Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1583993408569.png (2058x2355, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: c5c494050bfde32f2e387cec07f4626f3e9ff8af.jpg (1600x2200, 1.63M)

Requesting Splash Woman having her butt slapped by some random Captain

>"Yes, this is a good catch."

Attached: SPSCRQ.png (867x723, 485.21K)

Requesting Kreia wearing Leia's slave bikini

Attached: no porn since 2005.png (768x1024, 793.65K)

Requesting Juri's symbiote forcing her to do the pajamas challenge going from her old dudou to her new SFV fashionable dudou. Make Juri look either surprised or teaseful.

Attached: Duoduality.jpg (690x1024, 80.01K)

Requesting Monkey Shantae tucking her hair behind her ear as she eats a chocolate covered banana in a seductive way and with high amounts of innuendo.

Attached: Monkey-tae.jpg (800x800, 35.92K)

Requesting Undyne taking off her pants like the reference.

Attached: UT Undyne is a fish, Cop Undyne is a fiish.jpg (560x947, 304.5K)

Fucking hell not this guy again...

Time to vote for the best spring collab background idea!


If you would like to draw the background, reply to this post with your booru tag.
I will do a random roll for the background artist in case there's more than one (me) at March 14th.
In case you win the roll, I'll contact you through twitter or any other available means.

>What is a collab?
Collab is a drawthread jolly cooperation event anyone can contribute to, may that be with ideas or drawings. It's done with only one reason in mind: to have fun! Usually there are 4 big seasonal collabs a year.
The classic way to do a collab is to vote upon a theme, then one person draws a background while other contribute characters to breathe life into it.
Collabs can be very flexible in execution, it doesn't have to be done this way, but it's a general gist to follow.

Past collabs: vidyart.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=finished_collab

Attached: spring_collab.png (824x600, 168.29K)

Requesting Min Min serving some drinks to random costumers and getting her butt grabbed/slapped by some dude, then punching the guy through a wall.

Attached: 1583374055115.jpg (850x846, 172.13K)

Cet over we know what's gonna win

requesting Dino Crisis related art again. This time Regina in her cavegirl alternate outfit being 'seduced/groped by a caveman with a pissed off expression on her face. How graphic it is/how much nudity there is, up to the drawfriend.

Attached: 4D3414B8-8965-4CB5-81CE-CCCB3A948B37.jpg (1024x1021, 159.03K)

Requesting Wave the swallow naked but covered by strategically placed Flickies.

Attached: Why Sega, why did you kill the Riders series.jpg (775x983, 445.69K)

Requesting Catgirl Menta in heat

Attached: Menat.jpg (1686x2048, 368.55K)

requesting these two fighting each other, please i beg of you

Attached: socmydoc.png (1482x616, 1.18M)

Man I was gonna make the new thread..

Requesting Poharan in any of these outfits.

Attached: Poharan outfits.jpg (1588x1505, 440.41K)

Requesting this with Doomguy and Isabelle.

Attached: Yiff in hell... Oh, Oh no.jpg (610x983, 521.08K)


Requesting Sharon Cassidy from Fallout New Vegas as a Caesars Legion Slave in the slave rag outfit with an explosive collar around her neck.

Attached: 22E7FD1B-BDC9-4CB3-9C2F-B81983DF79C7.jpg (1024x684, 125.08K)

Requesting Sunny chilling out and playing some video games or reading some magazines

Attached: Sunny.jpg (1028x1465, 110.72K)

Too slow

Sir Alonne from Dark Souls 2, and Soul of Cinder from Dark souls 3

Requesting 2B and 2P enjoying a sandwich together while 9S watch hopelessly

Attached: 232323.png (800x699, 300.29K)

You should include that

Requesting Rumi taking a break enjoying some burger(s) and soda looking comfy and relaxed.

Attached: rumi.png (531x276, 399.98K)

Requesting Symbiote Mileena and Symbiote Juri giving into the sexual tension and making out(tongues included) on a couch passionately.

Attached: cutes.png (1432x1152, 515.16K)


Requesting Punished Olimar
If that sounds too dumb then Olimar cosplaying as Captain Falcon
Anything with Olimar is more than welcome
Thank you

Requesting Raccoon Ami getting caught being a lazy bones by lying on a bed or couch while eating junk food, similarly to this image: files.catbox.moe/qf0rzn.jpg

Attached: ESxM3T6WoAYVY6a.jpg (1240x1748, 1.81M)

Requesting Fox McCloud and Falcon dabbing on Kyrstal
Nothing mean just both of them making fun of her total nonexistence
Bonus points if they both are holding 3DS and Nintendo Switch Consoles

Requesting Sierra giving a blowjob under her desktop

Attached: 1582167955740m.jpg (630x1024, 61.05K)

Delivering from last thread, I’ll do one more request for now.

Attached: BFF41DEA-94EF-40FF-A74E-618CAC1FF96F.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

Requesting Neeko on her stomach with her skirt hiked up showing off her cute butt

Attached: Neeko.jpg (800x1000, 794.38K)

Requesting a fusion of all 5 of these Neptunia CPUs or just Neptune and Vert Included their normal forms in the picture too

Attached: nepu fusion.png (3637x957, 2.6M)

Requesting Scorpian as Gorden Ramsey

Attached: IMG_20200312_043857.jpg (1080x1080, 91.39K)

LISTEN DRAWFAG. All I want is a big nice and brown butt to sit on my face.

