Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)

>Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)
>Mario Sunshine (2002)
>Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (2003)

All three start with the gaming icon popular in the 90s being framed for the crime they didn't commit, all three came out in early 00s, what's up with that?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Chris used to look like me, wtf. Can I get a Biel gf bros?

I want to make out with young Jessica Biel's pelvic area. Is that weird?

>vagina bone tattoo


>Early 00s: Biel is a household name, Evans is literally who
>Early 20s: Evans is a household name, Biel is literally who

What went wrong, bros?

Men age like fine wine; Women like milk.

both are literally who

>vagina bone
Fucking what.

Attached: 345234.gif (572x316, 5.04K)

lel ebin. now reply to yourself with that mutt's law image you made.

Kys, dumb newfag

>no hover hand

user, they were dating for 5 years

Based schizo amerispic

Fuck off spic retard.


Holy anorexia batman! It's the mid-2000s!

Why does the 2000s had so much soul?

Hello america

lol you're just fat. They're both normal weight.

Scumbag Steve looks like THAT!?

>Vagina bone

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They were inspired by nu-metal obviously

Oh boy, i'm about to break a dumb millennial's generalization.

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> Evans is a household name
His career outside of Captain America is a joke, and i'm not sure if acting in a Marvel movie can be considered something serious.

So, is anyone gonna answer OP's question?

Virgins who never touched a woman seem to think the curved shape of the iliacus muscle of the hip is in fact bones so they named it 'vagina bones'

And yet, the average person would know his name, which is really the only criterion for being a "household name." I mean, it's a pretty self-explanatory fucking term.

I'm guessing it is based on the fact that early 00s were kind of edgy, as much as i don't like using words that have no meaning anymore. Just look at the title of tomb raider. it was a refined version of 90s edgy but it was there.

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>no bush hairs hairs peeking out
what a waste

Dude, people look at him and say that is captain america. No one actually knows his name.

What's the point of being a household name if you have no career?

i wish this meme would die.
men and women both age like milk, there's just outliers for both genders.
men have no reason to settle for an older women because there's nothing she can provide and her baby-making faculties are severely compromised due to age.
an older man can provide status and money for a younger woman which makes him seem more desirable. it's not a case of him aging better through. a young, nubile woman would still rather go for a young, virile man if you put aside the money and status aspect.

I dumped many loads to this scene

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>a young, nubile woman would still rather go for a young, virile man if you put aside the money and status aspect.
wrong, women seek experience and maturity as well

>t. Roastie

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>framed for the crime they didn't commit
This is just a very common plot device, in any media really. It can be compelling to see a hero become a fugitive and then have to set things right.

this is nitpicking. have you actually seen what the average 50-something man looks like? more often than not they're bald, grey haired, overweight and wrinkled.
no i'm not a woman, just a realist.

prove it post pics

>tfw no gf

>average 50 year old man is overweight
Where, in America?

Link to the Past comes to mind.

Cherrypicking can be done by anyone dude.
Aging is a matter of eating healthy, not abusing alcohol or sugar and doing excercise.

I think you millennials try to force the idea that aging is pre-determined because you don't do any of those things.

Attached: 47 year old.webm (844x844, 485.32K)

Ah, an American.

The 2000s were a lovely decade to be a horny teenager.

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>he expects on-topic discussion in a thread with a mostly unrelated image

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Stay up late watching TV when suddenly you hear steel drums playing

*chair clatters*

What was she playing?

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You cherrypicked first with Felton. Obviously there are exceptions but statistically women age worse and sooner + their aging is much more detrimental than men's aging.

Post normal people instead of celebrities.
Celebrities who look bad look bad because they are drug addicts, and the ones who still look good is because of cosmetic surgery.
Only a stupid American would think a celebrity represents the average individual.

this. Now you have porn on demand and it's not so fun anymore

back then nuts were memorable

>statistically women age worse
Interesting. May I see these stats?
>Pic related is a 50 year old woman

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I grew up without internet so I had to get my spank material from escort ads in the phone book, DoA ads in Electronic Gaming Monthly, panty section in the Sears catalogue, or if I was lucky I would find one of my dads hidden porn vhs. Good times.

>complains about cherrypicking
>proceeds to cherrypick women caked in makeup
Retarded roastie confirmed.

>teen girls showing you feet and making out with each other just because they were bored
>you literally just had to prod them a little and they obeyed
Those were the days, I got so much out of my middle and high school.

I feel like girls used to be much cuter too.

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and this is your example? fucking hell

God I wish that burger was my dic

You are one gay faggot.

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the aesthetic back then was way better, yes

I used to bust to uncensored hip hop videos if they had stripper tiddies and ass

I sure love coffee.

I miss goth and scene girls so much bros

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Hey, you cherry picked a bad example, I cherry picked a good example. Short of posting your made up stats, I don't think you have an actual way to prove your point. Everyone gets less good looking as they age.

cute gollum

>that dick shaped cum-stain on her pants

Not him but I remember seeing a graph of how women rated male attractiveness sorted by age, and vice versa, and for women rating men it was straight across the board essentially age didn't matter, while for men rating women it was centralized from 13-18 iirc with a steep dropoff beyond that, I can't find it myself otherwise I'd repost it

Those girls were insane, dude.

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Staring at screens all the time was still only for turbonerds then. I see 8 year olds with bags under their eyes now, they don't sleep much.

>my cherrypicking is better than your cherrypicking
>Everyone gets less good looking as they age
Women sooner and worse and more detrimentally. Deny reality all you want, dumb roastie.
>pic related a 33 year old woman without makeup

Attached: ellen-page-emma-porter-gty-jc-190603_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 89.45K)

Why does she look like a crackhead who just got done snorting a fat rail?

Why are millennials fighting over how other people age, when you are the people who, in their early 20s, are already balding, fat, blue haired and diabetic?

She's, on top of being an actress, an American.
Americans age like shit.