Images that belong in the Yas Forums hall of fame

Attached: alxUuWX_d.jpg (640x622, 20.44K)

Attached: 000.png (480x360, 79.26K)

Attached: 1572559040883m.jpg (1024x651, 35.94K)

Attached: 1572854373244.jpg (2440x864, 357.72K)


Attached: 1573378991694.png (334x333, 128.51K)

Attached: Geoff-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1280x720, 118.53K)


Attached: 1576093575510.jpg (590x400, 33.52K)

Attached: maxresdefault-4.jpg (1280x720, 35.35K)

nice legacy

Attached: 1572699424125.jpg (750x759, 335.91K)

If he only knew how powerful this moment was.

Attached: why steam was invented.jpg (378x418, 30.69K)

It's more about what it represents than what happened.

Attached: 1580312430981.jpg (675x767, 159.47K)

Attached: 1533965938528.png (361x691, 267.98K)

why do retards such as yourself think recent developments retroactively change the past

Attached: 7068dcef0baa4a8b4544d9cf15d75ad0.jpg (259x194, 7.39K)

Attached: ca8.png (1512x1049, 2.07M)


Attached: 1572854373244.jpg (600x600, 50.93K)

Attached: 1538063418283.png (1060x1060, 2.47M)

Attached: IMG_20200311_213624.png (1144x6590, 1.43M)


Attached: 000.png (1795x709, 284.21K)

Attached: 1574587957534.png (600x609, 37.41K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 53.07K)

Attached: piracy.jpg (879x670, 185.39K)

Attached: l9ufn9lmpd821.jpg (1200x505, 324.09K)

>Blizzdrone who spoke up once in his life and literally looks like those god awful wojak edits suddenly goes back to being a mindless consumer
>not long after the abyssal Blizzcon 2019 and Diablo 4 showcase
>hurr durr he gud guy I defend him

I swear this reddit infested shithole is beyond help.

Attached: 1221233234435.gif (390x373, 2.54M)

Attached: sonic-daughteru.jpg (1079x942, 69.3K)

he got what he wanted

uhhhhh.... Payback!

Attached: 996d2bbbcbc34b505ebcf762958e7feaa24037af9dec0f4f0e55c05161d66778.jpg (2048x1365, 536K)


through dick unity

>The chinks got to him

Attached: 000.png (1024x768, 652.49K)


Attached: 1573088052636.jpg (1156x474, 42.41K)

Attached: 1530066600.png (402x713, 499.53K)

Attached: 1572854373244.jpg (1280x720, 67.32K)

Oh god why must you remind me of this.

Attached: 1580579546292.png (500x436, 82.75K)

Absolute unit

Attached: 1528065451383.jpg (1275x898, 245.22K)

>this game is huge

Attached: heh.png (554x499, 253.2K)

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Thanks nig-

Attached: mgs4endo.jpg (1136x3152, 473.55K)

Time is a flat circle

Attached: 000.png (360x253, 162.06K)

Attached: 1437785616757.jpg (600x480, 131.39K)

Attached: islam-dyk-01.jpg (1095x730, 296.31K)


Unf thicker!

Attached: 349.jpg (960x642, 88.14K)

Attached: 6127932171_94c0cd6375_b.jpg (800x800, 97.04K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 43.65K)

Attached: 1351359479968.jpg (817x1000, 151.41K)

Seriously user, are you autistic? Genuine question

Attached: 1580241280951.png (800x1182, 442.79K)

Attached: 1580641209747m.jpg (1024x1024, 96.53K)

Attached: 1451752369325.png (450x300, 173.18K)

Attached: 1445722339885.jpg (555x800, 40.5K)

Attached: 1576353933566.jpg (680x738, 71.31K)


infinite cozy

he's not wrong

I think it's more impressive that this image gives me no context but that picture of pissed mega man but I still remember this story, simply for how fucking mad it made me. It was user's family blaming him for all their computer related shit when they were going to shady sites and clicking shit like braindead retards

Attached: 1241415.webm (710x400, 2.19M)

Attached: fKlinhiBqBAFeJHFCDAq5ax7rlY5tegVQHaM6LPERxk.png (972x936, 476.78K)

Attached: 1572854373244.jpg (750x745, 84.27K)

This guy should neither be himself nor have confidence

Attached: nerd.gif (353x117, 537K)

Attached: 1580325025738.jpg (1080x1080, 98.84K)

Attached: 1321807133435.jpg (800x800, 133.23K)


2 4 C

also you just lost the game also if you dont reply to this your mother will die in her sleep tonight no immunities