ITT: Games only you played

ITT: Games only you played.

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Worst part is that I really enjoyed it

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But I played the hell out of it and despite its flaws and clunkyness I really enjoyed it.
The bosses posed an actual challenge which was the opposite from its handheld counterparts

Literally everyone who gave a shit about castlevania played this when it came out

Is it actually a fun game?

The game would be better if it wasn't so baren and empty. The game came out in late 2005 and it looks like a Dreamcast game most of the time.

Yes and no. Do you enjoy the combat and customization aspects of Castlevania? This has it in spades, with crafting, evoving familiars, combos and a crazy amount of weapon types.
Do you enjoy the exploration and platformating aspects of Castlevania? Dracula's Castle is literally all corridors and circular rooms for you to fight. It's really shit.

If 3d action adventure games with platforming and rpg elements are your thing and you're willing to overlook some flaws here and there then it's definitively worth a try

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besides running around in corridors for what seem ages the gameplay is pretty fun and collecting and evolving your IDs is very cool, you should definitely give it a go.
Also it has one of the best soundtracks among all Castlevania titles

If you liked Lament of Innocence it's likely you'll enjoy CoD too

Lament of innocence is better

Nah m8, cod is ages better than loi

It’s probably a top 5

Looks like a game for homosexuals.

I enjoyed them both but I don't see your point here.
Lament of Innocence's sthick is making full use of the 3D environments in an action/platformer hybrid. Every two rooms seems to contain a cool gimmick that makes usage of 3D in a way 2D Castlevania couldn't, with a good emphasis on exploration and secrets. On the other hand, combat is kinda repetitive and customization is almost nonexistant.
Curse of Darkness is the opposite, it's almost entirely combat-driven with customization options up the wazoo, but the exploration is atrocious, with the most interesting exploration gimmick being sitting on fucking chairs.

Does this game have a Belmont mode?

>Curse of Darkness is the opposite
>but the exploration is atrocious
The exploration in Lament is fucking terrible because it has zero variation. I've played a fuckton of videogames and to this day Lament has the worst case of copypasted rooms I've ever seen in a non-procedurally generated game.

you can play as trevor


1999 castlevania game when

is this game hard?

rock hard

Like my penis

It sounds cool but I can't figure out how you could give Julius an entire army on his side and still make the game challenging. It would just end up being you alone in Dracula's castle, the same as the other games.

>there will never be a 3D version of SOTN like Curse of Darkness
it was really one of my favorites and was actually difficult despite the stat elements. Growing familiars were nice too

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Is it better than lords of shadow?
Also is the pc port of LoS worth $5?

>I think I've got that on Xbox
>oh shit, I've got that on Xbox
Guess I know what's up this weekend.

Bull-fucking-shit. Only out of the top of my head, LoI has trapped rooms with spike ceilings that you get to climb on to find secrets, rocks that get thrown at you and you have to use your placement to make them break obstacles, places where you can use your whip to find secrets, laser beams you have to keep facing to avoid being thrown off platforms, areas where you have to use huge enemies for extra reach to get a secret, dark rooms with a guiding light you have to follow through platforming sections and so forth. It has corridors full of nothing, sure, but it also has creative uses of its mechanics to lead you to secrets, even if secrets can be underwhelming compared to the Metroidvania counterparts.
Curse of Darkness has Y shaped corridors and obstacles that requires you to get a Familiar with an ability to proceed. And most of them lead to chairs, because killing monsters and/or stealing is the main way to get the stuff worth a shit in this game.

I personally enjoyed it, and it has THE best OST of the entire series that isn't limited by shitty handheld hardware limitations. If you're not gonna play it, listen to the OST.

IGA was going to make a 3D SOTN sequel but it got canned for Lords of Shadow

>Only out of the top of my head, LoI has trapped rooms with spike ceilings that you get to climb on to find secrets, rocks that get thrown at you and you have to use your placement to make them break obstacles, places where you can use your whip to find secrets, laser beams you have to keep facing to avoid being thrown off platforms, areas where you have to use huge enemies for extra reach to get a secret, dark rooms with a guiding light you have to follow through platforming sections and so forth.
Yeah, and those are the only things it has so they copypasted them over and over and over again to stretch the game. I'm not saying CoD is great, the hallways are way too long and there's too many of them, but Lament is not an improvement and it's shit too but for different reasons.

Might give this game a go one of these days. Would be a great opportunity to plug in the OG Xbox again.

