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the build where I solo an entire room with one click of my mouse, of course.

Based build taste.

either anythingmines sabo and respec to assassin
or start assassin with self cast anything dunno

The flavor of the week meta build of course.

ED+Contagion to farm some starter maps if my friend isn't on, going aurabot guardian + cyclone slayer as a team.

>want to play PoE again
>remember I have to do the long ass story line that feels like a chore again to reach end game
how do people do that shit again and again ?

git gud

First time miner. But the league looks fucking lacklustre to be quite honest here. Jewel clusters are endgame and the delirium stuff is zoom zoom territory underwhelming.

long, 4 hours if you are good LUL

??? I've only completed the story twice and I can complete it in about four to five hours, and I know I'm insanely slow.

You only really want to get your passives and crafting recipes and whatnot.

Debating either frost blades zerker, glacial hammer zerker or ice shot (raider/deadeye).

I wanna do cold shit that's not mines for once.

im waiting for path of exile 2

poe seems to complicated to be a newb at this time and i dont wanna get yelled at.

Never played it before. What do I need to know?

Vortex is mostly unchanged (apart from Nearby Enemies have -X% Cold Resistance that you can't craft with fossils anymore). So I'm going with this build.

Who tf is going to yell at you, the game is barely multiplayer.

Choose ONE attack skill to focus on. Spells are recommended for beginners. You need more Life. No, trust me, you need more Life. Always cap your resistances.

That's honestly all you need to know for basics. You won't make a super optimal character but so long as you FOCUS ON GETTING LIFE IN THE PASSIVE TREE JESUS CHRIST GET MORE LIFE you can't really fail TOO hard.

Bro nobody gonna yell at you, poe is a game purely for setting your personal goals every league. Plus it has so many mechanics to learn about that wont really change with poe 2.

what are some builds that let me coof

1. Max out elemental resistances and have decent life/es (2000-3000 by the end of the story, 5000 for T10+ maps). This is mandatory.
2. Solo and SSF are nigh-impossible, unless you are going certain builds and strategy that can provide you with gear. You should start trading right away, makes things a lot faster and easier.
3. Get an item filter, the default one is not good.
4. Your builds need a lot of "Increased damage" and "More damage". Increased is additive multiplier, More is multiplicative, and mostly comes from gems. So, you basically need a 6-link asap. But there are exceptions to this rule.

>2. Solo and SSF are nigh-impossible, unless you are going certain builds and strategy that can provide you with gear. You should start trading right away, makes things a lot faster and easier.

Absolute lies. I've only ever played this game SSF and while I've never done TOP OF THE LINE ULTRA FAST SHAPER DPS I've been more than capable of clearing all the content in the game. Of course, it IS easier to trade, but it's also insanely fucking boring. Your choice, newbie. If you wanna try the SSF lifestyle you can always do it self-imposed and just give up and start trading if you can't hack it.

but if i ask a wrong question on v or twitch people will be mad at me.

I'll be playing Vyr and the new Hydra set in Diablo 3, of course.

that's retarded and now i'm mad at you

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Stormbind then I'll ditch that garbage skill when it will become obvious that it's unplayable and use ball lightning instead.

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Nah, Yas Forums and /vg/ is literally full of noobs.

Waiting for PoE2

>Waiting for PoE2

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I'll probably just plays traps again because i cant be fucked with character building anymore

I cant play the game since Delve but still following all the news and watching streams when feeling like playing. Hope to upgrade for PoE II.
t. poorfag

So is PoE2 suppose to be an upgrade to PoE1? As in PoE1 becomes PoE2?

if you have questions, just join the poe discord, many people happy to help there

They're just slapping a 2 on the end for patch 4.0. There are a lot of system changes and a new campaign but it is just a patch

yes exactly, poe becomes poe2 and just gets a new campaign and a few new mechanics in addition to all existing ones

Do I still have play 10 of the most boring acts ever created every fucking season?

You can play the 10 acts we have now or the new 9 :)

No you don't have to install grim dawn to play poe

No they said you can skip straight to the new campaign if you want, you still have the option of doing the old one too if you like


>grim yawn
holy shit GOT EM

I don't really see much of a different, other than Grim Dawn is not trying to push 400 dollar cosmetics on me.

I'm not playing again until PoE 2.
I'm tired of spending an hour rearranging skill gems every time a gear upgrade drops, shit drove me insane. Also the trading system is absolute garbage, full of scammers manipulating the trading sites and people who take forever to respond.

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Gonna try melee specter summoner



Don't know, don't care. I'm just gonna play whatever looks cool as I pick up gear. I've never been interested in planning that far ahead, d2 made it pretty easy of course but poe isn't really daunting, just feels like too much information that I don't give a fuck about.

>no needlessly bloated tree
>better setting
>better writing
>better impact with attacks and overall gamefeel
>more classes, with unique abilities
>classes can be combined for further customization
>less potion chugging
>no pants on head retarded economy
>no gems means one less retarded item attribute to grind for
>class combos are well balanced compared to PoE's new meta build of the week
The only people who criticize GD, and I hesitate to call them such after their clear declarations of affinity towards PoE, are the ones who have fully embraced the sunk-cost fallacy for a F2P game and cannot imagine enjoying a game they have not sunk hundreds, if not thousands of hours into (cosmetics nonwithstanding).

Oh well, at least you tried.

Seems pretty accurate to me. I know you game as a service pay pigs can't cope with the idea of PoE being dog shit, but it's a very real reality.

>PoE isn't a GAAS model
>says it anyways because buzzwords
based retard

>PoE isn't a GAAS model
Why are PoE players so fucking stupid?

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>doubling down on being retarded
no wonder Grim Yawn got smoked by the abortion that is Wolcen; it's playerbase is retarded as fuck

I don't play either of those. Again what part of Games as a service do you not get? Does content come out that's paid for each patch?

the devs literally said it was though

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Last time I played this game I used the same skill over and over for hours upon hours of grinding to finally get to maps

Then I got a repetitive strain injury and couldn't play video games for months . I don't understand how people find PoE enjoyable.

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Did summoner get fucked?

why is the meta so fucking dead in this game? You could look at what the best builds were from delve league and they are still the best now. Ded game

for me its the only enjoyable part of the game, maps feel like pointless grind

Just like in diablo 1 where you teleport around and Fireball/apoc spam

People like you ruined this game.
The entire game is a zoom zoom race now, I wish I could go back to when the actual story was an intended part of the game and not just an obstacle to an endgame grind for add addled children.

Who are invaders from beyond the portal this time?

>The entire game is a zoom zoom race now
Not him, but I would take just straight up grind that requires the same amount of time. PoE story is trash, the acts are trash and the locations are trash. Something like Adventure Mode would be nice. Not everything is about going fast you dumb fuck, sometimes it's about enjoyment. An issue PoE struggles with.

The best one is
>I-it's too slow
Which means
>I don't like it when monsters can fight back