Doombros we lost, Metroid Prime is the face of FPS games

Doombros we lost, Metroid Prime is the face of FPS games

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Serious Sam bros, where you at?

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Doom is the best fps there because metroid prime is not an fps. Metroid prime series is the best series though. Also lol @ no halo listed.

> Iconic 3 decade Franchise everyone has heard of before
> Is the most popular
Why was anyone surprised by this?


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>Halo not even on the list

How far they've fallen...

>post on the literal Nintengaf site
>wonder why a Nintenbro game gets picked
Ask any normie what an FPS game is and they will say "what, that Halo guy?"

Halo 2 alone sold more than every Metroid Prime game ever made, same with Half Life shit. It's THE face of FPS games whether Yas Forums likes it or not.

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Find another website that can get 73,000 viewers for a video game poll

Are you seriously implying that Metroid is a more recognizable franchise than Halo among the masses? If so, neck yourself

> Halofag crying about irrelevant garbage like Sales
Sales dictate how many people played it
Acclaim dictates how many people who played it ended up liking it

> Halocucks seething this badly
Pathetic. Doom chads were right

Find me any of those games that sold more than Halo 3 (8.3 million)


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>had to rig the poll by not even putting Halo on the list

Shit man, I haven't even played any of the games, and even I admit Halo would have steamrolled this poll.

Yes, because it's not 2007 anymore. Who still gives a shit about Halo?


I've played a shit load of FPS but I don't even know what that Metroid looks like. How is it possible?

Halo sucks. Only liked Combat Evolved. I don't like Doom eithe. Half Life is my favoirte of the bunch.

But you're absolutely delusional if you think any of those games come close to being as recognized as Halo or Master Chief. Sales confirm this.

And a poll on some literal who website is the be all end all confirmation? Lmao at your life senpai. Metroid games sell like shit, it's an irrelevant franchise. That's why Nintendo don't even watse their time on it. LOL

>no system shock
>not even a bioshock

> Still crying about sales

>saying this in argument of Metroid
Daily reminder that Halo 5 sold more than every Metroid game (6.6 million). In fact, Halo 5 alone sold more than all the FPS Metroid games combined.

Seethe and cope

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what about halflife then?

> Salefag autist at it again
Get a tripcode, holy fuck

>arguing about the face of a genre
>not using sales
Kek, seethe

>Question is literally about “What is your favorite”
> Thinks irrelevant garbage like sales has any impact on what people like & take into consideration when asked about favorites

Metroid is literally irrelevant outside of mutt-land, same as Halo. Half Life and unfortunately COD are the faces of FPS.

Actually, OP is asking about the face of the FPS genre

Is this Metroid some kind of console game? Who the fuck plays a genre made more mouse+kb on a console?

Ameriburger detected, halo is unknown in most of the world. Metroid is worldwide if not only for smash

Nintendo is the most famous company in the world, you are retarded if you think anything that's been associated with them for 30 years isn't instantly recognizable at this point, Sales literally have not & will never mean anything to anyone the average person has absolutely no knowledge of sales of anything. They simply know the brand of the company who makes said games

Wtf is smash? Some console thing again?

If there is a Nintendo property in any list you can guarantee it is going to at least be top 3, doesnt matter what game or genre it is.


oh i don't really give a fuck about the poll, I guess it's cool too

2020...I am forgotten

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Halo on PC is peak irrelevancy, don't even bother trying to bring up that card

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>Nintendo is the most famous company in the world,

>putting a FPA on a list of FPS

They are at least very good games

This poll is from 2007

that's just nintendumbasses overwhelming the votes

Metroid is my favorite franchise of all time but I barely consider the prime games FPS.

>Hey what's the best [Genre] game
>[Watered down Nintendo variant fans of [Genre] have never played]
erry time

COPE more

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You said "company" period, never specified games company.

Microsoft is more popular than anything Nintendo has ever produced in their OS alone

where's fortnite, apex legends, and call of duty advanced wars?

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what the fuck is anpanman

They haven't hit anywhere near that close in years user. Yesterday's poll only hit 11,000

it's from 2007

Yeah I know. I'm just saying Gamefaqs poll numbers are waaaaay down since then

why would you start a thread with a poll from 2007 and act like it's current

it's called bait


>metroid prime

Holy shit the absolute delusion

So which rallied game is gonna topple Breath of the Wild in their decade contest?

I've never met anyone who has played metroid. It's not even a franchise anyone ever talks about outside of muttican majority websites like this one. It hasn't been relevant for decades either.

I'm not the OP

This poll was about scifi fps. The most popular fps by far is counter strike. Probably the most popular online game in general. CS1.6 that is.

>Half Life
lmao, you're going to say metroid is irrelevant then say HL is the face of FPS? fuck off

>”all-time favorite”
>sold less than 3M copies

lel, what a ‘successful’ game

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that's how you know it's an all time favorite, despite selling far less it's far more revered

by the handful that played it, the rest doesn’t care

gamefaqs was the biggest gaming site in 2007 and this poll was on the front page, you're starting to cope

it's gameFAQs, they will vote for FF and Nintendo every fucking time no matter what

Nothing, BOTW has the easiest bracket it faces no popular game until the finals.
> R1 vs Outer Worlds
> R2 vs Halo Reach
> R3 vs Final Fantasy XV
> R4 vs Walking Dead
> R5 vs Mass Effect 2
> R6 vs Smash Ultimate
The only competition for a rally is Nier: Automata, but that's only if it manages to get past Skyrim, Dark Souls & Pokemon HG/SS in it's own bracket