How does he compete with martial artists with literal super powers? He's just a punchy black man

How does he compete with martial artists with literal super powers? He's just a punchy black man

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He punches really hard

The characters weren't really considered to be on a superhuman level back in the SF2 days. yeha, they could throw fireballs and stuff, but that was just video game convention. It wasn't until Alpha and 3 that they started making up mumbo jumbo about Dark Hadous and splitting mountains and stuff.

Three words. BBC.

He's empowered by Fight Money


As far as we know his strength is superhuman for an unexplained reason. It's fighting games dude

big bucks coming!

being black's cool

fight money 'tism

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Beta Black Cuck?

the move balrog has, kkb. what does it stand for?

You could Ask the same about half the cast desu

Can he... kick?


He can stomp on your foot.

If by kick you mean punch, sure


I always imagined that the cast of SF used ki or something that allowed them to hit harder and take harder hits. Or else Bison's men could just gun them all down and his psycho power would be pointless.

The Story never realy mattered desu

iframes and unga bunga damage.


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Wtf is that

thot patrol

Balrog's Brutal Combo

Mike Tyson could kick Ryu's ass.


kero kero bonito


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The shotos literally practice a martial art called "ansetsuken" or "assassin fist". Sagat has a huge scar down his front from ryu shoryukening him so hard. It's been fairly deep in the martial arts fantasy from the beginning. Fireballs were NOT just a video game convention. They were throwing fireballs because they had super powers. Look at fucking Blanka for fuck's sake.

Toll status: PAID

But the lore!

Probably turn around punch, or TAP. It's a move of Balrog's since SF2, where you hold down multiple buttons(in 2 it was all punches or all kicks if I remember right) and then let go after charging for a couple seconds. But you can charge it further, up to a full minute in length for max damage. So obviously you're greatly limited in what you can do while holding those buttons down, and he's just defending to charge it.

Hadouken was inspired by some random anime spaceship's laser cannon and the kamehameha from DB.

Attached: hadoken, bitch.jpg (1280x720, 231.02K)

>some randome anime spaceship
Ignoring that, I'm sure the name was inspired by it, but the idea of martial arts kung fu energy balls is older than street fighter or DBZ.

get a clue wh*te boi

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Unironically a completely average season 2 match.

Back when hip-hop lyrics were about random shit.

>bunch of random repeated words
I don't understand blacks.

There's a good chance by the naming convention that it was inspired by Hokuto no Ken.

doesn't he have implants or something in his arms?

There are street fighter characters with grenades, and they don't do that much damage. Also Final Fight has guns and they can be dodged.

If M.Bison thinks you are good enough, then you can keep up with them.
Fucker has always top tier in every game he ever appered. And finally, he teaches kids the most important lesson of them all:
Always get paid.

all that chinky bullshit don't work against a real nigga

No, that's T.J. Combo.

Space Battleship Yamato is a decade older, and is one of the most influential anime of all time. The ship and its laser is incredibly iconic in Japan, and gets referenced a ton in 80's and 90's Japanese media. Hell, we wouldn't even have Space Invaders without Yamato.

Can you give me a name on the blast from Yamato? I've known it's an icon and have heard of its Spanish dub a bit but it never got my interest. I've only guessed that moves that end in a Ha or Ken were because of HnK.

Do you guys even know any Japanese?
The Hadouken, or 波動拳 is based on an ancient Polish game where you would toss barn mice back and forth until someone fumbles the catch, this often involved deceptive pitches and unexpected windup/releases. This is where the iconic hadouken fireball motion comes from. Akira Yasuda was actually raised in Poland for most of his young life and is a big fan of the culture

Attached: Hadoken.png (1338x656, 555.98K)

He once killed one of Dhalsim's elephants with a single punch. That is one strong black man.

What's a kick?

It's called a hadouken because Ryu yells "HADO-KEN" when he throws one you retard.

i've assumed he had some shadaloo shenanigans in him due to his super in v


Fucking anybody can have super powers in that world as long as they go to the fucking gym. His super power is just punching really damn hard.

They aren't super powers, its just people getting really good at controlling their energy via martial arts.
There is a key difference between someone training so hard that they can use their own energy to create a fireball, and some dude that can just shoot eye lasers just because

ie: One is cool and the other is for gay nerds

He has no dignity

t. dudley

You think that's bad? This character is worse.
>has no fight experience
>beats up some random guy
>sudden she thinks she's hot shit and enters tournaments with the most skilled martial artists

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These rhymes aren't even rhymes.

He kicks the ground to punch harder.

Basically energy punch.