Just got laid off from class and job for 14 days.
What can I play this time? I was thinking Mother 3.
Just got laid off from class and job for 14 days
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw boomer father with health issues still wants to travel because reasons
Mod the fuck out of skyrim and maybe you will have a couple of days left to actually play
warhammer 2
some dumbass slut I know bought a plane ticket to malta the other day, I don't understand why people are so retarded
>maybe you will have a couple of days left to actually play
Oh fuck off you overdramatic cunt.
Mother 3 is good. What other games are you into?
Scare the shit out of him, show him the most paranoid and misinforming articles
Traveling old people are literally one of the main reasons this virus has a death toll outside china in first place
My country isn't banned from travelling to the states, but I was suppose to be going with him and I'm considering pulling out (it was suppose to be just me in the first place, he decided to tag along last minute) and I'm thinking of postponing but he's hearing none of it.
I'm trying but hes a stubborn fuck, so unless big man on TV tells him otherwise I thought he'll back out.
Yeah, you probably won't die. It does render you infertile though. Talking about modded Skyrim, of course.
>Just got laid off from class and job for 14 days.
>vidya suggestion thread gets turned into a mini Yas Forums thread
cmon man i wanted op to play some games
You're supposed to do what the normal crowd does user, group up with your friends, go outside, get the virus and spread it to everyone, that's the 200 IQ play, Imagine actually isolating your self like they want you to do. Channeling your inner boomer there, really now.
I mean, him getting the virus is inevitable at this point due to the combined stupidity of the leadership of various nations. I would rather die traveling aboard and doing what I love to do most than rot away and die locked in a hospital.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, imagine doing ANYTHING other than staying indoors and playing videogames.
It's okay, you're all welcome at the gamer table,we accept swallowed pride as currency.
Based retards doing the thing I wanted while I can chill and not move a finger. Hopefully, it spells the doom for that globalist multiculti shit.
what the fuck is Yas Forums about this thread? every single board is talking about corona
Waiting for the new Animal Crossing game. My boss said we can telecommunicate until things calm down, and my friends who are in college get to go home, we are all going to kick back and relax and get our CROSS on!
While staying inside and washing our hands regularly of course.
My sister's gotta be extra careful since she lives with our grandfather and takes care of him. She liked going to curch and worked as a kindergarden teacher, one thing's down since schools out on account of virus, now I just hope she'll actually stay indoors and far away from curch. Some people here are going on about how this is "their" plan to keep everyone "away from god" by making them stray from the church, and this is how the anti-christ will be born or what ever. Imagine for a second, a religion built around caring about everyone even your enemy and wishing them well, expects you to risk doing harm to everyone by gathering in the church and risking the spread of the virus.
Acknowledging that a real happening finally happened is Yas Forums. It's clearly a nothingburger, orchestrated by Trump/Democrats/Jews/Whoever to make money! Never mind that the economy is going down the shitter and every major event for the next few months has either been cancelled, postponed or cut off from the public.
I live in a rural state and churches around here are telling people, especially those who are old, to stay at home and just join them online (most churches stream their services now).
Did anyone else watch the latest JRE?
Contagious disease expert just lays it out and it ain't looking good.
>Woohoo! The deadly disease that causes permanent bodily damage to its survivors is spreading to my counter! Thank god, now I can have 14 days off from my school that I voluntarily attend and pay for anyway! Just hope my boomer parents still supporting me at age 23 don't contract it and die, then I'll have to actually support myself!
There is a difference between claiming overreaction and not taking precautions and claiming overreaction and taking precautions. This guy is just an idiot.
I spent a week in Singapore after traveling through Malaysia and even went to Universal Studios. I made sure to wash my hands after I touched anything and never touched my face, and if I couldn't hit up a bathroom I had hand sanitizer at the ready. Retards out there wearing face masks and pulling it down to scratch their nose.
>watch the latest JRE
nobody asked you retarded attentionwhoring faggot
I'm no fan but the guest is good, check it out.
Just fast forward when Joe talks about Saunas stopping coronavirus and elk.
I like attention.
>mfw ori came out just in time for spring break and the coronapocalypse
>causes permanent bodily damage to its survivors
Galician I think
2% of people (elderly) get pneumonia and if they survive than yeah they will suffer permanent organ damage, but alarmists are making it sound like it's just something the virus does to everyone
>only affects boomers
Good, fuck 'em all.
I said give me a source.
enjoy your lung damage
tl;dr, screencap the important shit for me
>national geographic
I'm playing FFXIV for now. Looking forward to playing Animal Crossing and DOOM (PC), then FFVIIR in early April. Thinking about starting a regular FFVII play through in the meantime.
Enjoy your comfy quarantine. Just remember: Even if you think you'll be fine if you catch the virus, other people might not be, and you don't want to spread it. It's inevitable that a large portion of us will get it, but if we can flatten the curve so that not too many people have it at one time, we all stand a better chance of coming out okay.
where does it talk about permanent lung damage?
>Newfags seriously too inept to just ctrl+F what they are looking for
>will likely infect around 70% of the population
Well if everyone has lung damage then no one has lung damage, right? If that were true of course.
