Why are first person shooters so popular?

Why are first person shooters so popular?

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Probably skill curve

Because they're fun.

you point and you click

What do you do in csgo when the terrorists know exactly what to do? What can you do when in seconds all your advantageous sight lines are smoked off and 4 flashes come hurtling over a wall and there's 3 of you on site?

It's surprising how popular csgo is to this day, considering how much harder it is compared to most other shooters.

the same reason why RTS games are incredibly unpopular, the skill curve in FPS is very forgiving and then it ramps up quickly. RTS games hit you like a fucking freight train and then they plateau and then skyrocket again.

They're even popular among people who are fearful of guns and are against the right to bear arms.

they're perfect for the 3D era of gaming

Use molotovs to stop advancing terrorists.
Change positions, get picks, do a retake if terrorists manage to take control of the site.

This. Also for most of them, you don't have to admit your mistakes to yourself, you can just blame your team.

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you do realise you can buy your own utility right? You basically just spam flashes and use mollies to slow the terrorists down enough that they have to resmoke. The whole meta-game is established around baiting utility and getting picks (removes a full loadout of utility on a site) for this reason.

The skill curve for both genres looks pretty similar, with RTS games just having a higher skill ceiling. A person new to shooters would get bodied in CS:GO as much as a person new to RTS games would get bodied in SC2.

They're fun, easy to pick up, and don't need a lot of investment.

fpsbabbies might be downies, but don't pretend fgcniggers are any better.

Basic FPS skills are easier to pick up them RTS, it's also easier to improve at these skills.

I don't, but the FGC is either 60 IQ or 200 IQ, depending on several factors...

RTS has a much broader skill set than FPS games do. FPS is all about reflexes and accuracy with some decision making, while RTS is remembering Build orders, extreme multitasking, risk assessment, economy management, and thinking up strategies on the fly.


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>no u

so this...is the power...of fps players...wow

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RTS's are about doing the exact same shit over and over again, it's fucking boring and unengaging. No one gives a shit about your autistic keyboard mashing and "muh apm". There's a reason why they've died out in comparison to actually fun competitive games. (I love RTS's as single player games because you can usually just play at your own pace and not get fucking demolished).

>Basic FPS skills are easier to pick up them RTS
I don't know about that. I'd argue that at low levels of play RTS games are almost entirely knowledge-reliant, ie you can destroy any new player by just knowing an optimal build order and unit counters. Execution becomes progressively more important as you climb the skill ladder, though. Meanwhile FPS games tend to rely primarily on execution at all levels of play and become increasingly knowledge-dependent as you approach the top of the skill ladder.

They're simple and don't require a lot of thinking to comprehend. Which is why games like overwatch are so popular among women.

if you get demolished by basic shit every game then you fucking suck. It's like complaining about somebody spamming hadouken because you don't know how to block it. the first 2 minutes is usually the same shit sure but from that point onwards there are so many variables that it's literally impossible for shit to go the same way everytime because your opponent is going to do something that ruins your initial plan.

because it's addicting as fuck, no other fps gets me pumped up like cs

>RTS has a much broader skill set than FPS games do
Sure, but I don't think this changes their skill curve. I do agree that this makes RTS games much more difficult to play at a professional level.

two can play that game

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>Something something, VR first person will replace all fps games, something something, you're a boomer stuck in the past if you think otherwise

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now this is some decent effort, I'm proud of you, son.

arena shooters are based and should not be lump together with the average FPS trash

Literally who gives a shit about this dated tech when AR FPS games are already on the horizon.


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Males by nature have a gun fetish.

lots of stuff i missed, damn
we both missed sightlines though

Simplistic gameplay, no real mechanics, no skill required. It's a perfect genre for normalfags.

arena shooters are dead

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simple and intuitive with a sky high skill ceiling due to the precision demanded.

They're also very engaging, because, you know, first person.

easy concept even the biggest is able to get
>yo dude just point your mouse on that guy and left click

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Most of these can be added to "tacticool" shooters too, along, positioning, knowing correct angles, knowing to stay further away from the corneryour shooting from to make your self a smaller target, grenade bounce spots, grenade's physics in general, wall bang spots, map knowledge, economy knowledge so you know when you can and can buy certain weapons because you'll end up not having enough money next round, knowing what how to move and mentain peak accuracy at the same time, identifying sounds (the ammount of time I hear footsteps in r6s and the guy I'm watching doesn't react is too high), counters for gadgets/powers, workarounds for gadgets powers, your character's weaknesses, obviously some of these can just as easily go in to fast paced shooters. All in all "shoot the head is not an argument against fps, or even tps

Because the first person point of view is awful at giving you the perception of distances that is fundamental for games that focus on platforming or melee combat; on the other hand, it gives you a good perception of line of sight , and shooters are games where what matters is whether you are in the line of sight of an opponent or not.

And developers want to make first person games because they are the best display of graphical power, which is what many mainstream players care about.

A free pc fps is more popular than any console garbage ever released.
Feels good.

>he doesn't play first person fighters

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God bless fightan

I too love to show my parents my shootie tooties

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what is the name of that medieval first person knight simulator with really advanced mechanics? You had to aim for weakspots, there was several defensive mechanics etc. I don't know if it even released or was cancelled...


Keep looking at whatever gets smoked just be more aggressive than the other team. Don't let smokes spook you. Buy a flash and blind the fuckers (and your team) then throw a smoke then throw molotov just keep denying them entry and you'll have the advantage. If your whole team does this you win. You don't have to kill anybody as CT thats the best part of playing as them. Your sole objective is to literally waste terrorist time until they run out. It also helps to NOT be the guy on sight. Be somewhere completely unpredictable then wait and you'll get called a camper in no time. The funny thing is all these people have all these strategies and call outs and memorized faggot shit. Throw all that in the garbage because once the people who rehearse shit they watched from some CSGO tuber go up against a team that doesn't play by retarded rules they stand no chance against an unpredictable cluster fuck. Remember your average teammates are dumb motherfucking wastes of sperm who take the game seriously and probably jerk themselves off over how pro and skilled they are with the AWP. If you're winning buy cheap fucking shit and save until you're losing then buy the AUTO no matter what your teammates tell you. You will be hated, shittalked and maybe even vote kicked a few times but you'll win and win and not ever lose because you got kicked and didn't even get to lose. Also if somebody uses the word "toxic" to describe your play style never ever ever listen to their advice. These are garbage players with no SOUL and are a product of sterile and regulated competitive modern "gayming".


Honestly I have no idea, it might be. Is it good?

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>showing your hobbies to your parents

why? It's extra cringe if it's some anime shit. Did they honestly think their parents are gonna enjoy it?

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easy to get into hard to master


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Just like discussing your sexuality with people when you're not straight, or your fetishes, or telling people your non "standard way of thinking that can get you fired", showing people who don't play games, vidya, or actually showing people vidya outside of the internet really, is somethign that shouldn't never be done.

So like swiping right on the hot girl on tinder, when you know for a fact there's no way it isn't a catfish or a bot.

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easy to get into
>see opponent
>aim at him
Basically, it requires minimal thinking

This is not even close to what amount of brainpower you need to use to play an RPG.
Hell, even a MOBA is more difficult than a shooter

Why is it always RPG fags that attempt to shit on games with actual gameplay?

Joke's on you.

I'm actually an RTS fag and don't play RPGs all that much
But it was just an example, user

It is important.

mahjong is one of the most overly convoluted pieces of shit I've ever had the mispleasure of attempting to play. There's absolutely no curve, you get in and they basically shove the lotr of instructions manuals at you and say play