Edeltards are so retarded the game offers you a completely unnecessary second chance to hear the same conversation over...

>Edeltards are so retarded the game offers you a completely unnecessary second chance to hear the same conversation over again in a loop until you say "I understand...".

Game literally insults you in this whole dialogue.

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The writing in this game sucks so fucking bad it hurts my brain.

Is Three Houses less dumb than Fates, or does it only look that way initially because the stupid stuff is distributed differently?

lol the writing is still leagues ahead of whatever """story""" the other games had.

Fates is worse in terms of story, but has better maps.

>or does it only look that way initially because the stupid stuff is distributed differently?
Never played Fates but that's what I am starting to think. The more I think about 3H the more I want to blow my brains out.

I'll be sure to avoid all other FE games then. I can get better writing in a fucking pokemon game

you mean like every other RPG when there's an infodump part?

It was worth it.

Attached: basededel2.png (822x822, 825.91K)

Ribbit Ribbit

>or does it only look that way initially because the stupid stuff is distributed differently?
More along these lines.

Fates is the bottom of the barrel. This is just nowhere near as bad as that travesty.

Most stories end up looking really bad when you start digging deeply and thinking about every little detail. If you just casually play it and then stop there it’s fine, good even. Fates has a ton of shit that’s immediately recognized as being fucking retarded, like leo’s round trip tome, the magic crystal that only works when you go to a specific spot, gooron, magic barrier that causes pacifism, etc.

>your mother gets killed right in front of you
>you still can go and side yourself with the assassins
>you also can just cry a bit and say why can't we be friends? And it fucking works
It doesn't get worse than that shit.

I unironically think Fates is in the so bad it's funny territory for the main plot.

are those two characters in this screenshots androids? they have no expression whatsoever

I'd agree if it weren't by how insufferably annoying every single character is. It's like, stop sucking my dick already, Jesus Christ. Being a Mary Sue sucks.

tfw the retard asks you to explain it again

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That first one didn't happen, she came into your room and said "Stop crying because those guys that worked for me killed your pappy lol faggot."

That said, three houses does have some moments like this(in particular that brief period just before and just during the time skip where you’re wondering why the dubstep molemen’s forbidden spell wasn’t the fucking time skip) but it’s a mere fraction of the stupid shit in fates. Fuck fates didn’t even have a name for its continent.

>Most stories end up looking really bad when you start digging deeply and thinking about every little detail.
I can't think of many great stories that are like this, so you're wrong there, considering I haven't thought deeply about it, I just see how nothing makes sense and everyone seems to be taking retardation pills in this world. I've never played fates, but it would be impressive to see something suck as bad as this 3 houses. Seriously everyone is fucking retarded. I felt like it was my first time play invisible war again. But at least invisible war gave me the option at the end to fucking kill everyone and just rule myself.

>It's like, stop sucking my dick already, Jesus Christ. Being a Mary Sue sucks.
This is a trend with tons of FE Lords, not just Corrin. It is not avatar exclusive either.

Yes and No. Byleth doesn't have show emotions but they are not android. The cutscene looks weird because OP was using the frog. For some reason, female version of Byelth is just weird. Mostly because of a weird face and more weird eyes.

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sounds like a general writing problem with the game

Yeah. She doesn't look that weird in Smash. It is just in the main game.

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It certainly wasn't a thing on the GBA games.

FE7 still has my least favorite writing in the series. If you look even the slightest bit under the surface, it is full of nonsense and outright contradictions.
On top of that, it also makes FE6's consistent, if a bit straightforward, story worse if you actually treat it as the prequel it presents itself as, because now things that made sense in FE6 no longer does.

Three Houses isn't anywhere in the same league as shit as Fates. Fates is an absolutely special kind of shit.

lol was that edited? Didn't people said 3h textures look like crap because they made the character models look better? What the hell is that abomination?


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femlyth is probably the worst female design.

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>It certainly wasn't a thing on the GBA games.
FE7 Mark is fellated without end- only reason it doesn't get over the top is because Mark is also sort of non-character and sits out on the actual important story parts, and getting the best clear score has the entire continent go to war just to claim Mark as their strategist
Outside the GBA games Ike and Alm(Echoes) both get fellated by the characters in the stories.

go away reddit. dumb comic

Only Blue Lions is well written, and that's because they were the original intended route. All the other routes were just tacked on and the game would have been better if all other routes were deleted, all the extra resources were put into BL, and Byleth were removed so that Dimitri could be made the MC.

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The only other FEs that really get praised for their plots are FE4 and FE9, the former of which is almost entirely "WHOA THE PLOT TWIST!!" and no talk about how Sigurd and Arvis are comically stupid or that the 2nd half of the game feels like a boring victory lap. FE9's praise boils down to "it's a bog standard FE story but with more SOUL" despite it being impossible to decouple from FE10 which has even more jarring writing quality than 3H and Lehran's timeline in the ~20 years or so before FE9 being nonsensical

I thought developers said Silver snow is the first route

Come on, Mark is a complete non-entity. He barely has any scenes whatsoever. I wish fucking IS lived up to their name and dropped fucking avatars altogether.

Fate's story is basically the FORBIDDEN SPELL OF ZAHAHRAS but it just keeps happening over and over and over.


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Dimitri is the traditional FE hero color, while Edelgard has the villain colors.

Yeah but The main theme song is about Edelgard and Byleth not Dimitri and Edelgard. AM is traditional FE route while SS is modern FE where avatar get more focus than the lord.

>for the first time you can play as the bad guys!
>they're completely retarded

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>can't side with Cornelia.

well then.

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>we lost the good english voice for male byleth but this bitch can stay

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He broke one of the easiest to follow rules for voice actors.

If you need me to tell you I'm going to butcher all my friends in a bloody power grab, just lmk alright?

They literally sound EXACTLY the same. I didn't even notice after updating until someone actually uploaded a video of it lmao.

His old voice is deeper and much worse

No. New voice Byleth sounds like an sissy emo teen. Not the stotic Ashen demon.

That boomer voice doesn't fit his face.

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Doing Maddening for my 1st playthrough, any tips?

Its Fateslandia

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>not Noloreia

This. Faggots dont play fire emblem for a cognitive plot faggots play it for their waifus. 3 houses just cut the contrite bullshit and made you a professor in a high school.

It's not a real thread until someone posts that twitter screenshot of a edeltard speaking that people are too dumb to understand and also shilling their gay fanfiction

Not gonna lie, I'd betray fucking anybody just to get to those puppies.

how? Don't you have to beat it first before it lets you pick maddening? Do you mean you're starting a fresh save file?

>No. New voice Byleth sounds like an sissy emo teen. Not the stotic Ashen demon.

there's no way you actually believe this. THEY SOUND COMPLETELY IDENTICAL. generic, boring, guy voice.

goddamn, and here we make fun of audiophiles. you dubfaggots are no different.

No they don't. One sounds a LOT younger.