>game gives you wrong directions on purpose
Game gives you wrong directions on purpose
>gives you terrible advice
>sends you on an "adventure"so he can bang your mom
Pretty based desu
This misinformation is good though, prevents idiots from grabbing up all the masks from the professionals that actually need them. Of course anyone with sense would already have a good mask.
Just wear a mask and pretend to cough when you're out and people will stay away from you and you won't get sick.
>This misinformation is good though
>prevents idiots from grabbing up all the masks from the professionals that actually need them
My dad's a doctor and the clinic he works in doesn't want him to wear a mask because it will scare the patients.
So fucking dumb.
If you wear a mask properly, and you are healthy, you can protect yourself.
If you don't, and you're retarded, it doesn't work.
The CDC is spreading misinfo to save masks for actual healthcare workers. Those people will be critical in dealing with the virus. If Joe Schmoe is wearing a mask he only saves himself.
Yeah so don't trust the goverment or the media.
No, you should trust them, because they are trying to mitigate the panic and damage. Don't be retarded by hoarding masks.
>professional buy masks from local stores