Finally reach eden final boss for the first time since I played this game

>finally reach eden final boss for the first time since I played this game
>first phase
>mirror mirror, scissor attack, axe kick, identify safe spot for flare, control the AoE, kite the ball, maintain light stack, identity fake marker
WTF is this bullshit? And that's only first phase. Can pug handle this? Fuck this game bros...

Attached: XIV_Shiva.png (1643x2227, 2.17M)

People used to say pugs couldn't handle kefka, hello world, and titan. Give it time

Take me with you user, I need to learn the fight too!

How hard are the new expert recipes?

Easily. Although I don't remember anything about safe spot for flare or light stacks in first phase so if you are talking about the Savage version being hard with PUGs, then you are a dumbass.

>Savage version being hard with PUGs, then you are a dumbass.
what DC?

>could be doing E8S by now with my uber casual static
>they're all retarded DPS apes who spend more time looking at their parse number than actual mechanics
>two even use the mod that saturates the colors of the game, making it hard to see certain AOEs
NEVER raid with your friends unless they're equally or more competent than you.

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>>two even use the mod that saturates the colors of the game,
Is Ifruda impossible, shit is soooooo hard to see in that fight

Tell them to press Shift+F3 and/or stop being bad.

Ultimate was a mistake.

Its fun, bit the titles should be more varied and the only good weapons were from Ultima.

I thought it was just me. I swear I'm some particular kind of color blind or something, my friend never has issues seeing things in that fight but I can hardly ever see Ferostorm and the Ifrit AoEs.

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It's apex bullshit taking everything bad about raiding (poor netcode, overreliance on individual responsibility, mistakes resetting progress to zero, pointless rewards) and multiplying it by sixteen minutes of rehashed garbage. That they also can't come up with new models or titles is just a cherry on the cake.

Imagine if eruption still had the old AOE telegraph from Ifrit EX? Ki d of surprised they still haven't gone back to change it since it's been nearly two years since Ultima Ultimate

I just reached level 50 on AST
I know you can determine if the card is a melee/range card based on the border colour, but is there a way to determine which of the three seals the card gives or will I just have to memorise them all?

No new models is fine, but the weapons should pertain to the fight. UCOB weapons are thematically appropriate, TWRU weapons are iffy, but the original relics are all solid so it's not an issue. They dropped the ball with TEA since not only do DNC and GNB lose out on new weapon models, they dont even use weapons from any if the Alexander tiers.

It's too late, but titles could've been done better by giving each fight it's own unique title, while "Legend" titles are for how many different ultimates a player has cleared
1 = Legend
2 = Ultimate Legend
3 = Perfect Legend

The seal is displayed right there on top of the card symbol, my dude.

>Learning the fight
>Join a PUG
>Constantly die, wiping group. cus learning
>Group doesn't want to hand hold, disband
>Know the fight
>Join a PUG
>One person learning
>Ain't wasting time, disband
Vicious cycle

Each card has a seal at the top of the job gauge when you draw it and I'm pretty sure theres still a way to tell if you use the minimalist job gauge

oh shit

fuck zenos fuck hydaelyn and fuck stormblood

t. ascian

has the crystal ff theme got a kino scene yet in the msq? I think you only hear it when you talk to primal hydaelyn?


>uber casual static
>spend more time looking at their parse number than actual mechanics

People let the wowfurry parse master control their lives even when they're shitters, user.

Only 9 hours a week unless someone cancels, which is somewhat frequent, on top of people being late or taking forever to get on so really it's more like three days a week of 2.5 hours of raiding, and just because someone uses a parser doesnt mean they're good. These are the kind of people who flip out because Ifrit might be facing south for whatever reason while casting the TB on a tank who is north meaning they get cleaved by the TB because they're too retarded to piece together that big red no-no marker over tank means that's where Ifrit will slam

Fucking leave

I hate people who obsess over parses. It's different when you're fully BIS, but FFXIV's parses are fucked because it is just unfair to compare yourself to anyone not in your ilvl bracket - which FFLogs doesn't support. People beat themselves up over blue logs and shit when it's entirely possible they are 100th percentile for everyone their ilvl.

I could, but they are my friends and I promised I'd do this tier with them. If this continues at the start of next tier then I'll definitely look for another static.

What does the first kanji stand for?


Very RNG but doable. Sometimes you just don't get the right procs and you have no real choice but to fail and hope you get your mats back. I can enough collectability to turn in about 80% of the time, and get 6k about 40-50% of the time. Obviously the better your stats the more consistently you'll get 5-6k.

Once you know a good strategy ultimately it's just about how much time you have to devote to crafting. The leaderboards just show you which players have no job/life outside XIV.

fflogs was a mistake and it should be deleted from existence
ACT is okay as long as you use it to improve yourself


If you had set the voices to Japanese and saw the fight even once, you would know because she says it a lot.

All my crafters are at 56-57 now and the level 40 turn-ins dont give big boosts in exp at this point. Do I just do levequests to push then to 60? Is it even worth it using Ishgard turn-ins to go from 60-80 or should I focus one at a time?

What's a good strategy?

I'm playing with jp dub, but during the fight I'm not focusing on other things and grooving to the theme.


You don't have to focus on anything, it's impossible not to hear it, she says it so many times. I have no idea how you managed to miss it.

>not knowing an N5-tier adjective

けが 汚らわしい = filthy, dirty, repulsive, unclean, etc.

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>Is it even worth it using Ishgard turn-ins to go from 60-80 or
it's worth it if you have the leve allowances and it's super super quick, but it can get a bit expensive

if you want to take it slow, just do a couple of leves until level 60 then go back to ishgard

I'll tell you when the ranking period is over.

Why is her ass so droopy as if it were sagging breasts?

It's definitely faster if you don't mind burning the money. If you were going to girnd the mats yourself anyway, Ishgard is probably the better option. No allowance needed, very nice XP, and you get scripts and Ishgard exclusive rewards.

Dunno, I'm a healer so I'm probably keeping eye on healthbars and focus target cast bar, not on the dialogue at the top of the screen. Fuck me, don't interrogate me, user. I just missed it.


I know what kusa looks like though. That's enough for your average niconico / vtuber stream.

It's an audio cue you dumbass, doesn't matter what role you play or where your eyes are, it passively enters into your ears. I have no idea why you keep making these shitty excuses though, but it's cute. Would /dote if I saw you ingame.

I dont mind gathering mats myself, but now that they're all in Diadem instances, I cant queue for other things. At least the mats are cheap.

I just buy the Diadem mats from the MB, it's ridiculously cheap. Beats wasting my time there when my gatherers are at 80 anyway.

For me, it's 1st in 2nd row

because Japan doesn't know how to make a nice ass.

for me, it's goth lizard

>all those uglies
Do people really?

I miss my bunnygirl bros...

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Some day you'll miss much more than just that...

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>Can pug handle this?
Easily. Pugs in FFXIV are leagues above WoW, because they weren't consistently rewarded for being brained via LFR.

Weird to think that FFXI was a PS2 game, and now we're looking at the PS5's release.
Will FFXVIII (MMO) be gimped by PS5 limitations?

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How do I get the elemental armor of fending? And is either it or the finished relic mandatory to do BA?

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>tax is included to items purchased from the MB, regardless of location
When did this start?