>be me
>weird white shit
>fall down some hole
fuck this boring ass game ima play some overwatch
>filtered by false knight
Fake Twitter screencaps? Now this is next level Yas Forums
yep i got bored playing this after about 2 hours. i spent 30 minutes killing some fuck huge knight and then spent the next 90 minutes trying to figure out where to go. shitty fucking game but of course Yas Forums memes that its actually good
the game isn't hard. it's just boring. in fact, it's too easy, but the map is bigger and less coherent than any metroid game. total shit.
>less coherent
oh, so you're just sub 80 iq, you know you could've just said that instead of making untrue excuses for your incompetence.
Is it worth $7.50?
My friend shilled this game as "hard" and gifted it to me, holy shit it was extremely slow, boring and worst of all, EASY. It never got good
That's one dollar for every ten hours you'll spend playing it.
>People say game is boring
>Usually this implies it was easy
>Mouthbreathing HKfag thinks it's because it was too hard because hurrrr durrr hurrrrrr
user can you just stop being retarded for a second and actually think about what you're saying?
Yes. Easily 20 hours of good content for most people. Double that at least if you're a completionist.
Show us your tuned pantheon, brother.
>buy game on steam because its constantly shilled
>doesn't even have ps4 controller support
yeah I got trolled epicly
>Completely made up a new narrative in his head to replace that of the post he replies to, instead of trying to argue
Wow, you fanboys are really something aren't you?
You don't need a controller, bro
Just play it with your keyboard like I did bro
fanboys are insane and will never listen to anything you have to say, dont bother.
my fav metroidlike,
Why does a ''Metroidvanias'' needs to be Dark Soullesified lately?
Nigger go play Rabi Ribi on bunny must die before talking shit about difficulty, HK is a fucking children's game. The only difficulty with HK is putting up with the tedium of walking through huge empty maps with enemies that spend most of their time moving away from you.
Is it one of those boring exploration platformers in which 90% of the game is just backtracking?
I see, so you didn't beat it, huh.
yup, literally quit because the whole gimmick is to backtrack to some random ass spot from way earlier half the time.
>Oh fuck oh shit I got completely BTFO
>Better just pretend that because he didn't do exactly as I asked I win because that's how arguing works! :^)
Actually, those late-game bosses were alright and kinda fun, but still, not fast and engaging enough, is kinda right, Rabi Ribi looks like absolute shite but it has fun tech to fool around
you actually dont have to backtrack at all to complete the game (besides going to a new area in the city of tears). And you can mark things on the map when you recognize that you need an ability to get by.
There’s no fast travel, like dark souls, there’s one terribly inconvenient “bug station” in each area and that’s the only way to travel quicker. The game is 90% back tracking and running back and forth it’s dull
Good game
>like dark souls
only zoomers compare a literal metroidvanis with a subpar action RPG.
>get asked for proof
>change the subject
>claim victory
I see, so you didn't beat it, huh.
Fun tech right from the start with hidden skills that you can use to run through the entire fucking game with zero items, you can literally beat the game without picking up anything, your actual weapon included. The bossfights are also properly difficult.
HK is a god damn embarassment compared to Rabi Ribi, only thing it does better is art direction
That wasn't me
Leave Yas Forums for a few years and i come back to these fake gamers raised on overwatch and battle royal trash. what happened ?
You can also teleport with the dream nail
You got old.
>Ask someone to go fetch something for you because you totally get to do that in the middle of an argument
>Not surprisingly, they don't do it because you're being an asinine twat
>You lose the argument as a result
>So you sperg out about how they didn't do as you told them to try and hide the fact that you got BTFO
>Get called out on that too
>Literally don't even know how to cope anymore
>Just copy your previous bullshit again and hope it somehow works this time
Nigga are you for fucking real right now? No wonder you're here if this is how you function, holy shit dude.
I didn't know pogo hits were a thing in HK when I got to that part of the map.
A little bit of brainpower and experimentation goes a long way though.
*subpar metroidvania with a subpar action RPG
>make claim
>get asked for proof of your claim
>change the subject because you know you can't obtain said proof
>claim victory
I see, so you didn't beat it, huh.
>Yas Forums actually seethes harder at HK than Undertale
>Make claim
Spoiler; You dumb inbred fuck.
Also, you didn't ask for proof of his claim, you asked for some arbitrary nonsense that YOU consider proof that somehow relates to the claim; that HK is easy. And it is, Rabi Ribi shits all over it in difficulty even on fucking normal, and it has four more difficulties above that shit.
Like holy shit dude just stop posting if you have nothing to say, you don't need to try and get the last word or desperately pretend you didn't get utterly BTFO here, because once you stop posting everyone will move on from the fucking embarrassment you made of yourself here, and you can finally stop pretending like HK is hard.
Not him but you're equally as pathetic for shilling another subpar metroidvania.
>claim game is easy
>okay prove you actually beat it and aren't just blowing smoke out of your ass
user it's okay, you got caught in a lie. This is an anonymous image board. Just walk away. Pretend you were never here.
