It's time to talk about City of Heroes again, because fuck it, why not? Last thread was fucking great. Last thread: WHACCHA
City of Heroes
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Behold, Testiclese, champion of dick kicks. No motherfucker is safe. 1.5x experience rate with double-experience event going has done me wonders - got me from 1 to 30 in a few hours.
contemplating how tough its going to get all my incarnate shit back after switching to TS
Well the experience rate is pretty good right now, and people are generally pretty willing to help out with doing important content like that, in my experience. One of them wouldn't stop hounding me to let them help me unlock my Alpha slot, which was funny and pleasant.
Is street justice+willpower scrapper good?
remaking all my characters on /coxg/
>tfw some of the names are taken now.
>tfw I made my character on every non-homecoming server just in case any of them blew up
the name wasn't super creative but I still liked it. The character is a guy who's body is getting corrupted by a magical ice artifact and his name is Frostbite. Tryin to think up a new name.
is that a..............
what server should I play on
Anything but torchbearer unless you want to get banned for telling people to stop bothering you.
Play on Thunderspy or YOURE A NERD
Rebirth if you want to play City of Heroes.
Homecoming if you want City of Heroes:Zoomer Easy-Mode Edition
COXG if you want to be overpowered.
Sanctuary if you want a fun server.
weird false flag
Sorry for the late reply. Aye, that's me. Thanks, chief. I still remember roleplaying with myself through my minions on Bree and the initial Homecoming launch. Shit was fun. Feels so damn good to be able to finally have my gang as intended, even if the names aren't exactly as I'd like them to be.
Goddamnit, I'm retarded. Oh well.
A few of the oldest threads I could get a hold of, sadly. Time to start archiving.
Wish we had the first threads
Yeah, Willpower got buffed a bit. It's nice.
>Tfw had to take Fiorida Man because Florida Man was taken
How is being overpowered and zoomer easymode edition any different?
I still kind of prefer home coming because the roleplayers have their own server
>I still kind of prefer home coming because the roleplayers have their own server
youre VERY out of the loop lol
>leo and cypher claim theyre in a critically important stage in their talks with ncsoft and to please please PLEASE just give them 48 hours before opening up a server because otherwise it might torpedo any chance at a legit license
>homecoming comes up 24 hours later
>being first, HC takes 98% of the population
>homecoming bitches at thunderspy for taking donations, saying it's legally risky and will get everyone shut down
>homecoming asks for donations less than 48 hours later
>leo is a fucking idiot and never got virtualization working so every database is on it's own separate server hardware like its fucking 2002
>game casualized to shit so people just sit and farm AE all day
>AE sucks down ram like your mother sucks down loads from black dudes she meets at the airport
>600gb of ram used even off-peak
>HC subsequently costs THOUSANDS monthly for colocation
>HC players are just happy to have the game back so they gleefully fork over tens of thousands of dollars over a year
>surprise surprise, Cypher is an asshole
>pushes tonyv out of a project he's been working on for nearly 15 years
>pushes leo out of HC so he has to go crawling back hat in hand to SCORE (which was being funded as "legal fees" by HC)
>puts up an unenforcable TOS that was literally plagiarized from lineage 2
>starts cracking down on any RP that's raunchier than PG, makes an SG base remodel
>outright bans streaming and youtube content
>that was the straw that broke the zoomers back
>streamers leave in droves
>come to thunderspy despite some protestations bevause le ebil 4cham server
>everybody has a great time because surprise surprise, it's actually awesome
>TS population skyrockets
i said RPers, not eRPers.
the game just isn't the same playing with people who break character to grind harder.
Man the energy of those threads was fucking MANIC. Like a thousand people packed into a room? Every single one of them screaming, freaking the fuck out at what's going on, trying to figure out what the fuck to do. It was insanity, I got like NOTHING done at work for like nearly the entire month.
okay bootlicker, dismiss everything as erp lol
Mercenaries, you say..?
Literally wrong. COXG/Thunderspy is where you go to have fun and not be bogged down by shitty sets and asinine developer decisions like the AoE Hold nerf or mastermind support power costs being often double or triple a corr controller or defender's. It isn't a 'fun server' in any capacity.
Thunderspy runs itrials every saturday evening. It'll be very easy to get incarnate'd out again, and far less boring than an AE treadmill.
its based, you'll have fun for sure.
500% the truth
>puts up an unenforcable TOS that was literally plagiarized from lineage 2
Holy shit that's pathetic.
Homecoming and SCORE are the most pathetic bunch you'll ever meet. If you see anyone shitting on Thunderspy, it's those faggots every time. They literally have their own gayops team and hackers trying to fuck up Thunderspy, and the attempts get more frequent whenever we release new content. lil ciphie must be so angry
Oh i forgot
>poached devs from defunct teams
>made them sign unenforceable NDAs so they couldnt tell anyone about the work they're doing on a pirated game server
Cipher's current plan seems to just be "pretend we're doing legit shit and no one will question our legitimacy."