So it can cause pneumonia which is only dangerous to boomers
Again, good, fuck 'em
meanwhile you can't even be bothered to read the own shit you posted. it says 25% experience the phase that can result in that, but the original post said
>that causes permanent bodily damage to its survivors
>risking getting sick in some shithole country with horrendous hospitals
Is this a good time to get a scared cute gf?
Mine cannot stay at home chlinh he has to go out and buy some 2 bucks plastic Tupperware thing every single day.
Retired boomers are asking for corona chan, explaining that they need too avoid crowded and public spaces doesn't do shit
>two WEEKS leave over a fake pandemic
I want your life
Nord Italy have excellent hospitals
Sud Italy is shit in everything
It's not a serious virus, but it's still worth preventing its spread by taking precautionary measures. It's not really a happening, its more of a precaution to keep anything from actually happening.
stay safe user
>tfw every politician in my country is getting infected
What a chad. Prices are dirt cheap right now so he’s not wrong
The virus itself isn't so bad, but it's impact of the economy, global supply chains, and the healthcare system is pretty serious. There was a shortage of hospital beds in many hospitals in a variety of countries even before corona.
UK? Health Minister did some good work.
Italy has been hit so hard because its populous is fucking old. The average age of death from corona is 81. This is unironically great for the younger generations there.
Spain. Even the king has it now.
Now that everyone will bunker in home do you think we will get more mods for gaems?
Average age of the infected in Italy is around 60 years old, considerably higher than in other countries. Italy's high death count is in no small part due to bad luck of having it hit mostly boomers.
>politicians here
>What about food and taxes?
So anyone wanna guess how long it takes for riots to break out and all of them to get dragged in to the square by coughing people, lined up against a wall and shot?
>Even the king has it now.
why you lying
>Have to wagecuck in a place with already confirmed corona case
>Just want to go home and play vidya
>Hear someone saying how awful it is they have to stay in their home for 2 weeks while "only" getting 80% of their wage
How the fuck is 2 paid weeks of freedom (especially during all this clusterfuck) bad you fucking cunt?
You say that but apparently one of the main reasons is blamed on kids and teens going out to "hang out" when the schools were closed, instead of staying home like they should have.
Try 60
And because they're unhygienic. Hong Kong is next door to China, Italy has more deaths. Italy is known for garbage laden streets and not washing.
>>Have to wagecuck in a place with already confirmed corona case
you mean a confirmed case of the virus at the workplace? what kinda hellhole do you live in?
A coworker told me, but I can't find any news so maybe it's fake news or something.
>Garbage laden streets
Literally 2 cities in the whole country you fucking cunt
If anyone here wagecucks in retail, they are fuuuuuucked.
didn't they also not give a fuck about warnings and went ahead with some festival shit?
They're literally talking triage in Italy. Not enough ventilators to go around.
>tfw just got a job where I can just stay at home and work
You think that's bad try
>A guy who's mother had the virus and he him self is now suspected of the virus (first tests came out negative) came to my workplace, and now we're all sweating wiating to find out if he's acutally sick or not
>I wanna go home and play vidya have nothing against being a cavedweller for a few months is how I spend my vacation days anyway
take care anons. keep some extra food for your family and pets. workout, read a book, catch up on shows and vidyas at home if you're quarantined. stay vigilant if you need to leave the house. we're all gonna make it. remember that stress weakens you
>Suspend the entire NBA season
With proper management this would not be necessary. Use instant tests to keep the virus out of retirement homes and places where the at-risk stay would be the best solution. Let everyone else become immune and then watch the virus die. But that solution is too reasonable and nuanced we gotten flip our shit instead
>Start up Anno 1800
>Plague breaks out
The queen was tested because she was in contact with Pablo Iglesias' wife who just tested positive. The result isn't known yet. Also can you guys do us Barbosas a solid and stay on your side of the border? Thanks.
I seriously don't understand why old people are so goddamn stubborn. We're in Italy and I've been trying to convince my parents to do groceries through Amazon for the time being but they'd seriously rather spend two hours in line and fight among the current panicky crowd. It makes no fucking sense.
I work as IT in a military base, I'm a civilian worker though. Some General got confirmed infected with corona but despite goverment just closing all schools and public places they simply ignore a huge corona risk in a military base that also has American troops in it.
My mom works at bank in the center of a very populated city and they refuse to fucking close the bank
I'm a sucker for nice settings. Gameplay can be so-so even, but if the setting is moody I'll tend to stick to it.
>And remember, getting freaked out and worried will only make it worse, don't panic
>Get scared that I'll panic, panic that I'm panicing
I-Is it hard to breath or is that just me?
Look at how mad this meatball gets at the truth.
>only two cities!
Huge cities. That's like a Brit saying "It's only in London, you cunt!" lmao. Italy has been living in filth since at least 2007. That's when some Italian broad I was dating told me about it. That was 13 years ago. Italy hasn't fixed it, because they're nasty and corrupt.
Explain why Hong Kong, the closest and most travelled between nation to Corona Country has FEWER deaths than Italy all the way in Europe? Italians being unhygienic is the only explanation.
>Not wanting to dig mass graves
Again, the most dangerous thing about this virus is that it hits a bunch of boomers who then take up beds in the ICUs and push everyone else out. As long as you can protect the susceptible the virus is a non-issue.