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We're going to have to act if we want to live in a different world

>finish tib dawn as a kid
>see the first person mech thing for tiberian sun
>always hoped deep down that was real
then i discovered tibsun and renegade 10 years later and they are both pretty shit desu

>thinking Tiberian Sun and Renegade are shit games
wew lad

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Do you agree with EA's decision to keep the games as faithful as possible or would you rather have seen some modernization, as in 8 players for TD and a fog of war system that reshrouds?

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Remasters shouldn't be remakes.

There is a very unstable situation on the ground, that is unfolding very quickly

I want Tiberium. Let the old games rest and stop trying to make money of of shitty remakes/remasters

Is RA2 getting a remaster?


Why not

God > Kane > Seth

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Because they're making this remaster first. If it does well, then they'll probably get a budget to remaster RA2 or Tiberian Sun.

I had a ton of fun playing Renegade, but fuck me, it's a poor FPS in general.

because it wouldn't support essential mods like Mental Omega and probably include stupid crap like needing origin account so what would be the point

Hey, fuck you too buddy!

Does renegade X have a SP campaign yet?

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I would like to see those as options, along with rebalancing

>there will never be a coop game where you and some friends raid randomly generated Nod/GDI bases

Assuming these ones don’t bomb Tiberius sun is likely next and if they do a double pack again ra2 as well. The plan is to eventually do them all I think. Here’s hoping they make new ones after the remasters are done. Here’s hoping they do renegade and generals as well.

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>Tiberium Sun
oh god PLEASE, I would kill to play that again remastered like they're doing to the others.

fog of war is a shit mechanic that doesnt make sense unless the weather actually is foggy

I'll just pirate the remaster, the original has some mechanics that I'm particularly fond of like the silos and only two construction tabs.

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*not particularly fond of

>EA somehow is letting old Westwood employees revive C&C
>meanwhile Total Annihilation is fucking dead with not even a chance of a remaster

why remake something and add features when they can just make something new after the remaster?

Also why is the old rts genre the comfiest genre? Like before the starcraft esports bullshit

>OH N-

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This is the Pentag-----

>finish tib dawn as a kid
>see the first person mech thing for tiberian sun
>always hoped deep down that was real


Because the genre died with said e-sports crap so it's nothing but old school boomers

>lived long enough to see C&C return
>literal fucking pandemic shutting down the world

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the three Tibsun shills on Yas Forums need to be fucking gassed.
we get it, you're hipster cuz you like the unpopular game.
stop fucking harping on about it, the men are talking about the important games of the series.

TA runs on modern widescreen resolutions natively and doesn't even need a patch or hotfix to run on modern OS it was so well coded.
It doesn't need a remaster, it's already perfect.

this does not please yuri

just become a corona mutant so you can heal while standing in corona fields and train corona hounds

Yep e-sports destroyed the casual rts. It didn’t help total biscuit said allllll rts players are hyper competitive and want extreme balance. No shit he would think that as a pro player and caster lol.

He kept parroting the meme and it killed casual rts genre. He is usually smart but this was his biggest fuck up ever and only now is it being undone slowly.

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>why won't they remake the game that runs perfectly on modern systems to the extent that it's sold on fucking steam?!
go be retarded somewhere else

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I like all the games though retard lol. Go back to Warcraft reforged seems more your style of player base.

Save these remakes and the rest for real fans faggot.

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how does fog of war not make sense? are you trolling?

I just hated the laser focus on tactics and micro over strategy and macro, even if that makes me a casual. Slowly watching that focus destroy the genre was painful

here's hoping Homeworld does something great

Tibsun is an upgrade in every aspect to the classic cnc, more base building, better asymmetric graphics, better controls, more dynamic factions and better maps. People who have never played tibsun speak badly of it. It is the only game that still has a decent competitive fan base even today.

Go and fap to cnc 4 you dike.

