Call Of Duty Warzone Thread #1

Call Of Duty Warzone Thread #1

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okay bro

It's fun but idk for it'll last

>day 1
>day 2

what does day 3 hold

No thots no buy

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The symptomatic onset of conora virus.

What do you wish they change or add Yas Forums? Weeb faggotry not allowed.

I think it would be nice if we get a solo mode and more weapons/ already equipped weapons can be found. Hopefully they don't change the TTK for fucking casual brainlets.

I don't like the respawn mechanism.

game sucks

played it tuesday fine
yesterday it makes it so discord can't hear me and hitches constantly
now im not going to play it until a patch fixes it

The game is free.

>he doesn't play it with friends

Decent break from other games for about a week. The money mode is funner.

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any game is tolerable to fun with friends. because it doesn't rely on the game being good. the enjoyment of your time relies on your friends being present.

The gulag is kind of a dumb mechanic and rewards your team a little for being worse. Because if two of you die, one of you can watch the battle from above and report on the other guys position to your teammate.

Plus, its pretty inexpensive to buy your friends back in and those shops are not uncommon.

>until a patch fixes it
That's an engine problem. Still happens in MW

i wasnt hitching tuesday and i wasnt hitching nearly as much in the base game, yesterday was completely fucking unplayable though

If you're numbering threads then it is officially a general

Say that when your friends are shit at video games.
It's the only way to have fun with people that are garbage.

if you're sucking cock then you're officially a faggot

>play with friends
>carry the team
>always bad placement

>play with randoms
>do pretty good
>gg ez 1st place

I simply can't play with a coordinated team. Communicating with randoms is so easy. Here and in apex i win way more and get better placements with randoms.

>Forced 3 person parties

it's shit, the reason fortnite is on top still is because it has fucking solos

I think that's because stacks go vs stacks.
I have the same exact issue.
I want to play with friends and get put up against people stacking killstreaks while my buddies are terrified of peeking corners to fight people.

It's not even fun to loot in this game when there's nothing to loot.

Plunder is fucking based. Its basically tdm but with a giant map. Fuck zoomer br, but plunder all day

Whats all the xp for? What happens when you level up? Do you start with items or is it cosmetic

The same like in every CoD happens. You get new shit.

So you can start with a weapon while some dude is dropping with a pistol or whatever the default start is?

no but you can add stuff to your loadout drop
level 1 you only have the first gun in each category unlocked so you're limited to what you can get from the loadout drop

I wish it wasn't attached to CoD so the gunplay wouldn't feel like cheap airsoft guns

>people willingly downloaded nearly 200 GB for an arcade shooter

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Yeah this is absolutely dog shit. Enemies take an entire clip and don't die, meanwhile I get hit with 3 bullets and I'm in the gulag. I kill a guy and reload and then my fucking gun disappears and I'm back to my pistol. Great game

I go know absolutely nothing about CoD how do I get good at this game? Only BR I’ve played is fortnite

it's nothing like fortnite
people will camp your ass off
smg's are king
movement is maybe as important as shooting
good luck

>smgs are king
Wrong game mode pablo.

When i think about it, entirely wrong game and game mode Blops 4 shitter.

Stop lying on the internet, retard. It's 80.

Plunder is really fun but it seems impossible to win, how do people get so much?

Tried to play it but keep getting Crashes to Desktop after like 5 minutes. Even tried updating my drivers but nada. I hope a patch or something fixes it.

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idk i played like 3 games and kept getting shredded by smgs when i was using rifles
i never played blops4

I need a 50v50 mode, that was my only reason I installed fortnite, and Plunder gets somewhat close to that feeling of a big conflict.
I reset my graphics settings to default and that actually worked, after i googled for a solution for this same problem.

Thanks user, I'll give that a shot.

Generals are not allowed in Yas Forums
Stop shilling this piece of garbage that's going to live as long as Apex.

>You're gonna use that ugly ass MG wether you like it or not.

Needs more weapon variety. Landing on the roof of TV Station and downing ppl with the helicopter is fun when you're done givinga shit.

mg34 is good shit though

Dont bother turning in money at helicopters, only balloons. Rush missions.

Most people waste ages fighting over scrapes or waiting to deposit tiny amounts of money. You can win without ever dropping any money off as long as you dont die and stick to missions.

I want plunder but with 2 teams instead of a bunch of small ones, make it so the money cap is way higher and add a bunch more team based objectives to attack and defend

that and ground war on the Verdansk map, if they added a kind of advanced comm system to coordinate large amounts of people it could be fucking amazing, especially on realism mode

Placed 12th, 4 kills on my own.
I'm shit at BR game modes in general, so I'm proud of myself.

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Think like other Call of Duties where you can level up and get access to newer guns and shit.

Except it only applies if you call in a loadout drop after scavenging enough money or whatever.
So it's not like you're going to be dropping in with an M4A1 with all the attachments and enough ammo to kill God and all his angels. The playing field is still relatively even to that end.

Haven't played a single cod game since mw3, fuck bloated filesizes, they can suck my cock.

How do I make the guns I like gooood
I like the Oden, most SMGs, most Shotguns, the MK2 and the Kar, and that's it

>that and ground war on the Verdansk map, if they added a kind of advanced comm system to coordinate large amounts of people it could be fucking amazing, especially on realism mode
just play Squad
you're never going to get that with a CoD crowd

Fortnite is on top still because it has twenty different fucking modes every day. They added a 50v50 ticket based tdm a long ass time ago and so many people only play that mode. Reminds me of SMITE a little bit, with the multiple modes being one of the big reasons that game is still alive.

No steam = no buy

Am I getting fucked in the ass by not having thermal sights unlocked? Are perks only active after picking up a loadout?
I wish, 50v50 kept coming and going and lasted only a week every time, and it's gone for years now.

All this game has done is remind me that I don't like CoD
Uninstalled fairly fast.

>perks active
Only with a loadout
>thermal sight
Stupid gimmick for people without eyes. If it bothers you so much there is a anti perk or something like that.

I would rather not play with autistics thank you

Stay away from it if you not want to get commanded by a autistic unemployed faggot who only emptied latrines in the military like 10 years ago, but now acts like general patton.

Pure game for failed normies.

how big is Fortnite?

My nuts have more depth then that battle royale

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nice nuts bro but how do they taste

Not great but not bad.

disgusting nuts

Thanks vro. Havent been keeping hair care down there though.

hey im sure some people are cool with that but you do you

dogshit compared to blackout