>It sounds cool but I can't figure out how you could give Julius an entire army on his side and still make the game challenging. It would just end up being you alone in Dracula's castle, the same as the other games.
I think revisiting what OoE tried to do would work well. Make the first 50-75% of the game a big map of explorable ruined cities where shit's going down and Julius is trying to get people/macguffins to help against Dracula, complete with side quests and the like, then the last part of the game can be an assault on the castle where you enter with a few of the characters who have joined you throughout the game as the vanguard. The only problem is I think Konami would sooner reboot the whole series again rather than make a new game in the old canon, or just make more pachinko machines.

I’m still triggered by the fact that my little brother stepped on the power cable while I was saving and deleted the file, especially since I was literally about to fight Dracula. I also remember cheesing the shit out of certain fights by using the Phoenix devil’s suicide attack and bombing runs.

>Yeah, and those are the only things it has so they copypasted them over and over and over again to stretch the game.
No, it's not. Everything I mentioned here is from ONE of the areas of the game, the one I remember the most, but I vividly remember some water puzzle fuckery in the sewer stage and some weird platforming/puzzle hybrid in a library, but I don't care enough to look it up.
CoD does no of these things. It barely has any platforming, barely uses keys/switches and if there are any puzzles, I seriously can't remember any. The only time I remember it doing anything interesting, it was the secret tower you have to fly towards and descend, and really this only caught me off guard because I was genuinely surprised CoD decided to do use jumping in its exploration all of a sudden. Hell, it's funny you mentioned procedurally generated dungeons, because that's exactly what I thought CoD's Dracula Castle was at first.
As I said, CoD has its sthick, and it's combat. Figuring out how to steal shit to craft shit and pimp up your character with shit that actually affects combat in a meaningful way is a LOT of fun, but by God the exploration is atrocious, even by 3D action game standards.

My little brother would purposely delete my save files like a retard. I probably beat KH2 over a dozen times because of that faggot and had to replay countless Pokemon games.

>As I said, CoD has its sthick, and it's combat.
And Lament has none. I don't get why you think I'm defending CoD's level design, I just told you I think it's bad too. Replay Lament and count the amount of copypasted rooms.

I wanted to disagree with you but then I went back and took a listen. It has some forgettable stuff in there but the good shit is really really good shit

>Replay Lament and count the amount of copypasted rooms.
Copypasted rooms with gimmicks and secrets... as opposed to copypasted rooms with no gimmicks and no secrets? I don't have to count mate, because if I really would count what really matters, aka. rooms that AREN'T rooms to kill enemies with pretty window dressing, whatever number I would get out of Lament of Innocence would still beat zero.

Back in the day, before the Steam port.

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LoS is NOT a castlevania

I like LoS games but AoS and Bloodlines are my forever favorites

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So that's a no then?

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe!

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Nanobreaker is like a test run of CoD's combat system

>new castlevania game
>proper 3D but with good exploration, challenging combat, and all the RPG/customization options from curse of darkness and more
>written/directed by the team making the netflix castlevania and it counts as canon to the main series
Do you press the button, Yas Forums?

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came to post this. loved it as a kid, not sure how it would hold up today.

Instead i'll post pic related. Only game I've beat in one sitting

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I had a demo disc that had this on it. Never played the full game though

what the fuck was his problem

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recently picked it up on a whim while at a retro game store along with ninja gaiden and dead to rights, not bad but it clearly needed more depth and tighter controls

>new castlevania game set during the Demon Castle Wars
>proper 3D but with good exploration, challenging combat, and all the RPG/customization options from curse of darkness and more
>written/directed by the team making the netflix castlevania and it counts as canon to the main series
fixed, now time to go to sleep and have nightmares about this dystopian future

That sounds like my type of game then holy shit. I didnt even give a shit before but you shilled it to me perfectly.
Enjoy your $0.50, you deserve it.


I played this for the first time late last year and loved it. Very addicting. It stomps all over Lament of Innocence.

>Alucard returns to get his colon blown out

Not really.

He was the original edgelord.

No, absolutely not.

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no this no buy

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>fuck you hector stop showin evryone my fuckin deviantart you pile of secrets

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Can't imagine more than a few thousand people played this. Sequel to Legend of Legaia on PS1, but without a budget and literal mspaint menus. Bargain bin within a month. Pretty decent, all things considered. The side content is a highlight.

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Not so much. It's not awful, but there are plenty of better action-adventure games out there on the PS2.

Ive played the original a handful of times but had absolutely no clue this existed