Granblue Fantasy Versus

>goes from being the #1 most played character online to lowain tier in a little over a week
What went wrong?

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not nearly big enough hitboxes

Moni moni when?

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ill moni moni u

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People that can't tiger knee don't want to deal with Narm.

Weak long range game. Medium slash takes so long to come out that the possible frame trap afterwards is not worth it as it is easily jumped on reaction for a full jump in combo.

Pressure game is aight but the lack of real mix means people can wait it out and Narm has to use the universal mechanics to open people.

At least her combos look cool.

She's not in, tell me when she does so I can buy her game

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Turns out they have to work for their wins like Zeta does and it isnt easy at all at higher ranks. Meanwhile everyone shunned Beelzebub and he ended up being versatile as fuck with a complete tool set
Just use the shortcut instead of TKing, there are 0 repercussions. The 2 second additional cd wont impact you

I'll still play her as my secondary character regardless
Struggle is manhood. Embrace the low tier

You have to work a little bit harder, while spending more resources, to do the same damage Gran can without spending as much. This is while he and Kat arguably have a stronger kit and that can set up big damage easier. Not even like her combos are diverse or that hard so you can play her for style points. Plus the block button does her dirty.

GBVS is going to have that weird problem of being pretty balanced, but because you aren't going to get anything special out of a lower tier there isn't much point. Everyone has a pretty straight forward tool kit, that obeys a handful of universal qualities. So you'll still see random characters winning shit but they will have gone through the Gran ocean. I'd like to see the April patch make stuff a bit more diverse in terms of how you extend combos and stuff like that. If it just goes oh we nerfed Gran's damage and unga it will be SFV Ryu S1 -> S2 all over again

Is too fucking slow, the problem is the current meta revolves around 4 characters (Gran/Ferry/Kat/Char) and the game mechanics don't give enough counter options for the rest of the cast to fight back. Pray the April patch actually does something, at least nerf Gran/Kat's damage. The MC should never be top tier in a fighting game what were they thinking.

it's the waifu tax

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Even without the block button mix ups aren't that hard to block, I seriously think some people overestimate Lancelot for this reason.


Lancelot isn't strong just because of his mixup, he has shit that allows him to bypass neutral in a game that's supposed to be heavily about it and bunch of gimmicks.

>The MC should never be top tier in a fighting game
I disagree, I think you want them to be at least high mid. Your MC is the face if the game, it is weird that in SFV we don't see Ryu (and before this season) Chun in tournaments. It is more the way Gran is strong, than the fact he is. ArcSys patches can go either way on that one, either he will be murdered and never seen again or inexplicably buffed.

Watch Arcsys buff Gran and Kat while nerfing Zeta and Narmaya.

Good, fuck coomers.

>launching in a day
>still no steam page

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I'll be surprised if she's not in S2 since they can copy and paste Jam to create her.

Every day I wakeup hoping to see it. They're really gonna make us wait like the PS store version.

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Never doubt XSEED's ability to fuck up every single thing.

Beelzebub is fine as he is, people often downplay the fact he has plus frames divebomb that can be an anti-AA, has a teleport, one of the best AAs in the game and fucks over Ferry. The latter by itself is already a huge deal

Because FGs on PC are a meme.

Lancelot is up there with the other 5. The character is insanely good

>includes Charlotta
>not Lancelot
He literally has the fastest buttons in the game, is the only character that can do two j.Ms off a super jump, can cross the screen, and has the safest pressure in the game with both his L and M rekkas capable of being safe on block based on distance you start them at.

That's how you know xseed is in charge and not cygames or arcsys. Even Japan and Asia are getting cucked on Steam. It's going to be a fucking atrocious port.

It tickles me pink that Baiken "mains" became such a meme.

When they nerf Lancelot?

They did it to themselves when they came up with "no Baiken, no buy then."

I know and its hilarious. I was hoping for Zappa but I still bought the fucking game and had fun with it.

if they nerf zeta any harder i'm dropping this game immediately

i was planing on using zeta and lancelot when they game hit's pc how are they?

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See, you didn't come up with anything to become a meme. No Zappa my dappa you cappa my banka from you means no eternal memes.

What happened? Is Narmaya bottom tier or something? Why is she bad?

Low mid-tier character that requires at least a 3 digit IQ to play properly and not get your shit fucked
High-tier unga bunga button masher character

Lance is top tier. Zeta is low tier. Her pressure is fine but her buttons in neutral suckbapart from f.M, 2L and 2M. Pic related thats supposed to be her AA, where the fuck is the hitbox????
Shes fine but why bother when the top 5 are easier to use

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I still like playing as her even though I gimp myself hardcore and make her even worse than she already is with the way I play.

Not him, but that's my problem with Zeta since I saw her reveal trailer. All her attacks seem so "stubby". She never fully extends the range of her spear the way Sin does in GGXrd.

It feels like the range of a sword instead of the range of a spear.

thanks anons ill still use them both hopefully zeta will get some buffs

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>where the fuck is the hitbox????
Up there. It's actually really good as AA

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Speaking of PC, they posted system requirements for it. Very reasonable even for recommended!

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>where is the hitbox
Are you retarded? Her 2H is really fucking good as an AA button. The problem is that the button is good by itself but she has a shit time converting off of it.

She's a bimbo who cant hold polearms properly.
No, her 2H slightly extends her hurtbox and her AA is inconsistent as fuck. 2x out of 5 I'll get a successful AA vs Ferry jump in. The other 3 i get CH'd

Her converts of AA is good if the AA even connects. Its a full corner carry into knockdown so you can start her corner safejump game.

please show me actual footage of someone using her AA in a match and not getting counter hit

Nigga you can just watch the resident Zeta god mago if you're that desperate for footage. He's the only one that consistently puts out Zeta content.

Just compare it to Percival's 2H if you really want to see shitty anti-air button in action.

does he still? he's switched to charlotta and then narmaya recently afaik

it's the exact opposite. converting off it is not hard but it isn't super reliable.

if you actually watched zeta footage you wouldn't be posting this. zeta doesn't use it as often as other characters use theirs, but it is still used.

They should just remove Zeta completely and replace her with Mai. She knows how a spear should be used.

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Are fighting games supposed to be more CPU intensive than GPU? The recommended GPU spec feels surprisingly low compared to the recommended CPU.

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Seriously, why are you so fucking retarded about this?
Marvelous/Wseed only put their game page online on the day of the release, they did it for the US release, so why is it so fucking hard for you to just wait for it?

It's a Yas Forums meme, you will never heard of this shit elsewhere.

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Because preorder windows for video games is standard practice.

Not for Xseed/Marvelous, they can't fucking promote a game in the normal way.
Cygames was fucking retarded when they choose them.

Don't worry buddy, you "people" are a meme around every part of GG community.

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Nop, it's just Yas Forums or people from Yas Forums, dumbass.

Because it is a bad practice if you want more sales. You want a preorder period to scoop up more, which isn't helped by the general lack of marketing meaning many probably don't even know it is coming. You want to maximise the initial playerbase to stand a chance of having a decent one going forward. Especially cause any drama that happens, like pricing, will all happen on release day instead of a few weeks or even months before.

Posting best boy!

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Keep being delusional, gamer.

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It's useless to explain to me why it's a bad practice.
We fucking know it and we talked about it since the fucking US release, Xseed/Marvelous is fucking SHIT.
BUT, it's not a surprise at this point, so crying because you can't see the preorder page every day is stupid.

That is how she uses her weapon in the lore though. There's no reason why someone with a weapon of that nature HAS to fight super long range. Is it optimal to? Absolutely. But look at how people use swords in these games. There isn't even a slight attempt at realism.