You are playing Oris game right?

You are playing Oris game right?

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I exclusively play sex modded Skyrim.

Just got to the giant frog dude and I'm actually quite stressed and overwhelmed by it. It's also quite buggy, nothing game breaking but for me it stutters and freezes occasionally, especially when entering a new area. I'm enjoying it though, Ku a cute. A CUTE!


I will once they patch the audio issues from the pc version, apparently a ssd helps it a lot, but I don't have room on my current one sadly

If you use the fire ability it absolutely bursts his health to shit.

Yeah, nah, I'm not scrolling over that spoiler tag. And now I'm leaving the thread forever.

I’m getting too old.... I’ve been waiting on this game ever since it was announced and couldn’t wait but then when I started it up I just got that feeling of “oh God I have to collect a million things it’s too much work, I have real work I should be doing” fuck I want the ringing in my ears to stop....

I own it but barely got time to play. Just escaped the big dog and that's it. It was my bday so I was with family the whole time. Today I have a 17 hour shift... thanks corona... so I wont be able to play till tomorrow.

Yeah, the new weapon system is pretty cool. Launching enemies into spikes with hammer uppercuts is fun, hoping there's more tricks like that as I get further in.

>Ori turns into a tree and was the narrator this entire time

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Already finished it. Great fun but not the masterpiece it was hyped up to be.

The ending was very nice.

Honestly it looks a bit boring. What does Yas Forums like about it?

he just met the frog guy for the first time user, gotta be careful with your spoilers, he even talks about how Ku is cute.
god these games make me feel sad, but going after the first one, this'll probably have a happy ending as well, I mean they resurrected naru.
anyway, I finished three of the dungeons that the frog guy tells you about, I think one more remains(?).
gonna leave the thread as well 'cause don't wanna get spoiled, thankfully I've already experienced your spoiler tag though.

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i thought the first one was okay at best so i probably won't touch this unless i really get the itch to play a metroidvania

No, Because it runs like fucking garbage on the base Xbone.

Thank God I didn't pay for that shit.

If you do a power cycle it fixes it. At least it did for me.

I am getting destroyed by Wolf

This can't be happening bros I literally cannot figure out his attack pattern

Never mind the retard solution of whittling him down worked and is I guess the only solution

I am.

Was going to start it today, but decided to get in a couple of hours last night. Currently working my way through the watermill.

Looks pretty and controls smoothly. Some people just cream their pants over 2D platforming. I don't really get it, but there are a lot of games out there I don't understand the appeal of. This one seems very good for the genre so if you like 2D platformers this is an amazing game for you.

>not on PS4

Might as well not exist

Is anyone else slightly disappointed? The reason why the first game was good is that the entire game focused around platforming. Even the way you fought enemies felt like you were still platforming. Now we have legitimate combat encounters where they lock you in a room and force you to fight waves of bad guys and while its decently fun the enemy design just isn't good enough. Its fun to fuck around with all of your tools for a while but honestly I'm just bored of destroying every enemy I come across. The setpiece moments are a lot less impressive as well in terms of gameplay. In the first game the getaway parts of each level was legitimately intense and were the height of the games challenge. It was a really clever way to incorporate a "boss" into a platforming game. We still have those getaway moments but generally they are way easier than they were in Ori 1. In fact most of the platforming feels a lot easier. I've died considerably less than in Ori 1. The actual bosses like the spider in Ori 2 are fine, but I wish they would have just focused on expanding the platforming instead of just trying to make it more like a metroidvania. Maybe I'm just autistic.

That was planned, however it was denied from Sony's QA testing due to requiring skill to proceed.

I love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe. They're so cute and wholesome and full of folksy wisdom.
>Enthusiasm makes everything an adventure.

Now to leave this thread before I get spoiled.
I swear to fucking god this game better not pull a Cave Story and make me kill them all

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There's still just as much platforming as the first game my dude.
>Easier getaways
Try playing on hard, they are very much on your tail on hard and are significantly easier on the lower difficulties
>Died less
Ori 1 had instakill spikes and lasers, in 2 there are few instakill traps so most deaths will be combat/escape related

They improved upon the platforming tho

>Try playing on hard, they are very much on your tail on hard and are significantly easier on the lower difficulties
Sounds like made up bullshit. Every website says that all it changes is enemies health and damage just like the first game.

It's not made up, the worm escape is definitely way faster on hard

Yeah but kind of disappointed so far. I mean it's good and the new weapons arr far better than the shitty combats of the first game but overall, it really feels like replaying the first Ori.

im a sony fag for life but i would legit buy an xBox just to play the Ori games.

