If you're a guy and you choose to play a female character when you can pick either, you're a fucking nerd and a loser

if you're a guy and you choose to play a female character when you can pick either, you're a fucking nerd and a loser

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if you’re OP you suck cocks

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What are you gonna do about it

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if you're a gamer and you choose to play For Honor when you can pick any game, you're a fucking nerd and a loser

holy shit is this real???

it's just a pic i happened to take off google, but you probably play f*males in games so your opinion is pretty worthless
this is like fingering your ass in public and saying "what are you gonna do about it", you're only embarrasing yourself

What can i say im a coomer

based, op is gay.

whoa that cat....

>plays a dead Ubishit game
>calling anyone a loser

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Fem-conq's voice is so cute, fuck me.

you wouldn't need that if you actually talked to girls, ever


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>always find a game within a few seconds
>can't remember ever seeing the same username twice

>obsessing over another mans cock
>only plays big hairy men
>thinks his passive aggressive attitude is anything other than annoying

Hello closet homo.

Because looking at female ass in a 3rd person game is less gay than staring at a male ass

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pretty much this, having control over a woman in game doesnt mean i relate to them but my power over them makes me feel good.

Like I give a fuck what a manchild on Yas Forums thinks

>he isn't dumperpilled

>all these nerds defending their virginity

Unironically the bettter protagonist in Odyssey.

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I pick female because I want to be a woman

If you just play whatever you want that is fun for you without listening to other people judging you, you're based

Imagine wanting to stare at a man for hours on end....GAY

if you post on an anonymous imageboard you're a fucking nerd and a loser

nice one, nerd and loser

Why would you want to look at a man's ass for hours upon hours gayboy

Based coomers

Tfw play females because they look closer to the average male as opposed to the bulked up male option thats available

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I'm gonna play as a cute female ninja in nioh 2 and there's nothing you can do about it fag

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I play as female characters, this is still the gayest closeted response imaginable. It heavily implies you can't stop staring at man ass when it's in front of you.

Exclusive gender clothing options. Fuck off

but femconq is so cute!

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>caring that much about play-doll dresses
Just start taking your HRT already jesus christ

FemWarden gets off when you yank her ponytail during anal.

It's the only legitimate excuse though

I love that i can make women soldiers in BFV. Women look better than men.

ok boomer

But female Jormungandr and Zhanhu are superior to the males.

And Hitokiri is much scarier as a girl.

Reminder GunZ females had a smaller hitbox than males
it is objectively better to pick grill characters

Hell yeah I am

If the game has cute girls in armor, I'm always gonna pick em.

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>Still no cute females

you can get arrested for fingering your ass in public

female characters have smaller hitboxes

this is the only excuse, either if that character is only available as a female, or if it actually gives you an advantage, but if it's purely cosmetic, only retards play female characters by choice

Every heterosexual knows why any MAN would play as a female in a game, if you don't then you're not heterosexual, and you need meds.

Did you just...oppose me?

Maybe you should do something in your life so you don't need to self insert in games faggot.

if you're a guy and you choose to play a Conq character when you can pick anything other, you're a fucking turtle and a loser

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>Says the Jiang Jun

Man I love hazbin hotel, share porn. I know you want to

lmao you fucking casual... for honor is an elder godtier game

yes its shit at times but its also orgasmic to be able to kill the enemy team all by yourself just because of your skill

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