It's not genuine seething, HK was always a liked game here, so the mentally ill underage posters here bait all day for (you)s
yeah, sure.
Nice atmosphere but yeah waaaaay too much backtracking
>Claim game is hard
>Never even try to prove it
>Just run away from any comparison made to actually difficult games
>Keep shilling your garbage kiddy game claiming it's hard and people who don't like it only do so because it's too hard for them
Woah dude.
>Keep insisting the person you're arguing with is the one making the initial claim even though it's blindingly obvious that he's not because holy fuck this is your only avenue and you just can't stop yourself from acting utterly retarded
Ori is better
yeah, this game is terrible with that, people claim it doesn't happen but it takes up almost like 50% of my time. I always find shit when I backtrack but it fucking sucks that the whole point of the game is 'ooh wow you backtracked' and you get rewarded for that.
I never said the game was hard, you just lied again. Why you gotta be like that dawg?
Obviously you find it interesting enough to continuously make threads about it, you fucking queer.
>buy game on gog
>it has full ps4 controller support
very nice
i played it with ps4, no prob. you must not be gud
*one autist actually seethes harder at HK than Undertale
Number 1 way to spot someone with ADHD.
Oh, so now claims that were never made are the one and only important part of a post eh?
Go play Rabi Ribi instead of baiting on Yas Forums you dumb HK poster.
Seconding this, these threads are clearly all from the same sperg.
>hurr durr let's make a game where if you set it down for a day it's a complete clusterfuck to figure out where you're supposed to go because 90% of the areas look the same
Fucking Aussie niggers.
Ah yes, the classic defense
>N-no all these people pointing out the flaws in my favorite gaem are totally just the same person and what they have to say is just sperging and baiting and please stop pointing out why the game is shit :(
It is incoherent.
>entire city is underground with no light sources but there's light for some reason
>huge underground cavern built on the edge of a giant cliff
>huge sewers and junk pit right underneath said cavern
>underground lake and green moss directly underneath dry desolate cliffs
>raining in the city area on the opposite side of the lake, where there is no rain or source of water
>palace built in an inaccessible location beneath the fucking main city
>royal gardens on other side of the city for some fucking reason
>independent mantis tribe apparently lives smack right in between the city and the gardens for some fucking reason
>"crossroads" that don't actually lead anywhere important
>stag nest is apparently hovering in the sky
The layout of the game is fucking retarded. Things are often in the opposite place of where they should be. Not to mention how awful it is to travel from one location to the other. There are locations you need to repeatedly return to that are far away from any fast travel point. Which wouldn't be such a massive problem if the game didn't prevent you from zooming in on the map or artificially prevent you from mapping in explored areas. And those problems wouldn't even be so bad if the map showed you where doorways and borders were instead of having thin white lines with gaps that are barely noticeable.
The map/exploration mechanics are fucking shit, don't even try defending them.
How do you feel about Zero Suit Samus.
New ori out now too
Now you listen here son, if you never beat Hollow Knight why are you claiming it was so easy? This is what matters here. Why are you a liar? Why would you go on an anonymous image board and pretend to be some tough guy when you clearly aren't?
Maybe if you stopped spamming the same threads over and over, people wouldn't accuse you of this.
>"Have you beaten this DLC content that is meant to be explored post-game? If you haven't, then you can't judge whether the game's combat is good or not."
HKfags are a complete fucking joke.
>Why would you go on an anonymous image board and pretend to be some tough guy
Good question. Why do you think anyone would do this user? Why are you accusing someone of being like this when you can't even get that far?
Also, please provide proof that I never beat Hollow Knight. This is a claim you made, and should prove.
Try: spotting an user with a baby. I get like an hour free every couple of days
>right, where was I
>hmm... must be one of these dead ends
>spend 20 minutes platforming across the entire fucking map
>oh whoops I needed a different metroidvania staple upgrade to pass this point
>well, better go. Good times!
Nobody said anything about the combat being good. The guy said the game was too easy. If it's so easy, then must've beaten the hardest part easily, right?
First time in a HK thread in months kid, got any other excuses for me, or shall I just let you get back to your delusions?
Maybe if your attention span was longer you could have remembered to use a condom.
I'm just asking questions user, I'm agnostic towards whether or not you beat the game. It doesn't look good though, your lack of proof shows your guilt.
>Try game
>It has fucking horrible input lag to the point of being unplayable
People actually praise this garbage?
Are you OP?
>he doesn't mark dead ends on the map with different colored pins depending on what ability he needs to pass them
>blames the game for this
>>"Have you beaten this DLC content that is meant to be explored post-game? If you haven't, then you can't judge whether the game's combat is easy or not."
>Asking leading questions isn't the same as making claims!
That'll never hold up buddy, try something else.
>Lack of proof shows guilt
Ah yes, classic guilty of whatever random shit I spin until proven innocent eh? You're really not very good at this are you?
Be glad other people are breeding, we pay for your bennies