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I'm a machine, you're a woman.

he's not articulating well at all but I'm guessing he wants more actual line of sight. As of now FoW acts more like literal fog you can't see more than a few feet in front of

What I mean is focusing more and more on multiplayer at the expense of good singleplayer campaigns in most rts genre. Also tournaments and even gameplay were bug warning signs of the time as well. Any sort of trend chasing to try and turn it into the next Starcraft 1 or 2 lol. The c&c 3 battle cast shit pissed me off.

>People who have never played tibsun speak badly of it.
People like this guy didn't play multiplayer at launch

user no one said it's bad you're just being a splerg
I never understood how starcraft's campaigns could be so shit tier. Also yeah I think all competitive multiplayers are inherently shit as well as matchmaking. Even tf2 is a great example despite being in a different genre of how it sucks the life out of the game

>I never understood how starcraft's campaigns could be so shit tier.
Starcraft 1 or starcraft 2.

Honestly both at least compared to any command and conquer even though I find SC1 way better

Starcraft 1 had good campaign not as great as the c&c or Warcraft 3. But good. On the other hand sc2 campaigns sucked complete dick lol.

the lore/story made me want to blow my brains out

>those days in college playing comfy renegade X multiplayer

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Buff Allies

What ones? Sc1 lore is good but 40k ripoff for obvious reasons. Now sc2 shitting completely on the old lore and even it’s own story campaign lore from campaign to campaign is a travesty.

Mainly SC2 and everything to do with karrigan. It's like a middle schooler's first attempt at fanfiction

Yeah that is awful and was big warning sign if nu-chinerman blizzard to come. Feels weird ea is more trustworthy than blizzard with rts right now. Here’s hoping w\they make a new c&c after all this is done.

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I can't believe it's only $20 that's a fucking steal. Also yeah I haven't touched a blizzard came in so many years. Overwatch for like a month before all the horrid design flaws made me quit
>players still can't choose what map or even what game mode they play
>random chance every time
>doesn't use a pool system so can get the same map multiple times in a row
They failed to balance the game for so long too that now they are just doing hero pools to force the shit ones to be played every now and then.

The terran chapter of sc1 was pretty good, can't say the same for the other 2 chapters, the brood wars however had a pretty good story, the ending was a bit lackluster though. Starcraft 2 is trash in all aspect expect ingame grapichs ( they literally tossed away the original art design for generic sci-fi fantasy designs, less gore, more shiny things).

CnC tiberian dawn is a classic since it delt with heavy subjects such as genocide and war in general with a psudeo-realistic portrayal of a modern world.

Starcraft 2 has no cinematics that are as vivid as this classic one from sc1.

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Man this thread is comfy. Kane approves. Too bad I got to go to bed.

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>Kills someone in Renegade online

>tossed away the original art design for generic sci-fi fantasy designs, less gore, more shiny things
that's pretty much every blizzard project now. Overwatch has to be the most generic pixar-esque IPO ever, don't even get me started on the state of WoW. The whole game is a fucking train wreck I don't even think it counts as an mmorpg
night brother


>that's pretty much every blizzard project now.
yeah lol, now that you mention it they did the same with the diablo franchise. The bigger the corporation gets, the more it tries to water the its origianl design down to attract a larger audiance. I badly want to see the vidya markets crash, a bloated market with too many pink haired freaks pushing their multicultural dogma of rainbows and love.


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spoiler that!

>Mainly SC2 and everything to do with karrigan. It's like a middle schooler's first attempt at fanfiction

This, why did they have to abounded the original design of a sci-fi retro wildwest where everything and all was trying to kill you while you desperately tried to survive.

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i just love building walls and gates honestly wall and gate planner simulator game and its great for it

This, stronghold crusaders is one of the best base building rts I've ever played. Shame they watered it down and haven't made a remastered version of the original game that enables p2p multiplayer.

We need slower rts games with more dynamic play than micro intensive sc2 clones that only koreans can play.

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