Now you may wonder which character. Easy, I want you to give a nice tan to the one waifu you like to draw the most. Easy, right?

Well that's my request. Thanks drawfag you look good send my regards to your mom. So long old friend.

Requesting Mona and Enchantress wearing microbikinis and rubbing each other down with oil.

Attached: tC6S9Jg4.jpg (1917x1973, 444.11K)

All I want for Passover is...

Wait for it.

I want brown girls with their butts painted like Easter eggs. All colorful and round.

Requesting big fat Nep which is canon.

Attached: CanonicallyfatNep.jpg (506x432, 135.01K)

Requesting this cow topless with milk coming out of her breasts.

Attached: Ushimaru SK.jpg (800x850, 83.75K)

Seriously? Literally no chill

>that Eggman
Thanks for the delivery, user.

Attached: 1444589692258.gif (320x384, 2.23M)

requesting Nina Cortex as a slime girl

Attached: neener.png (757x839, 317.96K)


I told you, Vergilposter knows no boundaries.

Attached: 1574103882761.jpg (1054x1080, 169.8K)

Which meme do you want him doing?

Him doing his skull flame fatality on a steak with him shrieking "IT'S FUCKING RAW!"

Requesting a thick shuten douji getting Fucked like this pic:files.catbox.moe/ec8dc0.jpg please

Attached: Shuten2.png (512x724, 375.93K)

Requesting Betilla, Barbara and Ly showing off their bodies in sexy bikinis at the beach. Obviously with Ly as the less endowed but no less flirtatious.

Attached: erf.jpg (1235x2069, 219.04K)

It's my request and ill do what i want with it.

Requesting Meopatra applying bandage wraps to her chest or putting her jewelry through her fat cat ass.

Attached: Meopatra.png (916x886, 117.54K)

Requesting a short comic with The Blind Prince and Liar Princess from the game "The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince."

>"Prince! Wake up! I need your help!"
>"What? Princess, what happened?"
>"I had a dream where every time I looked into a mirror, I was adorable! Then I woke up, looked in the mirror, and I'm still adorable!"
>"... And?"
>"I need to know if I'm still dreaming!"

Requesting Cube from Jet Set Radio presenting her ass at a booth and offering to let the viewer kiss it in exchange for some money to buy more spray cans.

Attached: cube.jpg (900x717, 94K)

Requesting Luigi complementing how good-looking Hellen Gravely and Madame Clairvoya are, complete with gratuitous ass and boob shots, only to conclude that they are "evil spirts that needs to be exterminated", after which he gets his ass handed to him and the two girls ghost-phase away in silence.

Requesting Charlie in a tight corset, garters and heels blushing and surprised with user smugly smacking her on the ass

Attached: Charlie.jpg (983x1024, 124.16K)

This sounds good If not then sosig

Attached: 13664722_1118435051549227_802492048_n.jpg (600x804, 49.64K)

A bit raunchy but very fun
Good shit user!

Requesting Squigly tongue kissing Leviathan so hard her tongue pops off with her feeling embarrassed and trying to apologize.

Attached: Sq857.jpg (850x900, 173.58K)

He's fucking dead

Requesting Roll but she's wearing one of those onesie things with the poofy shorts instead.

Attached: Roll MM8.jpg (702x800, 221.76K)

Requesting Pokemon Ranger getting her tits sucked by some bug pokemon

Attached: ranger.jpg (850x1108, 96.67K)

Requesting Charlotte Corday from FGO inviting the viewer to a lap pillow while she blushes
bonus points if she is thinking in other lewd stuff like "hand holding", "hugs", "forehead kissing" and that kind of things

Attached: Charlotte lap pillow request.png (1078x1194, 1.47M)

Requesting Rule 63

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (601x1000, 77.46K)

Buzzwole please.

Requesting Kreia wearing Oola's fishnets.

Attached: Kreoola.png (924x866, 702.51K)

my bad. was in a rush to post it.

Oh no...

When I was like 4 or 5 I thought the game was rated M because their was guns and because he said damn, this was back when shit like curse words was really exciting to me because i wouldn't dare say them.

Requesting 2B and 2P comparing their big butts

Attached: IMG_0760.jpg (540x540, 50.96K)

Requesting Professor Burnet struggling to button and zip up a pair of too tight jeans

Attached: Eiwy731.jpg (554x554, 29.49K)

2E=Big thighs.
2P=Big Booty because shes black.

Requesting Makoto with her boobs or butt painted like two giant nuts /the fruit)

Attached: __makoto_nanaya_blazblue_and_1_more_drawn_by_kim_hyung_tae__c70c0cfcaf6fa92922e225f92f6fc3ea.png (814x1024, 377.73K)

2P isn't a nigger.

Requesting Yuffie equipping materia that causes her ass to grow bigger.

Attached: 63235397_p0.png (696x1000, 783.48K)

That's a bit racist but when you right you right

Requesting Missy showing off her ass in a thong bikini while winking at the viewer.

Attached: Missy_Art.png (2000x2811, 1.09M)

I never said she was one