Why are there no Japanese games set IN japan?
Why are there no Japanese games set IN japan?
Isn't Yakuza in Japan?
Tokyo isn't in Japan?
Because there's nothing interesting going on in Japan ever since Americans (rightfully) tore apart their culture.
So they went with the cutesy shit as a way to cope with being so brutally destroyed.
>America has no culture so it destroys everyone else's to bring them down to their level
No, I believe America destroyed Japan for attacking Pearl Harbor.
>tore apart their culture
You mean the culture that's literally everywhere in the world nowadays? Man, America does a shoddy job. Fucking tell me where people still don't recognize;
>that fucking annoying "YOOOOOO" sound
>wooden sandals
Is Persona the perfect game for modern japanese life?
>Spies warn you of a planned attack on a military installation in the middle of nowhere
>Act like you didn't receive the warning
>Get attacked
Onimusha is Capcom's version of Zelda.
this is your brain on anime
What's that guy have in his mouth?
Yeah, now everyone is a samurai.
Procrustes' syndrome
>enemy plans to surrender
>mistranslate their message so you can nuke them anyway
Are you implying they shouldn''t have attacked them if they managed to stop the Pearl Harbor attack?
chill out
Why does Yas Forums love japan so much again?
>American can't read
Color me surprised.
Racemixing is okay if it's with le cute clingy Asian girls.
Why is Yas Forums so full of EOP weaboos who never visited Japan, yet act like experts on it?
Protip: noone wants you here.
I mean Japan has been so homogenous, peaceful and u interesting ever since America physically castrated them with two atomic bombs. All their games set there is about highschoolers and some fantasy shit.
Most of them are but the big titles are meant to geared to the largest audience they can get, that being the west, and they probably think they'll sell more if they set it in the west.
These all take place in America
Racemix and you end up like this.
Racemixing always results in disaster, no matter the insistence of self hating millennial Amerimutts.
>>that fucking annoying "YOOOOOO" sound
whats annoying about it?
I bet you doing even SOIYA!
shut up
This but unironically
Digimon Cyber Sleuth, for all the problems that game has, literally takes place in Japan.
they make good video games
Japan's imperialism was literally an imitation of European imperialism
Eat your burgers Apollo.
He looks like Putin
>American cope thread
Onimusha takes place like four miles from Tokyo.
Bear in mind that the only reason the US only threw two bombs is because they didn't have more.
There's more than 4000, so i'd watch what I say if I were you.
I mean it's not really coping that we castrated nipland infront of the whole world to the point that they're so infaturated with the west and America so much even today.
Racemixing is okay if it's with le cute clingy Japanese girls.
Korean women are either plastic of slave
Chinese women are chinks
Vietnamite women are trolls
Pinoy women are high trolls
Everything else is irrelevant, so please dont put them in the same category as japanese girls that are the only decent asians.
Little to no niggers, spics, or kikes.
Clean places, polite people.
Low crime, can walk at night in most places.
Colorful seasons
Respectable and rich culture
Cuisine that isnt chink shit
Efficiency and innovation is focused on any form of technology
Healthy redblooded perverts that keep things interesting
And many more
Lol, weeaboo much?
And gayman!
yet working there for a living is awful
>Little to no niggers, spics, or kikes.
>Clean places, polite people.
Sadly not as much as you think, weeaboo.
>Low crime, can walk at night in most places.
>Colorful seasons
True. But don't be retarded about this. Despite what Japanese think, there are other countries with four seasons.
>Respectable and rich culture
I like it too, but you're too much of a weeaboo about it.
>Cuisine that isnt chink shit
Are you aware how many "Japanese" dishes are originally from China?
>Efficiency and innovation is focused on any form of technology
Lol, are you not aware of the memes? You know, Japan still using fax etc.
>Healthy redblooded perverts that keep things interesting
I don't, any non-white people or culture is my automatic enemy.
Although Americans will always be at the top of the list.
At least they have free healthcare
Stay salty faggot.
Onimusha is Japanese RE ya goober
Why do people even look for hentai in pornhub?
You have been brainwashed by the xenophobic social media
Not 100% of the jobs in japan are working as salaryman on some big company on tokyo, they don't even make for half of the country total jobs.
We actually just got one in english for once, even it's just a pretty small city hub
They can't get past panda.
Onimusha is made with the RE engine, like DMC is made with the RE engine.
Not true. You pay insurance and then 30% of the costs on top.
As a student with no taxable income, I paid around 2000 yen a month times ten, two months are free.
I can show you the receipts.
Post upskirts
At first glance I thought that was Elliot Rodger
You know japan won the culture victory when even china wants to fuck japanese women instead of their own.
Tokyo Xanadu
Ive travelled their on numerous occasions. Its clean as fuck compared to south korea, and most of the US.
Its one of the few foods when you hear the name you dont picture bat stew or crushed mosquito burgers or maggot infestes cheese, etc.
Obsessed eurofag
Elliot Rodger is a shame because he would have been chad if he was fully white.