PC Gaming is chea

>PC Gaming is chea...

Attached: Nvidia.png (1836x1112, 602.94K)

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Now give me your fpbp. I need (you)s

Fip bip

Attached: illust_77495236_20191026_201504.jpg (1078x1500, 1.03M)

>PC Gaming
>posts a card not for gaming

Attached: 1529578311856.png (367x403, 5.76K)

Can I play Minecraft with this?

>workstation card

>he watches linus

Attached: D7ShRPYXoAA-XXB.jpg (1200x1200, 177.49K)

This is like saying cars are cheap then posting a Bugatti

Salty bait is always the most delicious bait of all.

How do you guys pronounce fpbp? EFF BEE BEE PEE? Too much work

Quadro isn't even for gaming, it's literally worse than flagship GPUs.

More like posting expensive construction equipment because it's not a gaming card. This is good bait by OP, though.

It's open-ended, like ISHYGDDT. I shiggy diggy? Maybe I shy gedt

why would you pronounce it ?

My brain just automatically fills in "first post best post"


that's not a gaming GPU you fucking imbecile

>Gaming card with 48GB of RAM and less game ready drivers
>Costs 6k vs 2.5k
NoVidiots will defend this.

because irl I sometimes treat anwers like replies, just to keep my mind busy sometimes. When my teacher (last year of HS so i'm not underage) asks something like "who started WW2" and my friend answers with "Hitler" I will say something like "FIRST POST BEST POST" but it is tedious because people shorten it to fpbp for a reason

I genuinely hate you and all the people like you

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This is the most reddit thing I witnessed in a long time, holy shit.

like the noises the fish people make in the rock bottom episode of spongebob.

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UHHHH..... consoletards?

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Attached: huh.png (600x656, 353.08K)

I just hear eff pee bee pee in my head when I read it.


I just read it as "Upvoted"

My brain does the first few letters of each word. Kind sounds like:

>48 GB gddr6 4608 cuda cores workstation gpu
>Gaming card
Lurk more nigger

Attached: linus.png (2294x1081, 1.29M)

>Console gaming is chea...

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Why would you voice every letter when "first post best post" is the exact same number of syllables.

But it was the jews that started WWII.

Almost all wars have started because of jews.

Every country is content with themselves until jews comes and destroy the country they have infested.

Attached: j40ti9eaenw01.jpg (490x437, 111.43K)


8192 CUDA cores

What did they mean by this?

>dlc protective

That's not a gaming card retard

Ok then, pc gaymers in this very thread, defend yourselves. If I wanted to replace my shitty 8-year-old rig in time for Doom Eternal what should I get/what would that cost?

consoles truly are next level

Attached: xboxhdmivirusprotection.jpg (770x433, 43.08K)

>(last year of HS so i'm not underage)
Sure thing, buddy


Said literally no one ever.

>gaming card
Yas Forums folks

thats a compute card for workstations and not a gaming gpu, this thing does not even perform, since its drivers are not made for gaming.

top bait

Crippling autism or a top tier shitposter. Which one is it?

>safeguarded by a triple layer of DLC
can't escape DLCs even when using controllers



for that amount of money you should be able to game on it though

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You can but games are not optimized for designer cards.

I'm done.

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But thats not a gaming card lol

it sounds like "fuh puh buh puh", as in you're pronouncing the letters as you speak them

i enjoy this

get it on the switch :-D

what do you have now?

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UHhhhhh what the FUCK Yas Forums! You told me console gaming was the cheaper alternative for us poorfags!
Fuck all of you

Attached: yes that is a 2million dollar TV.jpg (1057x890, 206.29K)

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enjoy your ban

>1.7 million freedom dollaridoos
>not even 8k
into the trash