Why are fantasy worlds always globes? That shit is boring

Why are fantasy worlds always globes? That shit is boring.

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they aren't. from recent memory, disco elysium is a series of discs surrounded by all-consuming nothingness.

Because you touch yourself.

we never see the entire world in dark souls. Their universe is very weird though. The Sun is powered by the fire like everything else, so there's no guarantee it's even that big. It could be a tiny ball just above the sky.

Pretty sure most 3-D games consist of a flat land and a dome-like skybox.
Since it's not specifically stated that place is a globe you can pretend it's like your primitive assumptions about the universe.

Why are flat earthers always mouth breathing morons?

More often than not shape of the world does jackshit to the actual plot and have zero impact on fictional cultures.

Wait, Disco Elysium isn't set on earth?

only sensible fucken answer in this thread.

quit beating your dick OP

no, not even remotely. it's a series of interconnected "isolas". paledrivers travel between them with specialized vehicles and lose their sanity and memories in the fog. there are RIDICULOUS infodumps if you have a high encyclopedia stat. the world-building is fantastic.

Because it's easier to write fantasy than reality

>tfw no more Discworld games

kill me

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Case in point right here.

Play king of dragon pass

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Should I play the remake or the original?
And before you say original keep in mind that there's supposed gameplay fixes locked behind the remake.

I was going to say the "remake". It's literally just a nicer version with updated UI for phones and extra scenes written in.

In addition to what the other user said the fog is encroaching on land over time and previously accessible regions have had access to them lost.

golden sun

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>updated UI
more like downgraded
but okay

>for phones
you nignog, read my posts before you dare dispute them

Because only globes can exist in universe. If you want to make a fantasy setting with flat planets then you will also have to come up with completely new rules of universe which is impossible for human mind.

That's a globe projection.

The UI is the same on the PC version doublenog

If you buy the """remake""" you triplenog, you can still buy the OG thing on GOG.

How is the Atteka Islet not collectively shitting themselves?

So you're saying I should play the original then?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

the main plot of the second game is that the world is literally shrinking as the waterfalls erode away the world and restoring alchemy is the only way to stop it

A projection is just a flat fucking plane, that’s the whole point.

by world they mean the shit they walk on yknow

We're reaching levels of nog never seen before
The best experience is probably buying the phone app for KoDP. Aside from the fixes and extra content it works very well as a phone game, and the UI's built for it.
If you adamantly refuse to play games on your phone because you're just too hardcore, you've gotta make a choice between comfy old PC game with less content or SOULLESS steam version with phone UI for some reason but more content.


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am not giving Google my credit card info

So make your choice nigga

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he's not smug at all he's frustrated
update ur filenames

>tfw no more discworld books

I don't know, why are Christfags such shit eating cucks?

Some people will eat shit if you tell them something good will come of it. Survival of the fittest has ceased to be a concept and now the retards aren't being culled

>Look, this is our concept of heaven
>Proven wrong, there's no water in the sky
>It's okay goyim, our religion is totally real and cool
It bothers me how people can still believe in any religion when it's obvious the whole thing is a lie if ONE (1) thing it stated is wrong.

That's the state of the world in SMT4, OP.

SMT Nocturne has a inverse world. Though I can;t remember what if anything is on the outside of the ball.

>Survival of the fittest has ceased to be a concept and now the retards aren't being culled
Covid-19 has entered the chat

>trying to apply human logic to the divine

>tfw the discworld tv show is going to be a fucking disaster and it's some weird riverdale-esque shit where everyone is genderbent and sexy
Here's your Angua and Cheery bro

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Tell me when a non-previously-crippled people actually die because of it.

>complaining about sexy haractets

>tv show
First I heard of this shit.

user, they're getting rid of the fantasy elements entirely. Cheery doesn't even have a beard, Sybil Ramkin is some weird sexy vigilante that burns people alive instead of a middle-aged lady that raises dragon and Vetinari is the bad guy.

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Why aren't there games based on every mythos/religion and ancient civilization

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>s-s-s-survival of the fittest
>but call me when weak people aren't being culled
Based retard

Maybe it's that one novel where literally everyone was a girl pretending to be a man?

No, that's Monstrous Regiment, these are specifically the Watch.
Carcer is also redone to be a tragic guy that was the victim of racism instead of an out-and-out psychopath and is one of the main villains

ok, so?
don't watch it then, do you also cry about starship troopers not following the books?

>World is tidally locked
>Sun never moves in the sky, eternal afternoon over the ring of habitable zones
>Brutally hot desert with permanent hurricanes that shreds everything in the centre
>other side is eternally dark frozen wasteland

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the ben10 tween cartoon with the metal guy did this
it was shit

>why don't you eat up this shit bro don't watch it bro some people like shit bro
Fuck off shill

My super awesome original game idea is basically Dark Souls with cats set on an eyeball planet.
I have autistic amounts of documentation already, so don't steal it or I will sue.


Gravity Rush is trees set in a floating void

>it’s okay to create something only tangentially related to the source material in order to cash in on name value

what's wrong with that?
again, do you bitch about starship troopers not following the books? Frankenstein? Moby Dick?

sounds pretty interesting, give me some details lad

All old jrpgs are donut shaped worlds.