They're still apprently in talks with NCsoft by the way.
Talks to presumably get permission to run a free server.
IE, permission to run a free server for a video game thats running off of code that was physically stolen.
IE, code that was physically stolen FROM NCSOFT.
>Thunderspy server gets an update
>Downvotes on lebbit galore
>Homecoming reposts a beta server update of one line changed from last week
>Gets lebbit gold and infinite praise
>Same for when someone posts something negative in any non-Homecoming thread
It's genuinely hilarious how desperate they are.
One of the people who were in the original threads when this shit came back,how are things? Thinkin ima go play Douk again
Shit's fucking great. Server's had a few hiccups on the past few days but we've got LOADS of newfriends that all seem really fucking cool. A few people have been disappointed that there's some shit missing from HC, but all of our new neat shit more than compenstates.
Are Mercenaries the only ones who can customize their minions?
Funnily enough people are making topics and posting content from thunderspy over there and it's NOT getting brigaded with downboats. Even some of the bigger HC shills over there have been defending us and criticizing HC. Its weird to see frankly.
General Plastro! You're not getting away this time!
Everyone can, but the animations and effects are janky on anything non-humanoid. So thugs, mercs, ninjas, and most of the zombies work fine, but the t1 zombie, bots, beasts, and demons are weird. Fixes are in the works though, and eventually itll be replaced with a whole new system that's way easier to manage.
Why does that work so fucking well?
Please, please tell me theyre minimum scale.
Sure is
Are there any villian chads now?
Back then there werent many of us
The greenskin trend is working to bring life to it and one of the streamers who moved from HC is starting a supergroup redside as well.
Its like 2 to 1 blue to red, but still a sizable portion.
The sheer levels of "Wait what the fuck is this" were downright euphoric. The panic for the source code, the threats against life and limb, people actually destroying servers in fear, the sheer joy when the code finally got leaked and everyone grabbed a copy, desperate to archive it before the link was destroyed.
That's not even going into the Ace attorney styled drama that was going on with the admin fallout from the secret server being leaked.
How do you explain this to someone who wasn't there? How can you capture the sheer manic energy that comes from finding a MMO's holy grail hidden in the closet of some spergining fucklord that only got revealed because one man with no fucks to give got tired of his shit?
God I feel like Vimes talking about the Glorious Revolution, you had to have been there to understand, and god help me it was something to behold.
It's fuck o' clock at night and there's 16 on right now
FOOLISH GREEN PLASTIC! Your melted body will make a fine dining table for my palace once I take over your pathetic Paragon City. NONE of your heroes can stop me!
>How do you explain this to someone who wasn't there?
A wannabe supervillian kept a game about being a superhero for himself for nearly a decade
zoomer easy mode edition=overpowered+fun server lite
overpowered=powers balance is a mess that overwhelmingly favors the player vs the game
And he was thwarted by a nerd telling everybody about his goddamn clubhouse.
That shit was a fucking ride and a half.
>Thunderspy is were you make every AT overpowered IF there happens to be a dev that cares about that specific AT
No wonder MMs and Dominators/Controllers are broken atm.
>If you see anyone shitting on Thunderspy
You do know that people that play in COXG don't have to like every single crap that Deverger/Zeus/Gor throw out, right?
Why are you trying this hard? Please stop. It's embarrassing.
Less than there were when the server first opened.
Go back to playing your Mary Sue Illusion/TK dom Meka.
why does all this shit sounds like shilling?
>remember the xbox dev kit?
>now imagine that, over the course of a months worth of threads, THOUSANDS of people managed to come together to wrest it out of the reluctant hands of that one idiot and get it back up and running properly.
I think this is the ONE example of this kind of thing where there's actually a happy conclusion.
lmao the homocuck reveals himself
Because this while thread is shilling for their shitty server. They are apparently proud they finally have more than 2-3 players on average without an event playing.
>t. homocuck
>happy conclusion
>fractured community
>Ouro dying
>HC exising
t. Cipher
It's a good feeling, you might have one yourself some day.
>oh fuck another cox thread?
>better start counter-shilling before mommy hears me seething again and sends Treyquan in with the punishment lube! That stuff BURNS MY HEINEY
>criticize HC=BASED
>criticize HC and CoXG=KEK
The price of being honest.
I can't help but notice you've yet to mention a positive of your server of choice.
>Remaking them and finding out some key items to the costume are missing from that server
I have, just by having the option to choose from over 5 shards that each has more players than CoXG will ever have.
It's alive and in the hands of the public. Better a possible better future than a certain death.
>make sure to mildly diss HC while fully dissing CoXG
only thing honest about you is your stupidity falseflagger-sama