fuck is happening in this image?


I's a guy, we're kinda seeing from his perspective looking down, the girl is tugging on his shirt and the boy has his arm.

>too busy drawing squid smut and cooming to actually play the game
where did i go so wrong

Im not paying for online for one game.

>drawing squid smut
post it or link it

I really burned myself out on it a few months ago, but I should come back to it.

More like post it or ink it hah

the shakes got too bad, I can't aim with gyro now

the chances of us sharing the same fetish are low enough that i can safely assume you really wouldn't be interested

waiting for pro controller to get delivered

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That's what's keeping me from potentially buying this game. Sure the objective is not to kill people like in other shooters but it's still a team competition and that by itself inherently carries frustration. At first everything will be fun but sooner or later I'm bound to get annoyed when my team sucks or get annoyed because I feel like I hit a wall rank/elo wise or whatever they use in this game.


you never know unless you post it or at least tell us what fetish it is
even if I don't like there might be someone else here who will


Agent 3 and 8 are dating!

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Nintendo pulled the plug too early

pearl is made for licking marina's butthole


But user, you could introduce someone to a new fetish

My internet sucks and my latency is way to high

i like all fetishes user. give me a try.

Because my Pro controller has a shitty busted gyro and don't want to buy a new one.

What's your region? Internet hardly matters for these sort of online games so long as you got something that actually works. Distance to peer is what really hits you.

Cant you use the joycon attached to that controller base thingy that comes with the switch?

If something isn't continually updated, like Fortnite, it's dead. Therefore, Splatoon is a dead game that no one plays. What's the point in playing a multiplayer game if there's no players and it takes forever to find a full lobby?

Attached: dead.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

Was that webm supposed to show it taking forever? That felt like okay time.

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Because Nintendo made my wifi connection paid.

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I refuse to pay for online services when it initially available for free

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>i'm so petty over 5 dollars per year that i dropped a game i enjoy
I'm not defending NSO becoming a paid feature, but the cost to use it is literally negligible.

The characters are cute but the gameplay is far too simple to be entertaining.

0.37 per month is too much, man

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>win seven matches in a row
>Rank up
>Proceed to lose seven matches in a row
>Rank down again

Feel like an hour of my time has been wasted, leaving me feeling bitter.

which reminds me, my NSO family plan has room for 2 more.

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i don't have a nintendo console

Why are those squids so small?

They're kids now

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you're on Yas Forums. the chances are low but that doesn't mean they're equal to zero.

its boring and repetitive

because Splatoon 2 needs an Nintendo online connection, and I'm not paying twice to use my own internet

oi cunt get back to the editing cave you wanker

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This is one of the things I feel is a flaw with skill-based matchmaking. Low ranks rarely get to practice with high ranks, and therefore don't get to practice against high-level tactics or reaction times as often. So they get good at beating low rank tactics, only to suddenly find most of what they've learned is useless upon rank up. If they can't git gud in 4 matches they get booted out.

So players constantly wallow between destroying low ranks and getting destroyed by high ranks, stagnating the game.

I think making matchmaking continuous like Smash, rather than setting a hard gate at each rank, would greatly solve this issue.

God I hope I have the self-awareness to get out of video games as a hobby if I'm ever grasping this hard

squids are worst lolis