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Also another thing I'm disappointed in are the skill shards. At first they all seemed to do something really cool but now that I'm most of the way through the game the vast majority of shards are just boring shit that buffs your damage, energy, or health. And then you have shit that no one is not going to use like triple jump or being able to grab items from afar. The shards feel like they just threw a bunch of shit at the wall and went with it. Being able to grapple enemies is fucking badass. All of the shards should have done something like that, I would have been fine with fewer shards if it meant they actually were interesting.

Oh boy another boring indie game. Looks like shit. The first one played like shit. Xbox should just stop.

>Triple jump
>Nobody is going to use
Fucking low iq retard


try reading

fuck xbox again but Ori looks amazing. I dont know how it plays and any other details since i dont own an xbox but i does look pretty damn good

i used it to sequence break an area where you had to have the waterdash before you could access it.

How's the combat in the new Ori, because I distinctly remember loving everything but the combat in the original Ori.

i'm 2 hours in to blind forest and like 8% done. I'm so shit at platformers should I just watch the thing on youtube?

Great selections of tools hampered by a mostly bland variety of enemies.

And they all feel the same when applied to bosses

how unfortunate, enemy variety really didn't help alleviate much of my problems with the combat of the original Ori. I'll probably get the new Ori down the line but my backlog's too clogged for me to buy immediately.

Is anyone else having issues with warping? I swear it's like there's supposed to be a target reticule that's just missing, I hear these clicks basically randomly and when I try to use them to warp somewhere it's totally unrelated to where I was aiming.
I just want to fast-travel, man.

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I played the first one and I got pretty bored and ended up uninstalling after like 4 or 5 hours. I do not think it is a bad game by any means, but I just think I don't really like platformers anymore (especially ones with Metroidvania style elements). I don't even know why, I loved platformers as a kid but I just don't get much out of them now.

However, I do hope that Will of the Wisps is good and you guys are enjoying it.

>Just unlocked bash
>You can only redirect bash direction using the analogue stick even though you are free to aim your bow with the d-pad
Whoever implements analogue controls in a 2d platformers is an absolute retard.

Why is nobody talking about the story, it's absolute legitimate unadulterated kino

Because it's the most generic shit possible, you are being fooled by the soothing voice of the tree and the gorgeous visuals into thinking it's more than what it is. Even the oh so praised story of the first Ori was absolutely retarded especially considering the only villain in that story is the damn tree itself.

I've been playing it all day and I love it. The platforming is so fun and the new abilities are dupe the like drill and it's fun mixing your skills around for the perfect situation. The only big issue the performance, I switching from playing on my X to PC because it took much longer opening up the map on console.

Yeah this really fucking bugs since I just finished the first game, and you could aim with the dpad there. Why would they bother taking it out?

It's circle of life shit. What are we supposed to talk about besides the great feel inducing music?

>Why would they bother taking it out?
Because they assume people legit play these games with sticks only which infuriates me. Hell even celeste had to implement the retarded feather which literally nobody liked and yet they kept using it.

>this'll probably have a happy ending as well

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I would but my laptop can't run it.
I plan to buy a PC this week before the market crashes and play it afterwards.

>One of them tells you how it fled the silent forest looking for a new home for its family but the Glades are shit
>Get the craftsman to build them new homes
>Is absolutely delighted, now wants you to tell the family the good news
>Reach his home
>They're fucking petrified from the decay
>Take his child's stone-turned doll back to him
>"I-I must be with my family"
>Immediately rush back to the hut

>Now there are three petrified statues
Good deed: A Moki was reunited with his family!
This fucking game

>The escape sequence at the wellspring

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>Ku's damaged wing actually changes side when you change direction
what the fuck man, fucking Super Metroid did it right 25 years ago and those were fucking sprites, why mirror a 3d model like this

Be honest, you hate it because it came from Xbox, so you "have" to hate it.
Go back to fucking Twitter you actual nigger.

I'm trying to work through the first game and it's a bit of a snooze.

I can see the start being boring for some people, it gets a lot better once you get double jump and another movement ability soon after. If you're already at that point though I don't think you'll care for the rest of the game.

up there upgrades to the hammer's attack speed or do I need to git gud with timings

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Hit and run tactics work and counterattack tactics work best, no matter your weapon
Also fuck hard mode, just made it to the glades and 100 deaths already, wtf

It's time to get good

just finished it, got all the times and upgrades all the shards and 100% map completion in 12 hours and i was fart assing around a lot too
that said it is a very nice game, great music, okay combat, decent platforming puzzles, checkpoints are real good
though i dont really like games where you get hurt when you touch enemies